Ontario's Alcohol and Gaming commission is proposing restrictions on gambling ads with celebrities. An addictions counsellor explains why.
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Doesn’t Ontario rake in millions from gambling and gaming?
Yes but this is relating to the big sports betting apps that aren’t related to Ontario revenue
Canada does, under Turdeau.
Who’s “Ontario” Do I know this guy?
I don’t understand why we are advertising gambling at all. Or advertising the LCBO. If these things are so “bad” that only the government can be trusted to handle them (ha!!), then why advertise???
Turdeau’s Canada.
These ads are just annoying TBH. if I wanted to gamble, I would go to a local casino and not online.
Ignore the ads! its not that hard!
The biggest mind control devices in human history.

They’re worried about the Gambling…..
Terrific! Couldn’t happen to a more deserving “enterprise”
Gambling is like cocaine, you just can never get enough. It destroys lives, its like saying
” i have way too much money and i don’t know what else to do with it all” Do yourself a favour, just know, the house always wins, not you. 0_o
No one is forcing you to gamble!! Ignore the ads and move on with your life!
@Boss Finch Financial: BTW , giving yourself the thumbs up is really shallow. 0_o
*Watching from Pakistan*
*please pray for Pakistan Pakistan is now in very bad situation*
Ukraine is in a worse situation to be honest.
Ever heard of “personal responsibility” ?? Be the stronger person and IGNORE gambling ads. simple!
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something—your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” —Steve Jobs