The Angle on America panel breaks down the upcoming debate between Vice President Mike Pence and Sen. Kamala Harris.
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No We Charity Scandal News? Why???????
Because he is getting away with yet another crime/violation.
$600 million buys a lot of favourable press.
@Arctic Shadow Marxists of a feather…
At least this set of replies is on point.
Check for Covid then check for TDS.
I can’t help but wonder of the term TDS could apply to both sides? One side is obsessed with Trump’s deficiencies and the other is delusional with regards to his many, many screw ups.
“What I need to know…..? From a bought and paid for news outlet?
@Albert Afree ??
@Leonard Bangay Shouldn’t everyone?
@Leonard Bangay They are here to brigade the news outlets, like the right always does. It’s quite pathetic.
@Albert Afree Why are right wingers so mentally ill? “thine enemy”?
@Hannibal Sorry for the error, The full quote goes like this: “Know thy enemy and know yourself; in
a hundred battles, you will never be defeated. When you are ignorant of the enemy but know
your chances of winning or losing are equal. If ignorant both of your enemy and of yourself, you are sure to be defeated in every battle
This is going to have all the pazazz and charisma of a rock and a block of wood debating each other.
Much like your comment.
Chris Don is the measuring stick for tonights debate I guess?
@Choose Wisely Oh? And what burning question do you think they are going to answer for you in this debate? ppffftt
@Moreor Less Well the only meaningful measuring stick is how much their debate shifts the voters, it won’t, which is what makes this meaningless.
Will definitely be an interesting debate
How about we worry about Canadian politics first. How much is our national debt?
@Zac Froese USA has been doing a lot to address that pre and post Covid .. Canada on the other hand..
@Zac Froese That was our debt prior to Trudeau’s spending spree of the past year.
@Lone Wolf Life isn’t free. I agree with the original poster though. I don’t care about other peoples opinions about American politics. lol
@iAmCodeMonkey “Life isn’t free” doesn’t mean living on borrowed money.
Have you not noticed how much we are influenced and affected by our neighbour next door?
Flu season is CANCELLED, replaced with covid-19! No other forms of death exist either in 2020!!!!

(99.97% survival rate; CDC)
Kevin Fernandes actually….80,000 Canadians died from cancer this year…even more than that from heart disease…40,000 from diabetes…..oh ya ..and the 9,500 covid deaths……
yeah her record of going after petty drug charges to appeals of her work,, will be fun, and to have her call for a gun ban, easier to tell Catholics to burn bibles.
Lots on the Clinton’s setting Trump up. Canadian news will not cover the documents being dumped.
Lol why are right wingers so mentally ill?
@Hannibal We’re not the ones who go batsh1t crazy over a president.
Keep in mind that report was from two papers that are democratic puppits
What you need to know is that it is a farce. Which do you want Pepsi or Coke
Pilipino Americans for Trump 2020 ! I love the guy . Absolutely !
I feel sorry for you. Anyone that votes for such a low life is no better than him.
Here’s what you need to know, ready? Ok here it goes…..Trump 2020, get lost Trudeau
Well you want Trump then get the hell out of Canada. We breath clean air here not the slime that Trump puts out.
Don’t tell me what “I need to know” about anything. Kamala is a M2F
Thanks for spending my tax dollars on something that isnt important to canadians.
Hmm … a debate between TWO articulate individuals. How rare!
Here’s what you need to know: “You’re Canadian, eh.”
All you need to know is one of them has owned slaves in their family long ago! It isn’t Pence! Also, Pence has gotten to where he is now without getting his knees dirty!
How about how the big bust of Chinese underground gambling and the link to Trudeau???????