A member of Ontario’s COVID-19 Science Advisory Table has resigned from his position. Here's why.
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So what was in the hidden modeling?
1,300 daily cases within 3 weeks. They disclosed it today, likely due to the resignation controversy
@stoutz those numbers are definitely inflated.
@Cat Collision false
@Cat Collision what you said literally couldn’t be more wrong and is purely garbled nonsense.
@Bo Johma why? They seem reasonable to me
If you really wanted to right by your children, you would demand the truth and put your boots and helmets on.
They’ll never tell you the real reason
He doesn’t support crimes against humanity
Election time go figure
No gene therapy for me, thanks.
To bad the vaccines aren’t gene therapy eh.
@Jumbo Me to bad you actually believe that for some reason.
@Taco Rabanne lol I believe it because it’s true. Prove me wrong
@Jumbo Me By categorizing the covid 19 vacine with other traditional vacines shows you do not have a clue.
LCCJ Why? Because they’re vaccines?
How do the cancer and heart attack rates look?
No idea they have never posted the numbers ever
@Jumbo Me so there’s never been publicly available statistical data for cancer and heart attacks? What are you talking about?
I don’t know, irrelevant? It certainly is on this topic.
@Taco Rabanne has their been
You are conflating unrelated things.
Politics involved in Covid decisions!?!?! Well I never!!! “Closing borders is racist” wasn’t said for the protection of Canadian lives.
All of the TV doctors trying to cover their arse’s right now
He knows what’s coming, he’ll probably flee Canada.
If this 4th wave is SO SERIOUS, why are you still opening the schools
It’s real simple, if it was that serious, YOU SIMPLY WOULDN’T

Modeling ? In other words it’s “Speculation”
Well they got it all wrong in the previous Modeling.
It’s like predicting the weather. What would you suggest?
When the proverbial dust settles there will be lots of “experts” back peddling and wishing they hadn’t been cowards.
..the last report i saw on covid they didn’t even give numbers..
They barley even spoke about the dr.
Seems like revelation 13.16-18 happening, MOTB
Think I’ll wait until the reports the approval was based on are actually submitted in 2025/2027..
Please check page 12 of yesterdays FDA Letter of Authorization.(pdf). NOT full FDA approval! Thanks
Full approval has been granted for ages 16 and up.
Wow, that’s great! You also live in Canada, correct?
I thought I saw someone cough today. This fourth wave is really horrible. Much worse than all the other waves. The fifth will be total zombie apocalypse.