Herschel Walker denies in ‘strongest possible terms’ report he paid for abortion

Herschel Walker, the Republican nominee in Georgia’s Senate race, said a report that he paid for an abortion more than a decade ago was a "flat-out lie" and a "repugnant hatchet job." Walker’s denial came shortly after the Daily Beast reported he had paid for a woman’s abortion after the two conceived a child while they were dating in 2009. #CNN #News


    1. Have you seen some of Chrisitan’s videos? I don’t think that kid is the best source for basing an opinion on.

    1. To many hits to the head and to many women to bed 🛌, it’s a no for me ,I’m voting blue 💙 all the way 💙 down the line 💙

    2. @Wisdom101 , “try injecting 💉 disinfectant” (former Superspreader-in-Chief/Traitor-in-Chief) and MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

  1. Run Herschel, run from your ex-girlfriend.
    They already have receipts and bank statements. Herschel is caught in another lie. He’ll walk this back just like his claim of having a college degree.

    Run Herschel, Run from the truth.

    1. @Boo Withers Books were involved, but he left to play pro-ball with Dallas. Either way, the Daily Beast is wrong as usual. Meanwhile, Warnock is still a racist socialist and very divisive. Walker has my vote!!

    1. Newsom has family who went to Florida and gave financial support to DeSantis. Does that debunk his credibility too or is his policies enough for that?

    2. @An Acc Damn that’s weak. What has that got to do with Walker? Even if that is true I really do not see how that is on the same level as Herschel’s hypocrisy.

    1. @Jordan Pollard Have you checked out Warlock???? He’s very racist and divisive…..also a socialist!!!! He even said, “America needs to apologize for its whiteness!” No Thanks! I’ll stick with Walker.

    2. @Claudia Valentijn I am voting for Walker. I would NEVER vote for that racist and divisive Warnock!!! This all just sounds made up. After all, it is the Daily Beast! lol……….

    1. @kay armstrong why? Is his version less credible than a pro athlete who paid to flush a half sibling down the roilet?

    1. His own son says he paid for a woman’s abortion in 2009, also that his family moved away from him 6 times because of his abuse.

  2. Hershel Walker fits the now a days Republican profile of being a liar. And when you get caught lying cover the lie with another lie.

  3. People who blink a lot when defending tend to lie each time they blink they think about what to say ,,,,, Love his son`s tweet btw,

  4. I really hope he actually sues them. Then he can deny it in the strongest possible terms under oath as well.

    1. @Ricardo Vargas I believe Herschelle Walker has more common sense than our vice-president!! I like him. I’m voting for him. And I DON’T believe the daily beast. laughable…………

  5. Ok, so there is a 98% chance this happened and is very legit. If I was Herschel walker, I would own it and show regret for the decision I made 10 years ago. Or I suppose he could lie and deny. Let’s see which path he takes…

    1. @Mary Kay And I don’t believe it’s true. It’s the ‘Daily Beast”…. lol………….Walker gets my vote.

    2. More like there is a 98% chance the daily beast is lying again. That’s what they do for the right price.

  6. When he goes to the old tried-and-true “uncategorical” denial, then we’ll know for sure he’s guilty!

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