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During his 2020 Republican National Convention speech, former NFL player Herschel Walker endorsed President Donald Trump for reelection and said the president wasn't a racist.
#GOPConvention #CNN #News
Want more of the latest 2020 election videos? Watch them here: cnn.it/3iM1ESH
Dont want the latest from your joke of a network
Headless worker….
rockkett I’m a wte republican and have a child with a black woman. I guess I’m a racist
You’re so brainwashed
@Trash picking Pete my wife is black too and im somehow called a racist
Nikita Varsava trump 2020 my Chinese American brother
CNN? Hello? Did Stalin go on vacay?
LOL! This was funny.
TRUMP 2020
topmodeLL and they have the comments on?!
Someone is losing a job at CNN.
@MC Cooper you don’t need to burn crosses. Look at the destruction BLM is doing on behalf of the Democrat Party. I think they’re doing enough killing and burning and looting and destroying, far worse than any white supremacist ever did in the same amount of time.
@David Rabinowitz
I’m not a sexist! My mom is a woman! So is my wife! Why would you say that?!
@David Rabinowitz
I’m not a racist I voted for Obama!
I have Black freinds!
I have a Black spouse!
I have Black kids!
I have a BLM sign!
…and none of that means you have no racism in you.
@Cullen & Dad
…oh boy.
@asa asare
n u r goin’ down in flames November 3rd. Idiots still think the Democrats are the majority opinion… sure in for a surprise– a rude awakening!
Somebody going to loose theyr job at cnn
“You’re ‘bout to lose yo job….” lol
No doubt!
But Trump supporters are racist you know why ? If Trumps 2 wives were non white immigrants and he had 3 non white anchor babies none of you would have voted him in lol . Him and his Trump supporter’s along with his non white supporters say all the time how non white illegal immigrants and their anchor babies need to shipped back , while never telling you his 3 white babies are also anchors babies , but you Trump supporters say that is ok . Just spitting out facts . It seems you only have sympathy for the illegal white immigrants with anchors babies . I guess I drank too much Kool-Aid . Or I am moron to think Ivana and Melania are immigrants or the fact that his favorite daughter is a anchors baby. Or he didn’t get Melania pregnant before becoming a American or that I know you would have never voted for him if his children were non white anchors babies ? ( Black people hate black people written by a Black American actor .
Three of Trumps children are anchor babies . I could care less about whether someone is white or not. I do care about whether they are legal or not and whether they will contribute to society/create jobs or not.
@Be thankful someone used Your music out of billions I’m sorry to say this but joe Biden can produce more coherent speech than you.
The only time CNN gets more likes
Hahahahahaha agree… I even gave it a like
Ha! If you only knew You are a weirdo me too because it wasn’t being bias for once
Should give them a clue as to what really gets attention and money.
I find this hard to fathom
It will be someone’s last day at CNN
@RealYRM well most schools are still out of session and I highly doubt that anyone under the age of 60 gaf about the RNC.
I wish you knew how weird it is for the rest of us when thousands of people say they exact same thing over and over again. It’s like you all share the same teenny tiny brain.
Former NFL player Jack Brewer’s 2020 Republican National Convention Speech | FULL
What The Left Won’t Tell You About The Plight Of Black People And The Myth Of Systemic Racism
The historic truth of the democrat and republican parties:
We will WIN this War Soon

May God and Jesus be with u all
@mmmkay C God, you’re such an uppity gash.
@RealYRM Yep. God, I can’t wait for Civil War 2 to put these bigoted and vile Liberals in their place.
5.5K thumbs down racists and counting.
Only cause it’s on CNN network
Check anywhere else this is posted
Nice job CNN the truth is free with out the liberal spin
Dosen’t FRUMPY calls CNN the fake news channel? Well do you believe what this cretin just said.You really must have a very little grey matter in your head.
@Marjory Sarcina CNN is fake news, they’ve got to post some credible info for their rep.
Marjory Sarcina Grey matter, I love you Marjory.
