High school cheerleader suspended for explicit Snapchat speaks out

A high school cheerleader who didn't make varsity used four-letter words on Snapchat and was punished by the school. Now the Supreme Court could hear her case, deciding free speech issues relating to students' speech outside school. #CNN #News


  1. The school can control conduct on school grounds, but off grounds, the parents are fully liable to the village she lives in. 👍

    1. @Gary Hotchkiss She agreed to an agreement. She gave her word, Do they want to teach this girl she can do whatever she wants with no consequences> If she didn t want to follow the rules she shouldn t have joined the team. Natural consequences you break the rules your off the team. At least for the rest of the year. Then she can apply again to be o the team. Maybe she will have learnt something.

    2. @Merica Madman Dude, you don’t know what you’re saying in any of your posts. Please stop using your free speech to make the people in this thread stupider. We are already dealing with southerners here, come on.

  2. It’s good she vented her frustration on social media instead of spraying everyone at school with an ak.

    1. The ak thing does work tho it’s just unfortunately you end up not being able to see it because most die in the process

    1. When my 2 sons were in school there were times I was thinking, “what the f!” Youngest graduated in 2016, so it wasn’t that long ago for me.
      Let this student talk about her frustrations – it’s healthy & honestly, it’s just words.

    1. You can say F your team then come back like everything is cool she should have been kicked off the team. But only got suspended but this will open up Pandora box now high school/ college kids aka football players will now say you can’t tell me what to do outside of school even though it makes the school(Alabama) look bad

    2. @Dreyton Strickland it was offensive to others that is why she was booted from the squad.
      You can’t go around in this world running your mouth at people with profanity thinking it is o.k.

    1. @Terra Quest RC Really? I don’t condone adultery but what right does a boss have to pass judgment on what you do in your private life? The Handmaid’s Tale’s right-wing Christian society is not far off and that scares me.

    2. @Marc John Rules, John, Rules. It is what separates us from the animals.. anyway, it came down to a fraternization violation, the company and the client (Army). One married, the single is a soldier. Uniform Code of Military Justice forbids adultery without specifying which party has to be married. Preemptive strike by the company to prevent issues with the Army.

    3. @Terra Quest RC Yep. One of my drill sergeants was reprimanded for cheating. Both him and the woman were married.

  3. Meanwhile YouTube “influencers” are openly violating COVID restrictions, not isolating, not wearing masks, traveling, broadcasting that behavior for millions of impressionable kids to see and they’re being PAID to do it. #america

    1. @Mr Smith You clearly think that magic is real, that “like a miracle, it will just disappear!” People like YOU are the reason we’re in a third wave. It’s people like YOU who are killing small businesses. It’s people like YOU who are causing our kids to fall further and further behind in school. And we now have a newer, angrier version already ,easier and faster spread. If people GOT Covid and DIED THE SAME DAY, you would damn well be pro-mask, but because it takes days/weeks to die, you just want everyone to go maskless and drop dead. The masks HELP. Like condoms, they’re not perfect, not 100% foolproof, but it’s SOMETHING.

      One of the few times in history that the idiocy coming out of people’s faces is ACTUALLY DEADLY. Which means that YOU are one of the people calling for open murder. “kill random citizens today! Act now, and you, too, could be watching that pretty cashier, or your cranky neighbor drop dead in a matter of weeks! You’ll never have to return that lawnmower now!” Wear a damn mask so we can get back to our lives. YOU and your godsdamned carbon dioxide mixed with your frakking germs, mixed with “dOn’T mEsS WiTh mY FrEeDoMs!” are complicit in 300,000 deaths. Was it worth it? Did YOUR freedom really mean more than THEIR lives? Are you really THAT important in the world? Got a cure for cancer floating around in those brain cells? Their deaths will be on the heads of people like you for the rest of your life. Was your “freedom” worth that mom of 5 who was pregnant and never got to meet her 6th child? Whatcha gonna do with all that “freedom” you just fought for? Eat a frakking Snickers and wear a damn mask so we can ALL get back to our lives, you lucky “free” person, you!

