BNN Bloomberg's Jon Erlichman explains what's behind the rising inflation rate in Canada and the increasing challenges it poses for consumers.
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To help save money my family and I have started a small backyard garden. We’re learning how to homecan, seed save, make compost, and preserve what we grow. Less than 2 years in our new home and we’ve completely transformed the backyard. We are beginner gardeners, growing and learning along the way. Recently I started a gardening channel to help encourage others to begin growing as well. No time better than now to learn self sufficiency.
@Daniel Daimon I’m located in Florida. We have year round growing weather! Also it’s Spring here.
@Creative_Grassroots Garden bot
@roof pizza No bot
It is all by design
Time for a new troll acct.
So what adjust… i do have sympathy but its limited
everything’s gone up.. glad i can manage money well
Me too. Unfortunately we end up paying for those who don’t.
Here’s how our salaries compare +0%, here’s how Government Pensions compare +0%….see a pattern here?
Well the tin of cat food I eat at lunch went from 99 cent to a buck 89 and will soon turn into supper too
Price of Premium Gas around Moscow 57 cents a litre, in Canada 2.00 dollars a litre
This is just what massive government spending and artificially low interest rates do to an economy.