1. Okay, being a minor aside, the larger point is Yunkin personally attacked the people he is supposed to represent and protect. Instead of engaging in a meaningful debate with the high school student, he and his campaign personally attacked this kid. When this kid never personally attacked Yunkin. It says a lot about a person / organization when they can’t make a meaningful argument and just attack their people.

    1. @Len Thomas
      Your hypothetical scenario is not a good one. Let’s look at the actual events. This young man posted something in an attempt to portray the Current Governor of being a racist. The response indicated that this same young man had no problems supporting the prior Governor in spite of more evidence that he was racist. Just in these comments many have called me a racist because this is the “go to” attack of anyone the left disagrees with.

    2. @Len Thomas
      I believe you are mistaken about Nicholas Sandman as well. CNN did not report because they actually believed Nicholas was guilty of anything. They portrayed him the way they did because Nicholas was wearing a Trump hat. The executives at CNN had access to the uncut video and they edited it to influence you. This is why they had to wright a very large check to Nicholas. Portraying Republicans as racist is not an accident or a misunderstanding, it’s intentional and it’s done to keep you from listening to people with different views then CNN deems acceptable.

    3. @Michael Albert Here is the thing, Albert. I wasn’t influenced. Because I am not overly emotional. When someone is accused of something I look to the person who is accused for the the truth. Nick didn’t attack CNN calling them fake and moved on. He took the interviews and answered the questions and then he sued. Why are young people so much more intelligent than the politicians and the people who let them off the hook. The media gets it wrong sometimes. That nothing new there. Your attacks only seem to be aim at left leaning news. Tucker Carlson lied on a woman and defended himself by saying he can’t be trusted. The judge agree. However the courts held CNN at a higher standard as they should. I agree with the judge who held the opinion no reasonable person would believe Tucker.

    4. @Len Thomas
      Your “thing” is out of whack. Just because CNN did not share with you the many interviews he gave explaining what the truth was that day, doesn’t mean it never happened. If a tree falls in the woods and CNN doesn’t report it, did the tree ever really exist?
      The answer is yes, both the tree as well as Nicholas’s response was clear that the way CNN, Joe Biden and many others portrayed him was false.

    1. @Gary Rumain At least you knew when Trump tweeted, the grammar was appalling and they made little sense.

    2. It is how those vile, un-American, seditious filthy republican pukes roll. They need to be eliminated NOW! At all cost.

  2. Youngkin checks with his team: “Look, team, make sure the people you slander and drag through the mud for political reasons are over 18.”

    1. @Let’s Go Brandon <--- Russian or GOP Paid Troll posting lies from his/her brand new account started on Jan 12, 2022

    1. @Bo Em
      Yeah way better than the Brandons… can you imagine failing so hard as a parent that you end up with a full grown Hunter ?

    1. @Daniel ForgeDragon Land what did that team do? Also I do agree we need to start over and all the career politics needs to die off.
      Also political funding needs to be simple and transparent. Most people aren’t aware of who funds most media outlets in this country.
      Maybe if they couldn’t lie about it and it was transparent maybe people would better see the motive of what’s happening

    2. @Mr flimflam fremdippity danyet there is a big difference between cnn and fox . Fox tv brought us to where we are right now. Hating and suspecting each other for no apparent reason whatsoever.

    3. @Mr flimflam fremdippity danyet the team attacked a child on Twitter. That’s just lame, and shows a lack of control of his team. I’m not saying he did it himself, just do better, or don’t take the job. And you nailed it. Look up Fairness Doctrine, it needs updates but it’s a fair start to fix media.

    1. Quit your whining liberals. Go home and educate yourselves first. That’ll keep you busy for multiple life times.

    2. @Greg Ireland Nobody’s killing babies. Well, except republican policies that help babies starve to death.

      Blackface and klan outfits don’t bother most of us. Those are just neon signs indicating someone to keep an eye on.

      Have anything else you want cleared up?

  3. “We need to be united, but also, look into your children’s school work, harass the teachers over curriculums created years before they worked in education. Acknowledging slavery happened? Call this number!!”

    1. You have the Nazi group, Mom’s of liberty taking over the school system, forbidding books that depict the truth, these racist mom’s are a danger & have no business in the school system, they pretend to be the victim of racism while taking the rights of black people away, these liberty skanks spread nothing but hate, this is not the teachers fault, it’s the cowardly right who threaten them, they were doing fine teaching freedom.

  4. The governor’s 17 years old son tried to vote twice and did nothing about it. It was against the law. But instead attacks someone else’s son? True Trump attitude

    1. @John David Wolf “Hunter’s laptop is a nothingBurger, Glen’s son broke the law in a manor that if he were a black woman in Texas would have landed him with a 6 year sentence.”
      EXACTLY ! ! … so deserves to be repeated !

    2. @Jason Wright Oh, just shut up. You’re just as much a troll as I am.
      Moreover, I am not running for office, so whatever I do doesn’t matter. Just like Hunter Biden.

    3. @Jason M She got permission to vote because she’s a felon with a history of tampering with evidence and forgery. She illegally registered to vote.
      She, that’s the thing. You’re side cries about ‘voting rights’ but there is not a single person in the US that should be able to vote who does not have the right.
      This woman is a multiple felon and a communist Marxist BLM supporter. She tried to vote illegally and got caught.

  5. Why do people have to attack each other on twitter? It’s extremely childish behavior!
    Adults should know better!

    1. @E Major heheheh look at Mr. America while working to destroy everything it stands for. Who’s the traitor?

  6. Insanity for governor to go after a child, student in school.
    Shameful for an adult and grown man, a political leader no less.

    1. Funny how you all are disregarding the black face and focusing on the kid being 17. Why are you babying them? And you want kids under 18 to vote I bet.

    2. @Michael Hernandez We let people 16 and up for UK wide and 14 and up for local elections in Scotland vote and I think that’s a good thing. What is wrong with encouraging the youth to be involved in politics? They live in the country too, politics affects them as well.

    1. @Editor  I agree.. Democrats wearing blackface and then crying about racism is….childish.. and embarrassing.

  7. Bringing people together by being scared of history and reality…k.
    Germany became great again by accepting history, learning from it and changing the future.

  8. Proud of this young man for speaking out and very well spoken, I’m sure his parents are proud of him as I am.

    1. @Dylan Johnson Fukboys for Younkkin only speak in emojis, brains are too smooth for intelligent discourse.

  9. This young man speaks with fortitude of conviction, moral clarity and persuasiveness grounded in wisdom that are completely absent from adult politicians.

  10. Wow! Outstanding interview. The young man has a lot going for him. His parents should be proud of him as well as his friends…

  11. For being only 17 years old, this young man seems very articulate.
    Seeing such a young person calling out a politician over this republican led nonsense gives me hope that our democracy still has a future.

  12. The fact that they used the power of the Governor’s office to go after a high school student is shameful. If he cannot restrain himself, or his staff, not to fight with minors, who will they attack next? Babies, the disabled? It is truly sad, the depths to which politics has sunk these days.

    1. Totally agree. It kind of blindsided me that this country has so much hate in it. Very sobering as well as depressing. Please just be kind to one another. More in person interaction is needed. If two people meet in person, there is no way they would spew the vitriol that two random people meeting on line will.

    2. @R C disagree with your incredibly vague statement. Dem voters just aren’t inspired by weak corporate democrats. That’s why they lost.

    3. @R C sure. They realize dem politicians don’t represent them so they stay at home. It’s insulting of dem establishment types to take voters for granted simply because Republicans suck worse than they do.

      You’re also ignoring the many independent voters who have even less loyalty to the dem party.

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