    2. @Gimpygladiator Everything we all were prob thinking & wanted to say, said perfectly imho. Common sense, logic, integrity, compassion &/or human decency.. seem more like rare gems these days, rather than the NORM they should be!!! Idk what’s happened to people. You & this guy…. could collaborate to put out QUITE the powerful message imho. 😉 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWFd_giQpy4&t=1s Stay safe & be well. Here’s to 2021 somehow… being better for us ALL!

  4. So we’re holding teen cheerleaders to a higher standard than elected officials now. So glad i didn’t grow up in the age of social media

    1. You can say F your team then come back like everything is cool she should have been kicked off the team. But only got suspended but this will open up Pandora box now high school/ college kids aka football players will now say you can’t tell me what to do outside of school even though it makes the school(Alabama) look bad

    2. @Edwin M Since you and @SE Morgan did all this research from the almighty internet which is the best and most accurate source of information ever, why not educate the rest of us with just ONE unbiased link, ONE unbiased, logical article which proves these Biden backdoor dealings with China, Iran and Ukraine. Feel free to toss in a video or two if you have any from your piles of research.

      @Ghostfenrir and I are waiting with bated breath

    1. @Cantaloupe Virus LOL! ANTIFA is a violent fascist group of sissy boys living with mommy and Daddy and we saw Democrats looting and burning down America not Trump supporters!

    2. @Frail Bones Biden my point stands. Its a snug white jacket, and a prescription from psychiatrist that can help with your obsession.

    3. @Frail Bones Biden “Violent Fascist sissy boys”… Well, if that isn’t the most oxymoronic statement I’ve ever read. Idk about you, but aside from Brony Neo-Nazis, I’ve never seen a violent sissy.

      Also, what am I making up exactly, as I literally linked a quote of Trump admitting to walking into pageant changing rooms.

    1. You can say F your team then come back like everything is cool she should have been kicked off the team. But only got suspended but this will open up Pandora box now high school/ college kids aka football players will now say you can’t tell me what to do outside of school even though it makes the school(Alabama) look bad

    2. @Joe Kerr Sadly ur correct they usually come from a pretty bad home life and their parents most of the time don’t even care or encourage their children to be a bully I think that’s terribly sad for honestly for both of the children involved

  5. Teenagers also need to speak their mind especially in these time where even getting a counselor is Just out of reach. If the friend’s moms don’t like it all they have to do is press the block or unfriend button and go about their day. Much love sent you way.

    1. You can say F your team then come back like everything is cool she should have been kicked off the team. But only got suspended but this will open up Pandora box now high school/ college kids aka football players will now say you can’t tell me what to do outside of school even though it makes the school(Alabama) look bad

    1. Yes! I remember a little boy who was expelled for pointing his finger at another student and saying bang.

    2. Oh, get a grip on reality. When I was a kid we would have been suspended and then had our butts kicked when we got home. People respected schools and supported them. Today, the sainted children are always right, “never lie” and the teacher is always to blame. It is pathetic.

    3. We teach our children they have free speech and when they exercise it we punish them. What a fucked up system

    1. It doesn’t sound like she was suspended from school but kicked off the team which she should have been. An you can get kicked off a team for any reason it’s not a job r anything.

    2. If she were expelled or suspended for this BS, wonder where she heard that before 5 minutes of cable or some comedy act would expose her to that. Now saying f the what ever team getting her kicked off that team, no problem, it has nothing to do with school and a lot about being social, a rant either in person or over the internet directed at the team could mean you are no longer on the team.

  6. Let’s put this into perspective. The president threatens people on the Internet. This girl used a bad word that kids use in everyday life.

  7. Those in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks. Everyone swears. Love how people think: don’t tell me what to do but don’t you be doing what I think you shouldn’t be doing even if I do it myself.

  8. This comes down to bullying. Someone “cooler” that didn’t want her on the team used her mom to get her removed. It’s sad.

    1. It doesn’t sound like she was suspended from school but kicked off the team which she should have been. An you can get kicked off a team for any reason it’s not a job r anything.

  9. When teenagers are harassed more and violating their free speech over the president of the United States. Only in America is this nonsense common

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