Former U.S. ambassador Bruce Heyman says the Trump administration dropped aluminum tariffs because of internal pressure.
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“internal pressure”
sure.. i think we made some back room deal to avoid the catastrophe of a trade war. the democrats were also in favor of the tariffs
No . If Biden is elected he will try and heal the bad feelings that Trumps and his gang have made with Canada.
Wouldn’t it be nice if our government got tough with China for a change?
Canada is practicing on the USA right now
China has more backbone than trump and does not have to answer to anyone. If trump was smart he would work with Canada and other allies to fight china
It will only start to be repaired after Trump and his cronies are out of office. Until then it’s day by day and we will it back down.
We’re the nice country , and yes we have more bite than your bark. DJT.
I won’t say his name, it’s like a horror story you yell at camp fires. You say it he will come.
Trump hates Canada for some reason…. envy I think.
cat96 dream on
yep … Trump hates Canada and Western Europe minus UK, loves and envies Russia, North Korea, Turkey, Saudi Arabia,….
thanks doug ford
ford Nation
Did this guy say Elect Joe Biden are you kidding he has lost his mind
I would like to hear what the Canadian aluminum industry has to say ……
something is amuck here!!
Stay safe, stay sane, be well
make sure you ask permission first before you listen in on the Canadian aluminum industry, otherwise it’s illegal !
“If you get involved in a land dispute with Canada, the Canadians will fold like a cheap tent and apologize for existing.”
Shut up.
only JT bends over for the world
You’re Funny. And Stupid.
Omg Biden will lose big time! Give it up. Biden does not even know what he is running for?
Hush go back to sleep
This is NOT about Biden. Duh…
The USA will regret elected sleepy Joe that’s for sure…I dont think they are that stupid.
@Belle Dorris They are stupid. And most of them I think regret electing trump.
Trump 2020
Thank the heavens we don’t have a conservative government. If it were Scheer or O’Toole these tariffs would be re-enforced. Never forget it was harper who counselled Trump on how to impose these tariffs on Canada!
Thanks again Justin and sane and intelligent governance!
Thank the heavens you can come up with a complete hypothetical to smear anyone else. You do realize these tariffs were already re-enforced. This has nothing to do with anything the liberals did.
@CaSPeR GHoST I know, please pay attention. The buffoons Scheer and O’Toole are conservatives. The same as harper; the ex-PM who counseled Trump on imposing these on Canada! Why does everything have to be explained? The only thing it has to do with Liberals is they got rid of them!
Charles Reece, the liberals did nothing to get them removed. Trump is in campaign mode and is doing everything he can to make himself look better. They will be back in 2 months when he gets re-elected.
Charles Reece, since you keep claiming that Harper counselled Trump on the tariffs, when did that happen, have any proof?
Simple, before the pandemic so- called *Canadian ( they are all foreign owned, and none by Canadians) aluminum went south for re- manufacturing, be it for extruded or cast products, in two forms, for example, say 70% was pure raw aluminum, and the other 30% flux ( not a real product just a name for demo purposes). Then, when the pandemic hit, and the flux type, already delivered, was not being used in a timely manner, the supply was backed up. Knowing this, the suppliers sent 100% of the pure type, as it has more manufacturing options across the spectrum. So, suddenly, there is 100% of the pure type, which automatically is more than usual, and looks like a glut, however, the lack of the flux type was not immediately taken into consideration, causing concern by everyone that there was extra on the market, which was not real. The amounts shipped this year were less than in 2017, according to the Department of Commerce numbers, and show that there was no dumping. Barcoding and corresponding point of origin documentation will likely be the next response across the industry.
Biden should be in a Nursing Home… he is not fit to run a country.
And trump is?
Harris is going to sneak in on Biden you watch in the few days she will be the one that will try to . And it’s all Hilary pushing it
@barry ross you are insane
Nothing will change until corruption is out of office trudeau must go.
Trump 2020
Ccp virus… China to blame…
The tariffs were just a favour by Trump to get the heat off Trudeau and his WE scandal.
All Trudeau does is win and Conservatives have no answer