Here’s Why President Donald Trump Is So Obsessed With Ukraine | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

The New York Times reports that Trump's fixation on the Bidens and Ukraine predates his July 25th phone call with Volodymyr Zelenskiy. Frank Figliuzzi and Sam Stein explain. Aired on 09/25/19.
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Here's Why President Donald Trump Is So Obsessed With Ukraine | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Here's Why President Donald Trump Is So Obsessed With Ukraine | The 11th Hour | MSNBC


  1. Since I see a few here…
    I have some questions for anyone who still supports Trump:
    What’s it like having parents that are siblings?
    How many lead paint chips does it take to make you feel full?
    How often did you fall down the stairs as a child?
    At what age did the doctor say you didn’t need to keep wearing your helmet?
    Anyone else have any?

    1. @Joseph M you are ignorant. Mueller: 10 counts of Felony Obstruction of Justice.
      SDNY: Unindicted co-conspirator in Felony Charges of Election Fraud
      There is lots more than this…

    1. I will bet the guy being questioned tomorrow will ot answer any of their questions at all just like everyone else. They will have to put him in their Congressional Jail until he answers. He will say be advised by white house to remain quiet for the president! The Senate willl say there is “nothing there.”

    2. Is fRump thinking about his great 2016 elections manager, Manafort?
      Manafort was briefly held at the United States Penitentiary Canaan in Waymart, Pennsylvania. He was held at Federal Correctional Institution, Loretto in Loretto, Pennsylvania (inmate #35207-016) with an expected release date of Dec. 25, 2024.
      LOL! Probably not, fRump hates losers!!!

    1. @uknowispeaksense Yes we need less information about the candidates to make decisions in our elections. That’ll mean our vote comes from a more informed place ; )

    1. @William Stewart he can’t collude with Russia because he was compromised years before he was President. I cite his taxes as proof of that.

    2. carnival barker…His taxes that were filed each and every year with the federal agency that federal law mandates? Hmmm, I wonder why Treasury never referred those taxes, that were submitted according to federal law to the very federal agency required by law, to Justice? Hmmm????? Oh, federal employee communications are federally mandated to be submitted to the archives department…Hillary is in violation 33,000 times. Now…where’s that EVIDENCE??????

    3. @William Stewart have you got any that he’s not? He sure puts up road blocks to keep everything about himself under wraps. I don’t give a sh!t about you. I don’t need your vote. We need the votes of the ones with independent thought. If you don’t want your life looked into, don’t run for the Presidency.

    4. @William Stewart hey dumb F. I don’t give a crap about Hillary or Bill. You can have them. She did not win but Republican’s still can’t get a case pending on her? Trust me. The Trump family has way more than that in 3 years plus. Trump set the bar. All those are now executive privilege. Can’t see them anyway.

  2. 4:30 The Toddler in Chief is still going after Clinton’s e-mails? 🙄 Well, Russia did help him win the election in 2016 after he asked for help from Wikileaks — maybe he figures it is Ukraine’s turn to help him get elected? 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

    1. @That Guy 313 Your opinion of me is as worthless as a promise from the current tax evading/sexual predator/racist/illiterate in the White House.

    2. Not a Robot anything else to say to prove more thoroughly that the only one projecting hate is you and people that think like you?

    3. Not a Robot it’s funny because even though you hate me and everyone that doesn’t think like you, I, don’t hate you. You’re just a very foolish person.

    4. @That Guy 313 You can worship at the feet of a draft dodging tax cheat & wanna be dictator who is currently accused by 19 women of sexual misconduct or assault– but that is not my thing.

    5. @That Guy 313 The Traitor in Chief will be in jail soon enough — that is all that really matters. Someday you will learn that facts matter — not your feelings.

    1. We tell them that they should be productive and independent. We tell them to not accuse before you have facts and evidence. We tell them that their country is the greatest ever. We tell them that “truth” is not defined by how many people you can get to repeat the same narrative. OK, now I see why you libtwats despise us.

    1. @Jay Best have a secret vote in the senate for impeachment conviction. Trump would lose by a landslide. Too bad so many Republican senators are spineless.

    1. @America is great Because it’s good He said “He wasn’t pushed”. A way of saying he stood his ground while letting the trumpkin think he was winning. That is the fact. tRump didn’t get it. He’s just not very bright

    2. @tfcooks the media pushed a false narrative and so did the democrats. We are all use to it now. This is falling apart on the democrats. They wanted to impeach without having all the evidence out. Maybe someday you’ll get tired of them messing with your emotions just to let you down at the end. Peace brother.

    3. @America is great Because it’s good You’re describing fox news to a tee. I don’t watch CNN or MSNBC for facts but it’s where the interviews can be seen. I mean watching Giuliani humiliate himself for the benefit of the felon n chief is well worth the price of admission.

    1. Exactly, like he did when Kamala Harris was questioning him asking did anyone in the WH suggest..hinted. implied that you open an investigation into anyone… an he answered i dont think so… HE LIED.. what don’t come out in the wash WILL come out in the rinse.

    2. @Lavern Revels hehe.. yes Lavern.. I know you were agreeing with me… I am agreeing with you… I just like the thought of Barr being put through the ringer..

  3. AG BARR REFUSED to answer those question during his last testimony. It was a question from Kamalla Harris. Have you been asked, encouraged, etc. to open any cases by the White House? He refused to answer!

    1. lexiepooh…Cite the evidence that such a thing happened AND direct me to the law that states not answering in a knowingly false way is perjury.  That was easy.

    2. lexiepooh…Just to clarify, and I’ll be bookmarking your reply if you have the guts, not answering a question or answering “I don’t recall” or something similar to that is perjury, is that what you’re saying?

  4. What planet are you on Mr Stern.trump still trying to get the 30,000 e-mail when there are so many other problems STUPID TRUMP should investigate his on daughter Ivanka did the same thing

    1. Linda Brooks trump is just an unfortunate leader
      I try not to think of him and is troubles too much
      Btw how are you doing

  5. Barr is going to lie again. Charge this vile man with treason now! He refuses. Put him in hanscuffs now!

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