Former NDP leader Tom Mulcair weighs in on Pierre Poilievre and Justin Trudeau's tense exchanges in the House of Commons and what's at stake for the prime minister as with U.S. President Joe Biden's visits Canada.
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Trudeau must be having a hard time sleeping these days. He is done ! Liberals are done!
@Lord Fogg Yep, move along now…nothing to see here;)
Let’s hope so. There would be a big celebration.
I doubt it, on top of his huge trust fund he’ll get his fat pension when he leaves.
Joly probably cant satisfy him these days.
@Steve Harris Yes indeed out cold on his back with a tag around his big toe!
Come on, Tom. Call a spade a spade. Roxham Road is not an irregular crossing, its an ILLEGAL crossing.
Agreed, I’m getting sick of that stupid expression.
Trudeau is fighting a war of wits with Pierre and he is out of ammo. Trudeau must go.
Pierre Poilievre is definitely much sharper than uh….um…uh…….. Justin Trudeau – our entitled singing showboat!
I dont think he ever had any to begin with.. he just had a lot of Coat tails to ride throughout his life
@Politically Disgruntled. Yet has been PM for 8 years…and the 4th PC leader since he was elected PM. What’s that say about the lack of viable leaders running for PM in Canada?
Trudeau is seriously outgunned by Pierre and he knows it.
He probably banned his own gun before the fight
Common sense will always prevail! Something Trudeau doesn’t have!
Been going on for years, but now Pierre is a legitimate contender now that he is leader.
@T1kr3b3u meant to say Trudeau! I was typing to fast lol
Out with Trudeau!!
Unfortunately not soon enough…..
and in with Jagmeet.
@Graeme The Gray Man

I think he is rattled as he is worried what will come out when Katie Telford is questioned at committee.
He’s rattled in every possible way because he’s incompetent.
Naw, they stalled getting her to testify so they can coach her on what to say…Jagemeet knew she was gonna testify beforehand, that’s why he made his grandstanding speech about holding Trudeau “accountable” ….the sad thing is some ppl believed him
Hope she’s not feeling suicidal
Absolutely nothing.
You missed the Bonus points….
You neglected to mention that Pierre is rattling Trudeau with FACTS. True statements. Something Trudeau knows nothing about is Truth. That’s why he flubbed his answer….in reality.
PP believes in his conviction right or wrong. JT goes with the wind so he waffles depending on the policital climate at the time.
Plus he stutters so much he can’t get any words out that he may know. Uh, uh, uh.
Come on Tom, Trudeau flubs almost all of his so-called answers.
I was going to say, what misstep was that? There were so many!
Um, uh, ah …
Turdeau OUT. Pierre for Prime Minister!!!
@Zac Campbell I want Trudeau out more than anyone. Maxime doesn’t change his stance based on polling or focus groups. Pierre is a little greasy that way. He just voted in favour of a bill promoting perverse ideologies being forced on kids as well. I ain’t down.
Anybody but a conservative
@P3PP3R S why? This statement makes me question your critical facilities.
I mean 4th time the charm right?
Most times when Trudeau gets up in the House to speak or answer you can just see if not feel the Liberal MPs suckin wind!
Trudeau is aging rapidly..
Is it dirt nap time
It’s doesn’t matter how much poise or how articulate one can speak, when their way is lost; their words are valueless.
Trudeau is nothing short of the poorest leader this Nation has ever seen.
@Raidersfan1 2017 say no to crack bud
@Raidersfan1 2017
No one is or has been as bad as JT, but BM was close.
@Raidersfan1 2017 Did they say the budget would balance itself?
@Raidersfan1 2017 you are delusional!!!
The world in the entire world and history
Out with Trudeau.
……and in with Poilievre!
Trudeau wasn’t just bad, or embarrrassing, he’s been a bloody nightmare
Ask Trudeau, to visit old Montreal, for a Knight!
@Brian Gall Montreal likes him. We, the other 99% of Quebecers, don’t like him.
@Cedric Well, then lets introduce ourselves at his contracted disciples, cottages this spring and voice our concerns, with shoe polish and love!
Plus we hate him
The truth hurts. Trudeau is hurting
Aw to friking bad
Being caught doing shady stuff should be the reason he’s rattled but he will never be held accountable
I’m actually touched to see an opposing politician (by views) be so frank and open and honest
Justin Trudeau is the worst thing to ever happen to Canada.
Next to his father
@Winston Smith gotta disagree although he also was awful it wasn’t on this level
True and must be held accountable
Agreed! His arrogant and defiant father, Pierre Trudeau was quite highly-disliked as well!
Agree, agree, agree, agree, agree agree. agree
We need a new pm. Pierre is a great option
Lol. Every single time Pollievre roasts him in Parliament, sock boy screams ” partisan rhetoric” and cries.
WEFers playing you like the crowd at a WWE main event
Or tries to bring racism into it.
@Paul Slevinsky WEFers are playing JT like the fool he is.