Election history shows that the winning party of the presidential election will lose majority control of congress in the following midterm, but will this happen in 2022? In the latest episode of The Point, CNN’s Chris Cillizza goes through some new election forecasting models that show Democrats may actually maintain their majority.
Forecasting the 2022 Midterm Election with the Generic Ballot
2020 Census: What the Reapportionment Numbers Mean
85% Of Republicans Want Candidates To Agree With Trump, Quinnipiac University National Poll Finds; Americans Support Early Cut To Federal Jobless Benefit
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I was named "best dressed" in 7th grade. That, along with being CNN's editor at large and author of the daily "Point" newsletter are my proudest achievements. Look for me here every Tuesday and Thursday to find out what’s really going down in politics.
Writer: Chris Cillizza
Producer: Moira Donohue
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#CNN #Cillizza #Congress
Will Democrats keep their majority in 2022? – Chris
@Twitzy Snitz Oh I thought you were describing Trump and his cronies mega followers.
@BTCZ Btcz Ok fine. I will watch closely. But don’t be surprised when I come back to this comment after the midterms.
Who cares about this now?

@Mary Purcell Clearly you do or you wouldn’t be commenting here.
Don’t forget 10% for the Big guy
@LaLa Johnson
Do you even know what inflation is and means?
I doubt it when giving such a stupid comment which shows how poorly educated you are.
@m. richards https://youtu.be/mb4cq8Rp6gY
Please Read = I am not a conspiricy theorist, and I am aware of a meeting that took place on christmas eve regarding this.
I am sorry America, but there was 100% outside interferance. Regarding your country now = 8.5 trillion is needed to change country to totatarian system, its only way america will stay ahead of china, the bad news here is it starts with your children, ask anyone from an oppressed country (crt). Europe soon will join with china, and massive gamble by biden will see america fall to at best 4th richest economy, experts have already side if biden huge spend goes wrong even by just 20% America will never ever recover, included in this is natural disaster, war at home or abroad. You will have new police force, which will in part be military. Anyone who has followed my comments will know that everything predicted has come true, even the vile sex education to under 10’s. This is what Trump was really referring to when he said ” You better fight like hell, because if you dont fight like hell, you ain’t going to have country worth fighting for anymore. This is my Final post, so please dont reply. God bless you all.
Yeah, by passing HR1, that’s the ONLY way.
@Mr. James Good question, my brother! That was posted up on Telegram as a money drive to get the ball rolling. I live in Arizona, and I chipped in as did many of my neighbors in our state. Did you know that Arizona has been a conservative state since 1948? We all wanted answers, and we hope this audit that has Democrats and Republicans working side by side to learn the truth of it all will tell us just that.
@Mr. James Biden will strongarm him with a bribe with pork for WV, Just like he did with the ARP. Don’t Trust Manchin.
@Mr. James There are only five states – Arizona being one of them that would have to change votes by a total of about 250 thousand for Trump to be President in theory. That is one reason Arizona was picked for another audit.
HR1 is trash
Please Read = I am not a conspiricy theorist, and I am aware of a meeting that took place on christmas eve regarding this.
I am sorry America, but there was 100% outside interferance. Regarding your country now = 8.5 trillion is needed to change country to totatarian system, its only way america will stay ahead of china, the bad news here is it starts with your children, ask anyone from an oppressed country (crt). Europe soon will join with china, and massive gamble by biden will see america fall to at best 4th richest economy, experts have already side if biden huge spend goes wrong even by just 20% America will never ever recover, included in this is natural disaster, war at home or abroad. You will have new police force, which will in part be military. Anyone who has followed my comments will know that everything predicted has come true, even the vile sex education to under 10’s. This is what Trump was really referring to when he said ” You better fight like hell, because if you dont fight like hell, you ain’t going to have country worth fighting for anymore. This is my Final post, so please dont reply. God bless you all.
How they can keep the majority. Pass some damn bills.
@Mr. James so what of polls regarding issues that are conducted repetitively with high approval where the poll is specifically about that issue? I can see your point on overall bill polling but still think it should be taken into consideration. If politicians took polls more seriously, wouldn’t poll participation increase? Or do we just go with whoever is donating the most,
@Mr. James what would you like them to spend time doing? I’m curious as you don’t think the will of the people is important enough.
@Sean Connors “so what of polls regarding issues that are conducted repetitively with high approval where the poll is specifically about that issue?”