Good on CNN for actually posting this, but it’s probably because according to Joe Biden he’s not actually black anyway
Good job CNN. Post more of the other views. Dont go low like other news networks. Go high like a leader of news network. I am proud of you guys.
Vera Wallace what?
@Vera Wallace Valid arguments made: 0
Ad Hominem: 1
Vera Wallace
Vera Wallace most successful black men are.
Had to double-check that this was the real CNN.
Zarn You are clearly Butt hurt by the facts! What other problems do you have, apart from being an idiot, unemployed, and a moron?, “If your brains were dynamite there wouldn’t be enough to blow your hat off.” Kurt Vonnegut;
Mike will
At least you’re making use of your retirement.
@Mike will … I think you’re gonna be the one who’s going to be butt hurt on November 3rd…..
Here’s a piece of propaganda that you probably bought in to…. That doesn’t really exist in the form that you know it…https://youtu.be/iIW9hw1_ad8
@Liz Tew It looked pretty real to me. Why is it not to you?
Jonathan Weinblatt they didn’t show cnn
That’s a beautiful message. Thanks CNN, for posting!
Nice post, thanks for sharing!
5.6 K dislikes; all from people who agree with Joe Biden when he says, “If you don’t vote for me, you ain’t black.”
Wanna do pushups?
Lying Dogfaced Pony Soldier lmao
let’s get it
He will learn, just as every other person of color around Trump. That Trump HATES! people of color and HATES! the USA! Trump and Republicans in Congress have retweeted KKK, Alt Right, NAZI Terrorists, that have killed more US citizens than any other Terrorist group and marched for ” the destruction of the Constitution” ( Trump retweets Racist yelling “WHITE POWER”) https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/2020/06/28/trump-retweets-video-supporter-yells-white-power/3274070001/ (Trump retweets Terrorists) https://www.newsweek.com/trump-tweets-alt-right-leader-who-praised-white-supremacist-richard-spencer-650852 ( Terrorist act like protestors “to incite riots, attack the police, the people and the USA”) https://www.businessinsider.com/white-supremacist-telegram-channel-encourages-violence-george-floyd-protests-2020-6 (Terrorist sets building fires in Minnesota) https://www.startribune.com/police-umbrella-man-was-a-white-supremacist-trying-to-incite-floyd-rioting/571932272/
You can really tell when an old man has had it.. I don’t think Joe could even dress himself. Not being mean just telling it the way it is. Right around the corner myself.
Herschel has had more views on Youtube in 24 hours than Biden’s acceptance speech in 6 days. Hope that says something to you
Well… Herschel’s speech was amazing!!!
Sorry Homer, it doesnt
@Jim Coleman because you are blind and stuck in your far leftwing bubble.
Good point right on. Peace. Good dude.
@Haaa aakkAmen to that Jim, Biden is a ghost
“You ain’t black”
-Joe Biden
@eddyecho what about “Obama is the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy” or “Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things” and of course “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black” thinking he owns black votes or “poor kids are just as bright as white kids”????
In the past 4 decades what have Biden done other than mass incarcerating black people?
Trump: first step act, opportunity zone, cares act, more funding to HCBU than ever with guarantee lifelong $250 million annually. Trump has won multiple awards from civil rights activist like Jesse Jackson and Muhammad Ali when he wasn’t even a politician, those are real activists, not ANTIFA.
@eddyecho Here, this will help you with your particular brand of stupidity… and CNN propaganda…
You could have easily found this out yourself… But you chose to remain CNN puppet….
That’s right shooting black peeps is like choking on a golf shot. Yup, you ain’t black.
@eddyecho Yes but if you had got what he had said from a legitimate news source you would have got his full statement not the selectively edited one.
