1. Predictions of a Russian seer made on February 27, 2022 in the village of Plenitsino.

      Question: What is Putin up to in Ukraine?
      Answer: This is his most important and last mission, for which he came to this world.
      Question: Mission?
      Answer: Yes.
      Answer: And what is it?
      Question: Change this world.
      Question: Why?
      Answer: The time has come.
      Question: Why Putin?
      Answer: They chose it themselves (he pointed up with his hand).
      Question: Explain?
      Answer: Higher powers.
      Question: And who are they?
      Answer: In Tuva.
      Question: Why there?
      Answer: They probably determined the location themselves…
      Question: And who are the intermediaries?
      Answer: There are two of them. The strongest shaman of the planet and a lama from Tibet.
      Question: What are they talking about?
      Answer: I can’t know that. Recently, the transition from the dark age of Pisces to the light age of Aquarius has begun on earth. This is one of the cosmic cycles that lasts for several millennia. The earthly civilization is moving to a new spiritual level, in short… Russia is under the patronage of Aquarius. This country will rule for the next millennia… But it won’t happen suddenly. Every year there is an acceleration. Everything will change…
      Question: Of course, this is all interesting, but what does Ukraine have to do with it?
      Answer: This is her sacred mission. Ukraine will sacrifice itself for the sake of millions of lives on the whole planet.
      Question: I’m sorry, I don’t understand why Ukraine?
      Answer: Ukrainians are Russians with a changed mentality. The forces of evil have been actively decomposing them for the last 30 years… And they succeeded.
      Question: And who are the “forces of evil”?
      Answer: Western civilization.
      Question: It turns out that Putin has declared war on the West?
      Answer: No. Putin was forced to accept the challenge… It was the West that declared war on Russia in 14. The West organized a coup in Ukraine and allowed the genocide of Russians in the Donbas. Putin tried for 8 years to settle the conflict in the Donbas, Minsk-1 Minsk-2… But he was deceived.
      Question: Why did Putin announce a special operation on February 24, 2022?
      Answer: Ukraine has concentrated 170 thousand troops on the border with Donbass and planned an offensive on February 25. Putin understood that Donbass would not stand, hundreds of thousands of people would die… He knew about this in advance, so back in December 21, he put forward an ultimatum to the United States and NATO on security guarantees. The West deliberately chose the path of war, but with the hands of Ukrainians.
      Question: Why does the West need a war?
      Answer: This is a dying civilization. The total debt of the USA is 170 trillion dollars, the EU 12 trillion euros. Throughout their history, they have lived at the expense of colonies and wars…
      Question: It turns out that Putin had no choice but to answer…
      Answer: Yes. But he was not ready for such a war…
      Question: What kind of “such a war”?
      Answer: Fratricidal war. Putin does not yet know how hard this war is being given to him… This is not Crimea, where millions of people gladly accepted the Russian world. It will be a protracted war… The whole world will blindly take the side of Ukraine. This is not a war for Ukraine, but for global Peace!
      Question: And who will win?
      Answer: Russia. In the future, Ukrainians will find out the truth and curse America. There will be no such state anymore.
      Question: When will the war end?
      Answer: In a year and a half.
      Question: What about Western civilization, what will happen to it?
      Answer: It will self-destruct. Irreversible processes are running… Europe will fall first, followed by America. Catastrophic events will occur… Nature itself will punish them.
      Question: What will happen to Russia?
      Answer: It will slowly begin to revive, by the age of 35 it will become the strongest and most attractive country to live in…
      Question: Will there be a war with China?
      Answer: No. China is expecting a “Great Depression”.
      Question: Will Putin remain president after 2024?
      Answer: No.
      Question: Who will become the new president of Russia?
      Answer: There are already three candidates, one of them is a woman. Who exactly – I have no right to say.
      Question: Who will be president in the USA?
      Answer: Trump. But not for a full term.
      Question: Last question… How do you know all this?
      Answer: Everything I see is forbidden to voice, but what I have already said, you will be able to check in the near future.

