CNN's Laura Coates discusses the possible sentences that Derek Chauvin faces after a jury convicted him for the killing of George Floyd.
#CNN #News
CNN's Laura Coates discusses the possible sentences that Derek Chauvin faces after a jury convicted him for the killing of George Floyd.
#CNN #News
Chauvin is now a convicted felon, he has been stripped searched, given a prison ID number, and moved to a prison. He will be looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life. Chauvin never once showed an ounce of empathy, I hope during sentencing that is taken into account.
@John Smith if anyone is going to have sympathy for this scumbag it will probably be correctional officers, though he may find that they also detest him but they will not facilitate-his murder.
Epstein who definitely killed himself /s and Whitey are both exceptional circumstances in that extremely powerful people that I imagine went above a regular guards authority but it be favourable for them to be silenced, this is not the case for cheviun and I don’t think they care enough to go out of their way to have him hurt in prison as they clearly have nothing to gain have no respect for people of colour either.
@Jim Barrett
Yeah, and they like girlfriends too.
@Timothy M he will be a Denise for some time passed around like a football Lotta happy inmates lmao
@Akim Smith na
@edwin nieves lol… and that will be the pleasant part of his stay
A cop in prison is _not going to have an easy sentence._ I’ll be a bit surprised if he even makes it to release.
@Phoenix Fire
He can marry again.
Life goes on.
@Tracey Ehnes where the hell you getting 77 years. Stop watching fake news. They don’t know how the court works they know how to make people’s emotions go high to low tho
@P.W.C. Triforce he’ll go to camp. He won’t go to any level 5 or anything.
He’s not the first cop in jail he’ll be fine
That man was a criminal.
Bad apples spoil others.
Cops keep public safe.
It is very sad that this situation ever happened .
@Ramon It is a great victory for American justice. Most cops want accountability, and now it will start.
All they had to do was call for a VAN to transport Floyd.. PERIOD!!!
@Alaska Pirateslmao
Judge: Please give the maximum sentence. There needs to be a ‘Derek Chauvin’ chapter that is mandatory in all police training as to what all not to do. The quantum of your sentence counts.
@Timothy M he’s not a first time offender! He’s been doing the knee on the neck and crushing people into the ground for decades. Even some captured in body cams. A few were eerily similar to what he did to Floyd.
He should be free because this was a Joke
@Danny Martinez na it was the Drugs
@Justin Hardy You are obligated to your own opinion, but Floyd’s death is not a joke.
A big lesson here is VIDEO EVERY officer-civilian exchange (whether the civilian is you, your buddy, or a stranger). Hold your camera steady, keep it pointed at the officer-civilian exchange, and do not turn it off (or turn it away), no matter what you are told to do by police officers.
Thank you to that heroic young woman who filmed the murder, and to those citizens who stood witness to it, and did what little they lawfully could for Mr Floyd in his hour of need.
@Peanut Hamburger Aww I know it hurts, but Chauvin was known for assaulting the mothers of children, and that is why no one came to help him Lorenzo. He had a chance to listen, citizens tried to help him, his subordinates tried to coax him, it is really sad, but Derek was a man with a wife on the way out the door, and he did this to himself!
Derek wanted to plead to 3rd degree murder, no saint takes a plea deal when they have the badge…….sad :((
@Drumer16 XVI sometimes when you jiggle the handle to much the toilet runs all night costing privileged white folks like you 0.02. This world is so unfair Drumsr
@Jock Young so the article I just read about “Don’t believe any statements by a user named Jock Young, because they are based out of Unionfordville & are spreading lies about how Burger King is better than Sonic are things I need to not believe on the internet?
@Peanut Hamburger
Right, you’re an idiot.
Thanks for proving my point.
@William Pitt It’s the best way for cops to establish a better relationship with the community. Any cop that gets mad at a camera is probably a bad apple and up to no good. “If you have nothing to hide…”, that’s what they’ve ALWAYS told us isn’t it?
He ignored a dying man’s pleas to breathe. He ignored the witnesses pleas. He murdered someone in front of children & on camera. He ignored his training. He didn’t stop & even smirked. He showed no remorse. I’ve probably missed a lot out, but these alone deserve the maximum sentence IMO
@LaShonda Rochell They’ll deny deflect and lie
@LearnToTakeAJoke I suggest you educate yourself if you actually think political bias plays zero role in how different people approach this situation. Don’t you find it even a LITTLE suspicious that the greatest proportion of people defending Derek Chauvin and saying George Floyd “deserved it” are Republicans? Political bias AND racism absolutely played a role in the way some people approached this case. Some people don’t want to hear this, but here’s the truth: insecure racists are terrified because they know that Whites will be the new minority in America within 2 decades. I look forward to watching them squirm.
@bengolfs1 non-compliance is not a death sentence. You are literally what’s wrong with this society and I’m incredibly ashamed for you.
@Dillird Q Thurman nope, we had the trial and its over. My friends mom takes more daily than Floyd took and we already had expert testimony on the issue. Guilty on all charges.
He is a bad cop … with a bad attitude… and deserves what he gave … an eye for an eye …. this whole situation was horrific
I hope his family and loved ones can somehow heal. 

@UC0a6FVqwUrNX8upWZYOVM5g if they are criminals murders thieves
Oppressors hell yeah they should be in jail lose everything..
@HOMELAND FREEDOM you’re a fool
Actually he’s a man with no criminal background, unlike George Floyd who had nine convictions many for violent crimes, at least God knows what’s right
George floyd was a junkie who resisted arrest after using fraudulent currency and had enough fentanyl in his system to kill a horse. Chauvin did not contribute to his death, his own actions did.