And the rest of that quote would be? Lol
He said if you can’t tell the difference between him and Trump on policy issues you ain’t black. Not something the guy who wrote the crime bill should say but on the other hand you have Trump who has been turning back civil rights regulations with executive orders. Trump who told 4 women of color to go back where they came from even though 3 of them are from the United States. Trump who questioned the birth of the first black president for 5 years and some of his supporters still believe Obama isn’t a United States citizen because he didn’t apply for citizenship after his family left the country for Indonesia. Yes Trump insults others but he doesn’t insult whites the same way. As much as he hated John McCain he never once told him to go back where he came from even though he criticized Trump. Nor did he tell Bernie Sanders or any other white male to go back where they came from. Mainly because in Trump’s eyes they are white so they are Americans. Just as Laura Ingram told black athletes to shut up and dribble while saying white athletes are entitled to their opinions. Seems to be a theme with the right wing.
I can’t believed they give props to trump at CNN.
Yep they are stupid
Even left Comments on
I think they gave up .. though prob not
This was a mistake on CNN producer’s part.
It’s news, this is supposed to be a News Channel, he spoke at the RNC, this is him giving props to Trump. Not CNN. Just turn on the TV the personalities are hating as you read this.
I’m here to see the White Liberals say, “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about”
Robert Becker – That’s my point. You didn’t make any sense to me when you FIRST REPLIED TO MY COMMENT. I don’t know you dude, and have never or don’t recall ever commenting to any of YOUR comments before this thread.
Robert Becker – You initially responded on my comment I didn’t respond to yours. I asked for clarification and then you became rude and insulting. Either you have an argument or you don’t, but so far you are the only one casting ad homs.
Robert Becker – Yet again, you made a comment that is not clear or without context. At least you are consistent.
@amenra13 I just read your words back to you how can it not be clear.
@amenra13 yet again, too funny. Analyze That.
CNN so busy crying over the RNC that this musta slipped through the cracks..
Its because they don’t have the balls to mess with this man lol
“I dont want my kids growing up in a racial jungle” – joe biden.
@Sery Moler …Biden…. You have to have a strong Indian accent if you wanna go into a 7/11 or a Dunkin donuts……
You democrats are so filled with ignorance and stupidity but what is even more fascinating is, you are all so willing to come here and prove it
@INTHEPAC I am not democrat. I am a nationalist who ONLY votes and cares about the US ECONOMY. On November 2020 ( ignorant? and stupid?) question = is the US economy better than 4 years ago?” If yes, I vote for Trump, If no, I vote for Biden. I do not care about who work or not at 7/11 or Dunkin donuts.
Perfect police or not, Regan, Clinton, Obama and Bushes KEPT THE ORDER, so should Trump. China had the CORONAVIRUS and almost got rid of it and their economy is booming, I expect Trump to do the same with the US ECONOMY regardless of the coronavirus and social order.
@Sery Moler …. Logic and reasoning are all I ever want anybody to use when making a decision….
You say you might vote for Biden… which is sort of counter productive…. Think about the logic… the guy has been in office for 47 years… vice president for 8… and now says he can fix everything… not to mention the obvious cognitive decline…
It’s amazing that we elected a black man in 2008 to be the president…. and yet here we are in 2020 and suddenly America is steeped in systemic racism …Hummm?… Does that make any sense to you…?
Here is one of his go to lies…
@INTHEPAC Senators ( Biden), congresspeople (Pence) or governors (Pence) are elected by people from their own state and re-elections mean they are satisfied. People living inside big cities do not have the same priorities as those living in rural areas. I am not from their states to judge Biden (Delaware) or Pence (Indiana).
Their records as vice-president are mostly irrelevant because they answered and worked at the pleasure of the president who is the sole person ultimately responsible for growing the US ECONOMY.
For me, it is about voting for or against president Trump depending on the US economy compare to 4 years ago – better or worse on Nov 3, 2020? A lot can change in 2 months…Good Luck
@Sery Moler Well, you can already see what trump can do when circumstances like the virus do not slow him down….. He brought back 11000 factories and created 750000 manufacturing jobs….. Those jobs Obama thought would never come back…. If you cannot figure out who you’re going to vote for just listen to Biden speak….
Based on all the comments here, it seems pretty obvious that CNN has lost any pretense of being fair and balanced.
They don’t know what fair and balanced means haven’t for years.
“You’re not really black. C’mon mannnnn!” – Joe Biden