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She was drunk or very buzzed 200% but we knew that already
They rich!
They’ll be drinking Martinis here soon..
She’s rich, she’ll get away with it
They always do.
The 1% always do.
@Vancouver ViKinG especially him big mouth can’t stand him from dragon
den.bad mouth every one 
Unless someone wants to make an example of them. But generally speaking usually, yes.
Mr. Wonderful is in for 90% of the business with 5% equity and a loan for 50,000 that your a asking for & on top of that immunity for any alcohol involved to just dissappear. Idk wtf I’m saying.
I hope he still has all the money he ever earned in his life. That’s what really matter to me.
What a big gigantic mess of mitigating circumstances.
That’s a great line “miss O’Leary stated she did not consume any alcohol” literally one sentence later “officer detected a strong odour of alcohol.”
Classic blunder
apparently after running the boat over, instead of helping them they drove their boat home and started drinking….
So she found time to get a vodka after the crash ?
Talk about a dedicated drinker.
That’s the classic thing to say in the 80s if the police show up after the crash….oh I had a drink to calm my nerves…….Ok
One thing Ive noticed over the years….the richer a person is, the less they can be trusted.
@babbalonian2 These cheese ball cringe socialite type make me puke.
If you admit to drinking afterwards then it’s more difficult to prove you were drunk earlier.
Mr Underwhelming will be visiting Kingston for the next decade.
not a chaNCE
When the rich collide. Poor tragedy
High speed at night, could have hit anything like the drunk that hit our floating dock and wouldn’t pay to fix it.
Im confused, i can see the oleary boat heading towards the other boat. But it looks like the front part of the boat had lights on.
Same here! I’ve went back, and watched the clip a few times, and it appears to me that both boats had lights on…..
Who believes a narcissistic person would let his wife drive his boat?
He has a pre-nup so he can’t be sued if they blame it on her…
I’ll sum it up for you….Their rich they won’t face anything like you or I would and go to prison. Don’t drink and drive and this type of thing doesn’t happen unless it’s truly an accident.
O’Leary himself it was probably the driver he’s trying to get his wife to take the rap throw them both in jail and throw away the key too much money corruption for the rich
SHOCKIGLY SHE’LL GET OFF, money makes you innocent
Just like that billionaire lady who killed her security guard by “giving him a massage” and then turned to “handing him his gun”.
Also that vodka and water after the crash is gonna turn into, I had a couple drinks before operating the boat… either way, (in)voluntary manslaughter is the charge that should be given…
The video of the boats with the lights is missing at least a couple of frames, or it’s been altered. Where did it come from?
Rich drunks are the same as poor drunks.
she lost all credibility when she lied about not drinking
SHE REFUSED to do a breathe test on site.