The Delta variant is one of the most contagious respiratory illnesses. Find out why it’s easily transmissible. RELATED:
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has had a busy week.
Only a few days after announcing updated mask guidelines, the agency on Friday released new scientific data on the delta variant that gives a snapshot of how the highly contagious strain triggered a wave of coronavirus cases.
The much-anticipated report comes a day after a presentation compiled by a doctor with the agency was leaked to the media and detailed the dangers of the delta variant and how mask-wearing is essential to bring it under control.
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How does “the disease” affect the vaccine’s efficacy?
Because if the virus mutates, either naturally or through professional engineering – DNA changes, so you’re not dealing with the same virus even though it might have the same name and that’s when you need to pay close attention when you hear about a “variant”, if it varies too much DNA- wise, from the existing virus , the current vaccines will be obsolete in protecting against the new strain. that we may be facing.
So on the one hand, strictly controlled gain of function research, to isolate a new vaccine against a new strain being isolated & in seen in small numbers now, may be necessary before we start seeing a plethora of this new strain infecting people.
Fake news 101
She probably brought some phifzer stocks
She said nothing.
Joke of the year
This means the Delta variant will be the deadliest version…
I think I’ll test my antibodies vs that… If i get A-symatic results… I’M NOT GETTING NO COVID SHOT
Are you serious? These trash PCR tests cannot distinguish what “variant” these cases are.
It vaccine stocks going up. Yes me too nooo for me. People should know our immune system is designed to protect us from virus/bacteria on it own. Whether virus injected or by someone our bodies is builded to work both ways.
Natural immunity
*Keep your immune system health especially when sick vitamin c/ d fruits, berries, water trust me it worked for me last when I got covid by someone and I’m still walking around
@O’boogie Lou already had COVID and neither of the billionaire owners have taken the vaccine… Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Jeff Bezos and many others… Neither has former President Trump… I ain’t stupid… Ive had COVID and they’ve yet to detect what is what… If these deaths don’t double or triple in the next 3 months… You have my answer.. . 580k deaths in the 1st 3 variants… It better be record accounts… Im a veteran… 500k deaths by way of a virus from China and we aren’t at war or preparing for it vs them…. Something ain’t sitting right with me on that… Saddam Hussein killed NO Americans and was executed, Osama bin Laden was the orchestrator of the 9/11 events… He was executed… Trump bombed an Iranian General… For Pakistan attacks vs America’s troops…
What don’t sound right about this… Everything…
We get it, we’re all going to die unless we comply and do what the government tells us to do and don’t question authority.
Sounds bout right
The foundation of science is based on effort = both failures and successes. So, this is far from over. I would say it’s just beginning. Hold on and enjoy the ride.
Yes, if you’re disconnected like Nancy Pelosi clearly is, from the majority of rank and file Americans your financially well off to where “lockdowns” are like a cozy- little- hibernation peroid- where you can tell people worldwide, about your $25 a quart ice cream that you’ve got stored in your $5,000, refrigerator / freezers within your luxurious kitchen and inside your San Francisco mansion in Saint Francis woods, and several miles away from 6th and Howard Streets.
Avoid Endyans or anything from Endya. It’s the origin of the delta variant and they may contain it.
But having open borders, with Central and South America is just fine?
The message: “Vaccinated people mask up so the unvaccinated don’t die” or I should put a diaper on my dog so the cat doesn’t pee on the carpet? This is getting more absurd by the minute.
I like this.
99.8 % of Americans dying from coronavirus are unvaccinated people. You would think people could figure out by now how important it is to be vaccinated but some people have to learn the hardest way.
Interesting when most of the people in the hospitals are vaccinated and now CDC says it’s the vaccinated that are supposedly spreading it. If you are still buying in to this charade then you have lost the ability to think critically.
Guess you got it from Fauchi
@O’boogie Lou yep that’s why vaccinated people were told from beginning mask on bc they’re infected too by the virus injection in arm.
Keep believing Fauchi

No Putin.
@O’boogie Lou brother. 99.8 % who are dying from this plague are unvaccinated . If you dont believe it , I have some oceanfront condos in Oklahoma for you .
You do not need to get the chickenpox vaccine if you have immunity against the disease, if you had chicken pox b4 age 13.
Her concern is, not getting a hold on the number of cases right now might create more variants and we do not have a vaccine for them.
I got two shots of the genetic material and I’m not protected for the Delta variant?