Here’s why towing companies are refusing to lug protesters trucks away in Ottawa

Towing companies are refusing to haul trucks away that are blocking the streets in Ottawa. Annie Bergeron-Oliver reports.

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Here's why towing companies are refusing to lug protesters trucks away in Ottawa


  1. i like how they forget that the trucks being towed were towed for having a slip tank in the truck bed which isnt illegal… arresting farmers for commiting no crime then towing their trucks away.. oh and the cops lied to the towing company

    1. Okay…once this is over back up your words and park illegally for weeks on end!
      Let’s see how brave you are big boy!

    2. @nibsvkh if the biggest issue you have about them is just illegally parking, you’re part of the reason why they’re protesting

    1. @M H 90% of these trucks are “emissions” trucks….pretty much zero emissions…google “DEF”…Its diesel exhasut fluid….all trucks built from i think 2013 MUST be california emission standards….go to the airport or a port for ships and test the air quality there!…i rest my case.

    2. @M H Greta and daddy Al Gore are freaking !! Don’t forget to include the long lineups at drive through coffee/burger shops and 100 vehicles waiting for a car wash . The high price of gas doesn’t matter , except when it comes to shopping for food , etc.

    3. The truckers and supporters have fed more homeless in the last two weeks than government. Meanwhile those gistapo lap dancing dogs for government are laughing all the way to the bank on overtime.

    4. These “protesters” are a waste of my tax money towards our health care system. Call in the military if necessary and child protective services if they continue to use their children as blockade pawns. Clearly unfit to care for children. Haul em all away.

    1. @Kieran Joyes You don’t understand how the world works eh? They can fine them and threaten jail time… (Which isn’t prison btw) but that jail time is based around a conviction in court. Non of these unlawful acts that has ZERO legislation backing it would stand the test of our courts. They would all get thrown out… So the police and government are abusing their power because they don’t like it….

    2. @DootDoot blockading an international border and conspiring to extort the federal government would likely stand up in court, yes. A provincial judge has already issued an injunction against the criminals, taking effect at 7pm tonight. This is serious criminal activity, not civil disobedience on some street corner during rush hour. But sure, try your luck in this stand-off. We’ll see where it ends up.

    3. Shout out to the engineers who built that bridge. Makes me wonder if they anticipated all of those trucks parked on there at once.

    1. @shizuokaBLUES diplomacy isn’t always negotiation. A public apology for his demonization would probably go a long way

  2. The solution is easy. All they want is for government representatives to sit down with them and negotiate dropping of all mandates. theoretically these mandates were only “temporary” so the Feds really shouldn’t have a problem with dropping them unless….

  3. Military option against a peaceful protest?

    That’s something you would expect from North Korea or Iran, but not in a western society. It’s time to end the mandate and for Trudeu to apologize on national television.

    1. Turdeau wants to bring in French Canadian troops, the kind who have stubbornly refused to learn English, so they can mow down the truckers, which they have no common language with, Tiananmen Square style

    1. I can’t smoke in the bar. Where were you when they took my rights? Where were any of you when those rights were taken?

    2. @Le Doute They’re terrorists. You saw right in this video, they’re making death threats to towing company staff. That’s not a peaceful protest.

    3. @Alacritous oh please, if that’s all it takes to demonize an entire movement then where were you during BLM protests? The ones Trudeau supported abs very much talked to

  4. OMT have a truck or maybe more that are part of the convoy. They were tricked into towing two trucks but realised the two truckers had done nothing wrong and the trucks were released. I go by indepentent news not by MSN.

    1. @Alacritous And you know that these “death threats” came from the protesters how? Did the protesters set up an Ottawa Autonomous Zone? Did they loot and burn the businesses in the area? Did they topple and behead any statues? Have they even stormed any building? That would be a great big NO to every one of those questions. Maybe you should try watching all the uncut, unedited, live streams and see for yourself what is going on there. It has been like a street party. Music, dancing, comedy shows, even bouncy equipment for kids until the police took those away.

    2. @Joe C So lets say for the sake of argument a bunch of folks decided to throw a ‘street party’ on your block for 2 weeks, keeping your family awake with incessant honking and noise. You would be totally fine with that and wouldn’t call the cops on them?

  5. Mandates may go for now but only because they’re trying to pass laws making these protests criminal. Makes it easier to call in the jack boots next time. We need permanent rights and a new PM!

    1. these protests already are criminal. the protestors are prepared to go to jail. the gov wont arrest them because every time in history they have arrested peaceful protestors the protestors have ended up getting their way.

    2. @Kieran Joyes those arent things that are exclusive. both are possible. moreover, find any protest in canadian history which ever accomplished anything that didnt break the law in doing so.

    3. @MP 40 Submachine Gun “mutually exclusive” is term you are looking for. “Moreover” LMFAOOO check out the big words on this guy. Clown

  6. “All options are on the table”……….., except for actually ‘TALKING TO THE PROTESTORS’.
    Also, the police can’t do anything to stop this. It ends when the mandates, and restrictions do, and we ensure that this can NEVER happen again.

    1. @Marc A I’d say privileged is thinking that you are above the basic principles of a community.
      You know, communication and unity…..
      delusions of grandeur much?

  7. They’re smarter than the government, they know if they interfere they will be held accountable. Its smarter for them to not engage and comply.

    1. @RockerRobin Banging empty Jerry cans together? I have been to hockey games where the noise level is a LOT higher than a group who are standing outside and banging Jerry cans together.

    2. And most likely the reason Ottawa hasn’t gone back in to court. The police just decided to fine on by laws, and or arrest if that ever happens.

  8. They won’t go as NOT one interview discussion or concern has been heard, addressed or debated…this is so unfair to a peaceful group who have been respectful, peaceful & patient…

  9. Shout out to the towing companies that said to hell with the police. Thank you to all those who know that these measures are wrong in their hearts. That it has been hurting many for 2 years already. How much longer will they treat the unvaxxed like the plague who cannot participate in society fully? In Quebec you can no longer enter many stores. Is this a life? Are we forced to accept this hell?

    1. Most insurance will NOT cover any damage to their tow trucks or operators during an Insurrection and RIOT… see how that works?

  10. The legislature must vote in order to turn a measure into a law, measures are not enforceable, laws are. Any politician that votes to turn these measures into laws must do it publicly, on the record, and should be voted out of office. I am going to call my representative and let them know where I stand.

  11. Remember when the judge said the “police” can’t steal the trucker’s gas cans or supplies? And then the “police” continued to steal them?

    1. There are city by laws that prevent the storage of flammable materials in specified areas. The city does get to make and enforce such laws.

    2. @Martin Pike You’re saying the truckers set a hotel on fire? I didn’t hear of that. From everything I’ve seen, it’s been a peaceful protest. Way more peaceful than any of the protests during the summer of 2020.

  12. “All options are on the table”. I assume one of those options is “speaking with the protestors”. Seems to me its all options except the one that will actually have some results. So the powers that be continue to do the very thing the protestors are protesting about. I would like to know WHY gov’t officials refuse to COMMUNICATE with the protestors. Isn’t that their job?

  13. Even if they were willing, the army doesn’t have enough functioning recovery vehicles or trained operators to properly tow protest trucks. It would quickly devolve to brute dragging and likely cause massive mechanical damage.
    The potential embarrassment of performance is likely dissuading their involvement more than the shame of action against Canadian citizens.

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