Honestly, then I would say that a high percentage (although unknown) most likely would approve of that specific issue. Although, with polls you truly cannot be sure sometimes (especially in this day and age).
“I can see your point on overall bill polling but still think it should be taken into consideration. If politicians took polls more seriously, wouldn’t poll participation increase? Or do we just go with whoever is donating the most,”
I’m honestly not sure how to answer your last question. For one, I’m not sure what effect a poll has on a politician. Additionally, I’m not sure if people would be more likely to answer polls of politicians took them more seriously. I don’t know of any such correlation, although I may simply not be educated enough in this category.
Also, I’m not sure if you were done with you post, as you ended with a comma instead of a period.
@Mr. James But Mitch is in charge and he has been doing it. LOL
Please Read = I am not a conspiricy theorist, and I am aware of a meeting that took place on christmas eve regarding this.
I am sorry America, but there was 100% outside interferance. Regarding your country now = 8.5 trillion is needed to change country to totatarian system, its only way america will stay ahead of china, the bad news here is it starts with your children, ask anyone from an oppressed country (crt). Europe soon will join with china, and massive gamble by biden will see america fall to at best 4th richest economy, experts have already side if biden huge spend goes wrong even by just 20% America will never ever recover, included in this is natural disaster, war at home or abroad. You will have new police force, which will in part be military. Anyone who has followed my comments will know that everything predicted has come true, even the vile sex education to under 10’s. This is what Trump was really referring to when he said ” You better fight like hell, because if you dont fight like hell, you ain’t going to have country worth fighting for anymore. This is my Final post, so please dont reply. God bless you all.
Every election outcome in red states where dems win will be tossed out by corrupt state legislatures
@Frank Latin LMFAO…He is a cretin.
@Ohio Against The World every single thing 45 accused someone of doing HE’S DONE. Thats projecting
@jaymtl79 oh my dear god. I don’t even particularly like the dude, but it’s hilarious seeing this insane demonization just because it’s what CNN told you to think. and if that’s not true, then tell me in clear terms exactly how the idiot is so painfully racist? and I don’t mean him not repeating words that a Dem tried to force down his throat and make him repeat. beyond that, what made the idiot so racist? was it him signing into law the legislation that gave more funding to black/minority universities than any other president ever has before? is that part of why he’s so racist to you?
Social media and large media outlets will just suppress republican candidates and voices to push propaganda, just like in 2020.
Please Read = I am not a conspiricy theorist, and I am aware of a meeting that took place on christmas eve regarding this.
I am sorry America, but there was 100% outside interferance. Regarding your country now = 8.5 trillion is needed to change country to totatarian system, its only way america will stay ahead of china, the bad news here is it starts with your children, ask anyone from an oppressed country (crt). Europe soon will join with china, and massive gamble by biden will see america fall to at best 4th richest economy, experts have already side if biden huge spend goes wrong even by just 20% America will never ever recover, included in this is natural disaster, war at home or abroad. You will have new police force, which will in part be military. Anyone who has followed my comments will know that everything predicted has come true, even the vile sex education to under 10’s. This is what Trump was really referring to when he said ” You better fight like hell, because if you dont fight like hell, you ain’t going to have country worth fighting for anymore. This is my Final post, so please dont reply. God bless you all.
5 minutes and he didn’t say HOW Democrats could stay in the majority. Come on, Chris.
Democrats won’t stay in power long. Legacy media is all but dead. Nobody to spew propaganda for the democrat party anymore.
@cody k he is right
Did you come to CNN for something other than “people who disagree with Democrats are WW2 Germans b/c an anonymous source, AKA my friend’s cousin’s brother who is related to Hillary Clinton, said so”?
If so, then you are kind of missing how CNN works.
@Logan M Bingo , And cannot be voted out because system is rigged to begin with
Please Read = I am not a conspiricy theorist, and I am aware of a meeting that took place on christmas eve regarding this.
I am sorry America, but there was 100% outside interferance. Regarding your country now = 8.5 trillion is needed to change country to totatarian system, its only way america will stay ahead of china, the bad news here is it starts with your children, ask anyone from an oppressed country (crt). Europe soon will join with china, and massive gamble by biden will see america fall to at best 4th richest economy, experts have already side if biden huge spend goes wrong even by just 20% America will never ever recover, included in this is natural disaster, war at home or abroad. You will have new police force, which will in part be military. Anyone who has followed my comments will know that everything predicted has come true, even the vile sex education to under 10’s. This is what Trump was really referring to when he said ” You better fight like hell, because if you dont fight like hell, you ain’t going to have country worth fighting for anymore. This is my Final post, so please dont reply. God bless you all.
