Dissent from within the United Conservative Party has reached new heights with a call from within caucus for Premier Jason Kenney to resign.
Todd Loewen, caucus chair and MLA for the Central Peace-Notley riding in northwestern Alberta, posted an open letter to his Facebook page Wednesday night announcing his resignation from caucus and stating "we must remove the primary source of this dysfunction, Premier Jason Kenney."
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Kenney the draconian leader needs to go
@Rusty Shackleford I think he’s leaps and bounds more “benevolent” than that Rachel Notley yahoo we had before. I think Alberta’s lockdowns aren’t at strict as anywhere else in the country and we have him to thank for it.
@Walter Berniko Kenny is a leader who couldn’t even learn from his own mistakes. Another stable genius? Canadian version of Donny Trump?
What’s happening will split the vote guaranteeing the NDP get in and at this point I would vote them over anti science bible thumping UCP .
@marc st laurent
Hey how many genders are there according to “science”? I forgot
At this point, Notley is preferable to Ziocon Kenney. At least she wasn’t a total sellout (and actually from Alberta, LMAO)
Thank you sir for speaking up
F’ing Kenney needs to disappear
Kenney isn’t a king. His causus needs
to go. Their the ones pushing him to
make these stupid decisions. His vote
has more sway in the decision making
process sure, but if his entire causus
thinks one way and he thinks the other
he has to listen to them. Has to. He
can’t just go around them. if we get rid
of Kenney some liberal or ndp person
will take over and they will lock down
Alberta wwaayy worse. Everywhere
else is locking down with more strict
measures. Alberta in comparison to
the rest of the provinces is leaps and
bounds more free and open.
If all the premiers are calling for lockdowns, as well as ALL elected politicians, what do you expect to change?
@john15008 every single one
they ARE ALL open for business
@Dapper Canuck See, here’s the problem, you could have made a compelling argument but then you inserted things that just aren’t true. “ZERO OUTBREAKS” – That’s not true at all. Sweden had 50 COVID related deaths just yesterday. That said, if you were to say “Sweden stayed open, and their society is doing just fine,” I’d have been on board.
@Adam The Confused
there ARE
ZERO outbreaks in florida or texas or sweden
p.s. fifty deaths IS nothing
how many swedes die EVERY day?
they have around 15 000 deaths ALLEGEDLY from covid
canada? 25 000
p.s.? CANADA had?? FIFTY TWO deaths yesterday
SWEDEN had.. THIRTY SIX yesterday
not 50
mic and drop
@Adam The Confused sweden has 346 severe or critical hospitalized or 0.2% of cases
canada has 1 327 severe or critical hospitalized or 2.0% of cases
canada has…
TEN TIMES as many severe or critical cases
mic and drop
@Dapper Canuck the few shouldnt out weigh the many these commies are a joke and clearly you don’t need to have common sense to be a doctor like hinshaw masks do absolutely nothing and why do they always have the same amount of cases it’s not fishy at all if we are on lockdown and have to wear masks and numbers keep going up clearly this isn’t working at all
Take doug Ford with you
yup another liberal
Yes please!! The sooner the better
Why stop there? Fire every last one of them and start over
Starting with the Prime Minister
Be gone corporate K
One step at a time, thank you!
Clear the board straight across Canada
We have a major problem with liberals in the conservative party. They call them RINOs in the States, Republican In Name Only.
Kenney said he wants a different base. It would seem much easier for him to change parties, than for the entire UCP voter base to change parties.
Nice pfp.
That is an awesome pfp.
Time for the GOONS to go!!!!!!!!!!
Kenney wants a new base eh? We will grant his wishes
one that will Stand^UP for old stock Albertans and make our province great again
Leadership review….minimum
Quick Buck Kenney
I’ll back this 100%
Just trying to save his own hide from the eventual destruction coming soon.
It’s about Time, Every Province in Canada should be Calling For Referendums
Bye Felicia.
Federal and Provincial inquiry Now.
Enough is Enough
These politicians/leaders need to start showing the science they believe justifies their lockdowns. The science we are seeing from around the world certainly does not yet here we are!!!
There is proof from many countries around the world that it works. You have to be smart enough to use google though dude.
Australia is a perfect example.
@alan4sure errm and so is; florida?
Leadership Review….minimum
QUICK Buck Kenney