Hillary Clinton: The facts don’t support that assessment

Former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton tells CNN's Fareed Zakaria how the Trump and Obama administrations differ in managing the spread of disease outbreaks.

#CNN #News


    1. @Jester Avrgjoe Jesus Christ. Trump has not done any better for the economy than any Democrat did and they did not turn our allies against us, other countries didn’t make fun of our president, and white supremacy wasn’t at an all time high. I would take a decline in the economy over the hate I see every day. But I guess that’s having morals and values.

    2. @mike swiental Where’s that info coming from? Breitbart? Last I heard he was ranked worst president ever.

    3. @BradLee Jones I laugh out loud every time I read one of you morons say that. I live in Ca and that’s not actually happening. But sure, listen to racist Hannity.

  1. No surprise there. If there’s anything we’ve learned about Don Fatti Dotardi, it’s that there’s always more corruption, collusion, criminality and more to come. There is no reaching the bottom of this barrel.

    1. @Rob C yes. All of the above. You know the numbers. Let’s not pretend. Compare Trump’s #’s to the last 6 Presidents. *TRUMP 2020.* Live with it.

  2. I agree shouldn’t point fingers or make political. Support the medical community to fight coronavirus.

    1. @unaffiliated taylor You make absolutely no sense. Are you talking about wars? Trump is trying to de-escalate everywhere. Noone says he will always succeed, but at least he is trying. And he has been more successful than any democrat would ever be. Democrats *_looooove_* wars. For some reason.

    2. ​@Chuck Schumer is a true fascist. We can talk about war crimes trump if you want . We an talk about how they arm and PAY and TRAIN and ARM terrorists who rape children before they behead them. Those same terrorist murder our troops. You want to claim that supporting and being the Nazi or even a MS 13 is a good thing. Trump joined the gang that uses gov to steal gov and that is a coup and treason . I will also point out that dem/rep same party and I can give you TRILLIONS of examples of that fact. Those same trillions steal American freedom from children not even born

  3. The SARS epidemic happened in 2003 and was completely over by May 2004. At 1:33 Hillary Clinton claims she was Secretary of State during the SARS epidemic. A five-year gap between fact and fiction.

    1. @Jason She says “the SARS epidemic, which happened in the very beginning of the Obama administration…” Either she’s losing her marbles like Joe Biden or she’s a liar. Maybe both of these things.

  4. All the foreign countries are using tests by The World Health Organization!!! The US refuses to use them…wtf?!!! Why???

    1. @taino20 all the corrupt system that were put in place and how she weaponize some institutions

    2. @efs 1066 CDC books ARE AMAZING. That is the one thing I know of. Handbooks on math, and other…

    1. @Vince Baleto and I created it, best virus, oabama tried to create it, could not do it.

    2. @Vince Baleto Well, he surely has infected the “minds” of democrats. TDS is an actual mental disease.

  5. Normal coherent sentences, on a government level. God bless amen. 🇺🇸

    1. J K So I see you fall for rightwing propaganda because you’re too dumb to think for yourself. Yeah Bernie Sanders is a millionaire socialist but he doesn’t love Fidel Castro you moron. Never once has he said he has liked or loved him you’re just spreading rightwing propaganda because you’re an idiot.

    2. justinbam KAG 2020 you are so stupid! That old disingenuous notion is so tired. Stop with your talking points that you’ve heard in your echo chamber.I have a full-time job with great benefits and have my own house. You’re the idiot he’s probably on Social Security with you cry about socialism. Idiot

  6. “The Chinese bought us a month of time to prepare ourselves by imposing these astonishing and draconian measures,” said J. Stephen Morrison, senior vice president at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, which last year issued a report that identified flaws in the nation’s health security. “Unfortunately, we didn’t make good use of that time and now we’re heading into a very dangerous situation.”
    Trump administration ignored and went against the advice of  CDC top medical experts, brought infected patients back to the U.S. from Wuhan, China on the same plane as uninfected evacuees. 
    U.S. workers WITHOUT protective gear assisted coronavirus evacuees, HHS whistleblower report states.  Workers received Wuhan evacuees at two military bases in California without proper training or appropriate protective gear, alongside CDC in full hazmat attire.  Whistleblower claims they were potentially exposed to COVID-19.

    1. @Heather Mimi Wahlquist you mean help you, I have the facts that’s why I asked the question 😁 I’m just curious who else has done some research? How many times until it’s mathematically impossible?

  7. An educated , well spoken adult…
    Wow…a train of coherent thought…
    What twilight zone episode is this…?

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