If the United States Congress ever passes a legislation to have independent redistricting commission, the GOP will never win the house back! They need gerrymandering/cheating for getting elected. If you don’t believe me, look at Jim Jordan’s district (it’s shaped like a duck).
@Andrew Pinson but right now, the GOP benefits more. A lot more
@Belly Dancer Em So what. The democrats benefit from having 80% plus favorability reporting from the media. That is not counting CNN which has about 90 plus % favorable reporting. They have full support of big tech. They have most of academia leaning left. They have most of the TV and other arts leaning their way. If democrats controlled more of the state governments they would control the majority of gerrymandering and the ROP would be bitching about it. There is no fair field anywhere. Almost all of it is sickening, biased, lying devoid of all of the facts, devoid of any true discussions by the media and most of all omissions of stories everywhere. And yes it all makes me mad as hell.
@Christopher Lundgren That is your story, not mine so gtfo yourself.
@Christopher Lundgren I am watching what the democrats are “morally” trying to do with the immigrants crossing the border, with the attempts at buying votes, with the suggestions to pack the courts, with the suggestions to have two more democratic majority states to enter the union, with the attempts to paste everyone who disagrees with them as racist, to destroy the economy with elimination of oil and gas, and numerous other “holding the high ground” ideas they are forcing on the nation.
@Andrew Pinson Yeah, maybe people are sick of the minority party having the majority of the power. Even now when the democrats hold the majority they can’t really do anything. Democrats try to be fair while Republicans are ruthless. Those suggestions are from people saying maybe we should be ruthless sometimes too.
The “nation” is already leans toward the democratic side. We’re all real Americans, not just people that agree with you. You pretend like nobody else exists.
I’ll help:
1 – Keep AOC talking as much as possible
2 – Don’t filter or censor Omar
3 – Let Biden answer any questions he wants, for as long as he wants
4 – Keep Trump in the news cycle so his voters forget his legendary flaws
How is keeping Trump in the news cycle going to help us forget his legendary flaws? That would more likely remind us of them.
All I have to remember is Trump’s Big Lie and his wondering aloud if Injecting disinfectants might be a way to kill the coronavirus.
@Keith Mc I’m wondering why Joey only wears his mask some of the times.
@Keith Mc
. That was debunked. Had you paid attention instead of letting CNN do your thinking for you, you would know that’s not true.
@M Hall it’s funny that he doesn’t understand no.4.
Funny how people disregard Omar Ilhan’s literal bullsh*t that spews from her mouth.
The American Election NEVER ENDS!. Every two years, four years for President, ,six for Senators, omg!. No wonder nothing gets done, politicians are ALWAYS on the Election trail.
They don’t do anything but rubber stamp what their owners tell them to.
@Boyd Gilbreath Or ,they stay up all night thinking of the wierdest , most outlandish things to say that will get them on their favorite cable news network.
Hard to take this seriously with all of the animations and sound effects. Obviously the producers have made the assumption that their audience has a stunted attention span. The internet killed real news.
Spoiler alert: They can’t lol
How do democrats retain a majority? Keep refusing invitations to a public televised one on one interview between Biden and a Russian journalist.
That isnt going to happen…GOP will keep senate and will re-take the house
It won’t do any good! Democrats are going to be pushed out of their seats come 2022.
In GOP run States the Dems better start getting their Paper Work & ID in order right now.
is redistricting in his model? seems like it would need to be, if the model is built on assumptions (current seats) which could easily be changed by corrupt republicans
Here’s how Bernie can still win
I heard Bernie was executed ….Does this tie into child slave/ torture rings? Any way for sure tens of thousands are being rounded up and fed thru tribunals.
I honestly don’t have a problem with libertarian but liberals and alt leftist are the problem ngl
This must be the other side of Joe Biden’s basement. Also why would they worry since everybody loves the Dems, I mean 81 million right.
They can try by continuing to bury news that doesn’t suit their agenda (Austin mass shooting), not one article by CNN on it, I wonder why!