U.S. President Donald Trump has often mused about running for a third term, here's why he can't.
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On the pan @ :37 – :39 seconds, why was Ben Franklin included ? ! ?
No idea… important guy who did a lot of things but president was not one
He won’t win a 2nd term anyways
Haha. You clearly have no clue. Turn off your bias news. Get out in to reality.
Methinks Trump is going to win again with headlines like this.
And Trudeaus the reason Canada should only have one.
What about Harper? He was worse than Trudeau in many ways.
Brutal explanation of why term limits were introduced. Roosevelt was the most populist president ever seen. The Republican party saw a candidate they couldn’t beat so they implemented term limits so they didn’t have to. “True” populist are very hard to come by so the status quo only has to wait 8 years at the most before a candidate like Bernie Sanders is removed. This only allows him to do so much “damage” before the status quo is returned.
Apparently you forgot to give the reason. What are the arguments for it?
Should be a two term limit on all elected positions.
So clearly bias
, do some real reporting for a change… anyway Trump 2020

Trumps losing badly everywhere, he wont even get a second term lmao.
Canada should follow suit! We’ve got all kinds of the criminal political class dirtbags ruining our sovereignty!