1. lol yea because focusing on trump 24/7 is the key to solving all the day to day issues we face currently right???

  1. GOP isn’t even going to take the House, America is fed up with their refusal to do anything to help anybody but Trump.

    1. @M Hall oh red you’re so wrong my grandparents have passed my parents have passed and I almost passed so you’re all wrong right there, I was a republican years ago I turned Democrat it’s the Republicans that are going Nazi if you like white supremacy then that’s probably the type of person you are I’m not I don’t want all this fighting and confusion and Biden has been doing a terrific job Trump didn’t do a damn thing he made the rich richer so that only tells me maybe you have money so you like Trump ,but he didn’t do anything for the rest of the people that’s just my opinion and you too sir have a great night and I hope we both wake up tomorrow, just saying, Good night😅😍😅💙💙💙🌊🌊🌊🌊

    1. When this man goes to jail for being a traitor maybe you should go with him since you love him so much

    2. @M Hall if that would truly probably had a better chance getting it from Donald Trump Jr he’s f***** up all the time

    1. anyone that attacks law enforcement or threatens them should be punished… like when blm injured 1000 cops..

    2. @Guy Major We’re so sorry if this president has a high speaking vocabulary at the moment vs the last president, If you wish to understand these high usage of words that you may never knew existed, then we recommend you to please stop watching Fox News and read a dictionary at this time to relieve the brain cells that are missing😃

  2. If your going to take on the US government, you’re going to need F15s. JoeB
    Also JoeB: some people took over the US capitol and almost took away democracy without firing a shot.

    1. @Bill Bradskey you’re a tough guy, sure you would have stood your ground in front of a mob armed with spears, dangerous chemicals and all sorts of tools. Lol

    2. @Pelle Storck spears, tools and dangerous chemicals…. wow…. just f#cking wow. It’s unbelievable how easily manipulated people are

  3. Taking comments out of context and liberals fawn over Biden. Yall are blind. This is coming from a Trump hater.

    1. Lol. He will probably fall down from his wheelchair on the way to hell, then try to convince Lucifer that he was fighting the orange guy behind his imaginary school yard. Go Brandon.

  4. The orange man inspired a lot of craziness a lot of racism a lot of hatred amongst ourselves we can’t even see it🤔

  5. We’re for the rule of law when the law is applied equally. No idiot supports a rule of law, when the law is being used against him by a tyrant.

  6. “It’s amazing how much you can accomplish if you don’t care who get’s the crédit.”
    –Mitch McConnell

  7. Testimony of Jeremy Thomas Robbins:
    When I was a young man I enjoyed what most young party going men liked, such as girls, beer and drugs. I would have sex with any girl, any time and anywhere. For so long I am not sure how many I have been with at this point. I had little to no morals nor cares about anything really. The only thing I held onto was my word as I was taught when I was a child, that a man is measured by his word and to keep your promises. So, IF I said I was going to do something, I did it no matter the cost. That being said, one night I awoke from my sleep. Sat up in my bed and vocally promised myself I was going to read the bible. Not sure why, to this day I still have no understanding as to why I made this my word. But I did, so I read…. and read and read more. Turns out the bible is a rather large book and it was taking me some time to do it. But I gave my word and I kept on reading it and as I read it the words where convicting my soul. I could feel something in my heart start to turn and became uneasy. Then one night, when I was asleep. I awoke to a presence in the hall at the end of my bed. I could see something was there but I was not able to see what it was. Then I heard a disgusting noise coming from it and I told it.
    You’re disgusting!!

    Then out of the silence, out of the darkness I heard.


    And it grabbed me.

    Then I awoke not knowing I was in a dream as the entire dream was where I was and how I was. “Never had a dream like this before and never had another like it again.”
    The crazy part…. I still felt right where “IT” grabbed me, as if the tightness of its grip was still on me.
    To say the least I have seen something that is not normal nor good. There are evil things in this world we can not explain nor understand but I know as true as the air in my lungs. Spirits are real and so is God.

    This is my testimony.

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