CNN's John King breaks which states' reported coronavirus cases are trending up or down as much of the country continues to reopen ahead of Memorial Day Weekend.
#CNN #News
CNN's John King breaks which states' reported coronavirus cases are trending up or down as much of the country continues to reopen ahead of Memorial Day Weekend.
#CNN #News
Joe Biden-“You ain’t black”
@Sean Murphy You could never forgive Trump for anything you think he has said wrong no matter what or how small, but would so easily forgive Biden. If you’d be the first to point out racist bs then you think you’d actually research about Biden and his past as if you cared. But you haven’t and you won’t because you want to vote for him. Anyone but Trump. Stop pretending to being fair at least. All dems do is act holier than thou and don’t even practice what they preach.
@Miss Lana. M. Hudson Because you know everything about Biden…
@OniKage Yes because that is every single Trump supporter. Another case of you shouldn’t talk or group people together…but we can!
@James Persinger We only latch onto it because y’all act so serious about hating racism, but apparently not.
Let’s see what happens in 2 weeks
@Jason Wright it’s not fake news for my best friend who works in the ICU. please try to be sensitive during this time. whatever you believe is happening behind the scenes, a lot of people are dying and risking their lives every day.
Then your gonna say the same thing in 2 weeks lol
@DOUGLAS HOTCHKISS – You’ll be hoping for a long long time. HCQ is one of the safest drugs on the market. The studies were done with Zpak and extremely sick people on ventilators. In other words, Don will be alive unless he dies from something else. Look up HCQ in wiki. It’s extremely safe.
@Blue Sky already have , not at all safe , especially with a heart condition.
You stay stuck in stupid gear junior.
It’s gonna get worst in June to July
Amazing work
Come on folks baby steps and carry those steps with love.

Joe Biden thinks the African American community should only vote for him
@Leeanne Bishop Why don’t you go throw him out big mouth?
HyperDrive Ek would love to
@Matt Tanner try
Practice for the elections lol
point pleasant TV show
didn’t know the town really existed??? !
I thought I was the only person on earth who had seen that show
Why do I get the same image in my head of chief brody sitting on the beach when the mayor insisted on opening the beach for the 4th…that went over well.
Because it’s virtually the exact same thing? Except getting *out of the water!* won’t help, here!
Because you’re a lamb. Lambs get slaughtered. Cheers from Toronto
Because you saw someone make this same exact comment last week and you feel good when you get likes.
@Vega Nona Not everyone is a Shallow POS like you. Stop projecting.
Inez Qtaish say” the guy in my dream said” I sit down in my motor chair when my legs hurt
So biden makes a remark, and the rusian assets equivalate him with the orange-utan.., yea right…
To be fair it was hardly an innocent remark.
Equal rules. Biden should be investigated the same way Trump was.
I’m sure Biden has nothing to fear…right??
Tell me when trump said “if you don’t vote for me, you aren’t [insert race]”
This is the man who was best friends with Robert Byrd, a KKK member, Hillary Clinton, who “carries hot sauce with her in her pocketbook,” and is part of the same party that created the Confederates, conspired to kill lincoln, started the KKK, UNANIMOUSLY voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
But remember, Trump wants to “put y’all back in chains”
Mike Russo Biden is also trying to tell them what they can and can’t do… it’s unbelievable what these corrupt fascists/off-brand fascists(communists) will do
Mike Russo wow that’s a lot of twisting of history
Of course Montana went up the most, it’s been the lowest since the beginning, so if they are reporting on a percentage basis, it would take much to have the highest percentage of increase.
@Vega Nona Wow what POS Logic. You’re saying “Don’t count Montana because of lower population” and then immediately saying “Look at Montana and how Numbers are meaningless”.
Which is it, jackass? LOL so dumb
@Vega Nona Of ‘course’ they have…
@Vega Nona to be fair they increased by %600. %700 percent of 1 is 7, so if it increased by 7 that would make it 8. sorry i had to
Global stats have to be looked at by per million and then take into account either non reporting, how and what data is collected.
I mean, you had China admit their numbers “could be up to 50% higher “.
Are nursing home deaths being counted in all areas now?
@OniKage You don’t catch on do you
0.15% death rate and plummeting as cases increase. Cheers from Toronto
.15% where do you even get those fake stats? like legitimately how ?
Same here in the US, most likely. Cheers, friend!
cheers! greetings from united states!
@Rewind 0.15 is based on a tiny 10% having had it. Fakenews CNN and MSNBC experts all stated covid 19 is much more contagious than the flu which hits upwards of 20% seasonly. So true death rate is closer to 0.07%.Simple math. Cheers from Toronto
How is corona reported? Remind me of the Soviet Union where high ranking military official committed suicide shooting himself in the back of the head 3 times reported. People now commit suicide and declared corona death. They die in the ambulance from heart attack….corona death. An excessively obese 380 lbs man fall down the staircase…corona death. I sincerely wonder at what point reporting a death as corona death is becoming criminal?
Never knew there are so many real life Dale Gribbles out there.
10-50% states in red?
Area where I work had their first double digit increase since partially reopening. Went to a store.. tons of people none but a few and the store staff were taking precautions.
Stay home, stay scared. We will mail you a check and a prefilled out ballot.
george gorhau Your either a slightly smarter Ruski BOT or a simpleton who accidentally watched something different than FOX. “14 sick gong down to 1 real soon”
@David Carter Ok boomer
@David Carter Ok boomer
When you lose something, you gain another one.
Arkansas had less than 100 cases, so to increase 50% could happen so easy!
yncr18 less than 100 increase by 50% is low is like Trumps 15 going to 0 when it goes to 60
Without testing you don’t know for sure.
Joe Biden actually told Black Americans they “AIN’T BLACK”
@Be Woke Jeanty on the breakfest club earlier today.
It was a stupid thing to say but it tells you how incompetent trump is if voters will shrug and vote Biden anyways
I know you mean well but…. could you make this more complicated & confusing????
John, can you tell us where Joe is? Joe doesn’t know but maybe John does.