    1. What country proved the detrimental effects of nuclear weapons? Was it Russia? Maybe the tides have turned this time!

    2. What policy does Putin have to go by, The USA nato documents, lol, everyone knows that ace stays in play just to protect the United States of America

    3. NATO join = you got gods blessing and grace for all the blood it has shed to give these small countries the American dream and Christ freedom bc that’s the merica way

    1. @Mef Hefty Only 8 years? Not when they rig elections and stage coups to stop transfer of power. Donaldict Tyrump would never start a plot to deny losing an election and try and use militias to overwhelm congress, would he?

    2. @Mef Hefty actually Mexico had a dictador and thats why we don’t have reelection and is something that all Mexican will never allow president last 6 years o no more

  1. Imagine going to fight for someone you don’t like against someone you don’t hate

    1. @Vladimir Tt dont forget the dictators in USA, and dont forget how the USA supports sooooooo many so called dictators, Egypt, Saoudi Arabia, Yemen, the Shah in Iran, Saddam in iraq, Kuwait Bahrein, Afghanistan, and soooooooooo many others…

    2. @ED D do you buy that the american people are not being manipulated, and are not supporting the Biden Regime, or other criminal Regimes before him?

    3. @ED D and you think all those years the elections in russia have been legit? And than you call me naive?

    4. @Vladimir Tt that is why Putin will fail. Hitler was a masterful communicator. He wound the entire German people around his cause. He got them all to believe he would restore the country to glory. He had millions ready to fight and die for the cause (and they did). Putin had far longer than Hitler did to achieve this but failed utterly. He has the personality of a brick and people will follow him nowhere. Few in Russia buy his lies, certainly not enough to rise up by the millions in a full on cult fervor like Germany did for Hitler. That is why he resorts to fear instead, and fear is a far less effective motivator.

    5. @Vladimir Tt you don’t make sense. The Jews were the minority, had no weapons and their culture was peaceful. The Germans had the military, the numbers, and the culture of War. The Russians are indifferent. They
      don’t care about politics. They are not ambitious people, and their culture is a “whatever” culture until they are actually starving. They are used to being oppressed by their own regime.
      Russians don’t unite until it’s too late. I understand you and your people are afraid to end up in the Gulag.

  2. It must be disheartening to be born on this planet to only cause pain! This man is literally evil…

    1. @FYI Profoundly simplistic. All countries have been implicated in some sort of suffering. I suggest you watch Vlad Vexler the Russian born historian. He shows us the true contradictions and complexities of statements such as yours and his.

  3. “Try and force your boss to not make another dumb decision, of which he has made so many already.”
    Well said.

    1. For a minute there I thought they meant Trump making many mistakes. God knows that orange fellas has made plenty of mistakes. And know law is gonna make him pay big time.

    2. This is what it’s like to work for Mark Zuckerberg… well at least Zuck hasn’t killed thousands of innocent people like Putin… that we know of

  4. Can you ask the speechwriter why is it so hard to take out Putin? He treats his own soldiers so badly he is just one guy.

    1. @hedge888 how do you know? He has been in Russia at least 10 years so I believe him. Any I don’t have to because I can see fear in Putin’s face that someone is going to bullet through is head.

    2. It’s not just putin, it’s an entire regime. If putin goes, whoever replaces does not mean things will improve.

    1. @M.T.K. Imm.A squad massacred Bucha. The same squad was awarded by Putin. If you think we are lying, leave yt. Get conscripted for war. I mean, aren’t you supposed to be there? Or is it the fact… that you are a troll? Are you having fun with Putin, Medvedev, and Patrushev in that Palace? How much are they paying you?

    2. @FalconlewittEducation look who’s talking, you like Ukraine so Much why don’t you go fight with them? Or you’re simply good at throwing whatever BS your western Media feeds your naive pitiful mind.
      That pathetic narrative ONLY works on your kind….