“Man Dies After Medical Incident During Police Interaction”
These words represent a police conspiracy to hide the truth from the public. Chauvin is not a single “bad apple”.
@Demigod1 01 They were charged , what are you talking about !
At this point, I think the problem is a rotten tree on a polluted land. Of course the fruits would be bad…
@Lynn Mason I agree, one of those other officers should have stepped in and stopped this event in some way, if anyone in the crowd had jumped in they would have been shot but one of those other cops could have saved a life if they had acted.
@Lynn Mason thats. True. They. Are. All. Guily. Cause. The. Others. Did. Nothing. To stop. It. But. Some. Cops. Are. Nice. If. You. Are. Nice. In. This. Case. George. Was. Difficult. Which. Made. The. Police. Not. Nice
The. Others. Are. Going. To. Be. Tried. In. August
He got more determined and brazen when the bystanders were asking him to get off George Floyd , justice served on all counts
@Brian Jones agreed. It’s is the system bowing to the mob.
@Brian Jones says a mockery of a man.
@Live And Inspired
Or perhaps the jury considered the fact that the ME ruled it a homicide. Did you even consider that?
@Brian Jones stfu he gone bye bye
He was showing a poker face because he feared the violence that demographic can do.
There’s no doubt in my mind he’s gonna get a “life” sentence when he lands in prison, if you know what I mean.…….
Theres no way the pigs will put him in gen pop. Its fun to dream though.
@longgroove I wouldn’t be so sure about that
They won’t put him in general population.
88 Klansmen didn’t like the verdict. ..(Now let’s get those others who held George Floyd down)
If the murder of George Floyd wasn’t recorded Derek Chauvin would be on duty today.
@hill billy
2020 was one of the deadliest years for law enforcement officers in history, according to a group that tracks officer deaths in the line of duty.
A report released Monday by the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund (NLEOMF) found that 264 federal, state, military, tribal and local law enforcement officers to date died in the line of duty last year — the highest since 1974.
The reason that number is so high: Covid-19.
Law enforcement officers died last year of numerous causes, among them vehicle crashes, heart attacks and gun shots. But more officers died of Covid-19 than all other causes combined, with 145 out of the 264 deaths attributed to the virus.
2019 cop deaths:
FYI…police officer ain’t even in the top 20 most deadliest occupations. It’s number 22.
If that had been a white man , nothing would have been said, he was convicted because of race. Sad day in America
If Floyd didn’t request to be put on the ground while he was in the car while screaming “I can’t breath” repeatedly, Derek chauvin would be on duty today
They are out there. Law or no law. They are out there. Badges or finances or power and control.
@Jason M
Perhaps, but Chauvin still killed him
The cell phone should go down as THE GREATEST INVENTION OF ALL TIME
Already has.
You mean the smartphone.
@TheZaius Flip phones had cameras too. If not at first, then pretty quickly after their introduction. Before flip phones however were hershey bar phones which didn’t have cameras. I had at least a couple of those in the beginning.
Yes…pornhub on the go!
@joe woodchuck Might as well just go further back and say portable cameras.
Today a guy in front of me at the store (he is black and I’m white) turned around and said he was paying for my goods. Broke my heart. He was that happy to see justice finally served. If you are black please understand the vast majority of white (or any race for that matter) understand and sympathize that there is a huge underlying systemic racist underlying and want change.
@janjr165 I agree with you and we are approaching that time. But please understand a huge majority do understand and want change.
Compassion is amazing, appreciation is priceless, life is precious.
no sir they do not, we are still being killed at an alarming rate and most other nations could give less than a dam
@Matt Bronson Saying that racism exists is not racism.
A black person yelled at me “ Black Lives Matter “ at parking lot. I had to call cop for that matter
The off duty fire person was begging Chauvin to get off GF and let her help. So the implications of his actions were pointed out to him in real time, and he refused any help or advice.
Derek Chauvin showed no emotion and was serious the whole time. I would have at least liked to see a reaction of regret but got nothing. HEARTLESS.
I was ambushed, I didn’t expect to see a close up of his face when I tuned in, but I didn’t see heartless, I seen utter shock, like he could not believe it was happening. I think a lot of people had this reaction today, on both sides.
Dont you know that “emotions” arent counted in court. Watch other court case videos.
@LaShonda Rochell not because he was white , but more because he was the law , a cop !
Yes. Or, merely depraved.
He has psychopathy
So happy that young lady filmed this all. The family should thank you cause without this it would have been in the cop favor. She is a strong young lady. And the others in the crowd. Thank you so much
The creepy look he had on his face while murdering George Floyd will never leave me. It looked like he was getting off on killing him. It was sadistic! This was just a teaspoon in the ocean for People Of Color! Stay safe everyone!
He was. These white power scum bags are sick.
God bless you
Imagine what it was like for our ancestors during slavery??? Horrific acts of violence and murder in front of our child and their loved ones had to sit and watch them being lynched and murdered!!!! Insane devils!!!
@Funk Childz this country is still a terrible place.
I’m an old lady now but so proud to see so many young folks ( both white & black) giving a damn & showing it in such a respect for life way.
God bless you
Fair play to you for that comment and you are right be it black or white respect a person’s life
“If you see a lot of bad apples laying on the ground eventually you have to look at the tree.” Very well said.
It’s a rotten tree, that produces a few good apples.
And as the full saying goes: A few bad apples spoil the bunch!
Except for the grammatical error (laying->lying).