CPC MP Michelle Rempel Garner announced that she won't run to be UCP leader, citing dysfunction within the party as the reason.
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Because of her alliance with Claus Schaub and the World Economic Forum, we are on to her
Lol sure that’s it you’ve found out about the big conspiracy
Because she can’t win!
She’s in the closet with Schwab. We don’t need more sickness.

So basically, she feels she is not up to the challenge to “fix” any of the things she listed. Most leaders would consider those points urgent to rectify (if they exist) and move on to governing. I, for one am happy she realised she was not capable of any of that, which seems to be the consensus of the party members.
Wtf happened to her? She used to be a conservative.
Why would a conservative want to lead a party that ordered/allowed the jailing of pastors? UCP deserves everything it has coming to it.
I don’t think she ever was a conservative.
She went to Davos and was never the same
The day she started posting Youtube videos in her pajamas while sitting cross legged on the floor like a child is the day her political career ended.
fire the whole lot and start again.
So happy she is not running… stay where y are
Sad….I actually like this chick…
Married one and cream them berries

from the Prarie 
that sounds absolutely² correct
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