      Any proof of the so-called massacre besides your western lies? Of course not.
      We remember very well how reliable the west is when they waged war based on the WMDs in Iraq lie 🤥.
      Spare us the BS please

    3. @paristo ” the UN gives the rights, but USA can decide when not to obey ”
      Very interesting concept, so when some country does that, they’re labeled a rogue state not complying with international law, and then they’re no longer a nation they become a ” regime” I’m sure you know the whole song and dance The US does.

      But if the US who choses to disobey the UN it’s ok, they get to decide when to disobey. Hilarious.

      It’s very simple, the UN is a joke, the UN never protected anyone, this world is all about strength and power, The US bullied the world for far too long, now the rest of the world caught up and there’s nothing the US can do About it. The US economy is trash, they can no longer wage war without the country totally collapsing, and other superpowers are taking advantage of that.
      Live with it.

    1. when putin was last year overwatching that some old chuch painting icon getting rehauled so they added putin alongside the saints you know he is all about recognition. he has already had statues, paintings and poems made out of him in ways that compare him to the greatest, even mythological leaders and figures.

    2. true cold hearted killers tend to be just that – they kill people without batting an eye, usually, but not always as a favor/in exchange for money.
      Putin, however is a megalomaniac, his very lust for power is emotional at the basis. Murder is a byproduct for him, worth the exchange for power. In that setting, he took a wrong gamble – while he is surrounded by lesser versions of himself… The alpha amongst the wolves can only afford so many screw ups… But it is like with the orange in the US… It can take a while before push comes to shove – if ever. Especially when they show teeth and growl a lot while ‘under attack’, perhaps biting some weak wolf to make a point.
      It is all about momentum… Pushing enough people into action by either fear, or wonder – usually fear since it’s a lot easier (bad juju for immigrants, minorities, women, etc).

      Megalomaniacs tend to reward loyalists and punish traitors, i.e. those who think along different lines than ‘the leader’ in question. They can’t stand criticism for similar reasons: it is betrayal… Cold hearted killers just shoot and go. Megalomaniacs love the lot of them… They lack morals and can be bought. But it also explains why they themselves turn more and more paranoid over time… Surrounded by people who lack morals and those who say yes out of fear – or because they are crazy like you – or worse.

      This is fine²

    3. @corbeau you’re describing almost every politician that ever existed, especially ones who were involved in invasions of other countries, Putin in Ukraine, Biden (USA) causing The current war in Ukraine, Bush in Iraq, Bush in Afghanistan, numerous US presidents in Vietnam, Obama in Libya, Obama and Biden in Syria, JFK in Cuba, Saddam Hussein, The British kings and queens that committed atrocities, Napoleon (France), the long history of colonialism is full of megalomaniacs.
      So that description covers ALOT of politicians and leaders. From east to west from north to south.
      Not only Putin….

    1. @linlin lixin do you not think it was a good idea to interview someone who has a close relationship with the words of putin to understand the psychology of Putin?

    2. @The School of Wisdom I mean, the fact you trust and believe anything CNN shows you, says a lot about you. How many times have they said “Putin has cancer, he has this he has that, he’s desperate, he’s here, he’s there”, and they never have been right. Not once.

  5. I like this interviewer, she allowed the speech writer to express his thought. His interview by another channel was corralled into answering what the interviewer want to hear (Putin be forcibly deposed rather than explore what the speech writer thought as a nonviolent handover of power and ruling from the shadow).

    1. it fits your narrative that is all there is to it, not insightful nor relevant, it is just what your ears want to hear, go ahead, tickle them as much as you want, the US propaganda is far from the truth, but enjoy it still

  6. Abbas hit on something that honestly scares me the most. I’ve always felt that his unwavering commitment to self preservation will keep him from ever using nukes. However if he ever feels like his choice is between victory in Ukraine or life in a Russian prison (or execution)… Let’s hope we don’t get there.

    1. II think of Hitler a lot these last months. Sitting in the bunker after having ordered every man to fight to the death. A lot of men did… Over an already lost war, just out of spite.

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