We are the most powerful undisciplined country in the world. If this was WWII we would be losing the war. We have an arrogant Administration that does not care about lives, only dollars.
@Ceon Global Trust Because Donald the liar called Hilary Crooked, you believed him. Who gives a rats behind about her e-mails? Trump uses an unsecure phone, his daughter and son-in-law use their private phones for government business. Don’t tell me about Hilary. She has not been indicted or convicted of any crime. Wait til after the election and Donald is indicted, and convicted for his crimes. He is the crooked one! Check your facts on the Uranium deal. That has been disproven over and over again. Trump is a serial liar. You can’t see that? WTF!
Joe Biden’s China: AP / Breaking News- Virologist Claims She Can Prove COVID Virus Was Made in Wuhan Lab
A virologist from China said in a recent interview that the novel coronavirus which has swept the globe is man-made and originated in a Chinese lab.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan has reportedly been in hiding since shortly after she began researching the origins of COVID-19 at the end of 2019, when the first outbreak was reported in Wuhan, China.
In an interview published Friday on the British talk show “Loose Women,” Yan — speaking from an undisclosed location — discussed her theory about the origin of the pandemic.
She also described a campaign to blame a Wuhan wet market for the viral outbreak as a “smoke screen.”
“The seafood market in Wuhan … [is] a smoke screen, and … this virus is not from nature,” Yan said.
She said she received the information backing up her lab theory “from the [Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention], from the local doctors.”
It is believed Yan is somewhere inside the U.S, where she relocated in April without her husband, who is also a scientist in China, after he became critical of her, AP reporting .
The moment facts come out against your narrative, you immediately try to blame the opposition of being the one behind everything. It’s already been proven the CDC are controlled by the democrats, not Trump.
Joe Biden’s China: AP / Breaking News- Virologist Claims She Can Prove COVID Virus Was Made in Wuhan Lab
A virologist from China said in a recent interview that the novel coronavirus which has swept the globe is man-made and originated in a Chinese lab.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan has reportedly been in hiding since shortly after she began researching the origins of COVID-19 at the end of 2019, when the first outbreak was reported in Wuhan, China.
In an interview published Friday on the British talk show “Loose Women,” Yan — speaking from an undisclosed location — discussed her theory about the origin of the pandemic.
She also described a campaign to blame a Wuhan wet market for the viral outbreak as a “smoke screen.”
“The seafood market in Wuhan … [is] a smoke screen, and … this virus is not from nature,” Yan said.
She said she received the information backing up her lab theory “from the [Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention], from the local doctors.”
It is believed Yan is somewhere inside the U.S, where she relocated in April without her husband, who is also a scientist in China, after he became critical of her, AP reporting .
Why is it “hard to understand” the new guidelines? They have been handed down from your thug-in-chief as yet another dirty trick in his armory of election cheating ploys.
Here we have delusional Lefty Boomers continuing to panic over a virus that’s killed about 10,000 Americans. Your generation is one of privilege, societal failure and selfishness. The Lefty Boomers have children who hate them. The Lefty Boomers depend on the television to do the thinking for them. The Lefty Boomers don’t mind that Joe Biden is a career Washington scumbag, or that he gropes children, or that he cares more about China than the United States.
There is no one more disgusting and disgraceful than the anti-American Leftists of the Baby Boomer generation. Enjoy another four years of President Trump, you worthless scumbags.
MK Ultra
If Trump had acted earlier and shut down early on, we wouldn’t be in this situation. The reason this is still ongoing is due to his complete lack of decisiveness.
@keir farnum – To now say that less than 10,000 people is the actual death toll from Covid-19 is not only “a highly disingenuous use of stats” it is friggin stupid. Completely gullible would be another way to describe it.
@keir farnum I’m not justifying anything. You realize we’ve spent 2X the cost of the war in Iraq on this virus? For the amount of money we spent we could have protected those with comorbidities. But I don’t believe these lockdowns are constitutional. You can’t deny people the right to work. The virus is bad, but these lockdowns are also causing suicides, financial ruin, increase in heart attack deaths and contributing to higher alcohol consumption. A large share of the deaths are also due to bad policies at nursing homes. The death rate of the virus is 3x higher in New York than most states. Why is that? It’s pushing 7.5% while other states are 2-3%.
@keir farnum Oh please. It’s a disgrace people blame Trump when in China, a country of 1.4 billion people, the virus pops up in the only city that has a level 4 bio lab. China destroyed most of the evidence and told a scientist who first reported Covid 19 to retract his statements.
Joe Biden’s China: AP / Breaking News- Virologist Claims She Can Prove COVID Virus Was Made in Wuhan Lab
A virologist from China said in a recent interview that the novel coronavirus which has swept the globe is man-made and originated in a Chinese lab.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan has reportedly been in hiding since shortly after she began researching the origins of COVID-19 at the end of 2019, when the first outbreak was reported in Wuhan, China.
In an interview published Friday on the British talk show “Loose Women,” Yan — speaking from an undisclosed location — discussed her theory about the origin of the pandemic.
She also described a campaign to blame a Wuhan wet market for the viral outbreak as a “smoke screen.”
“The seafood market in Wuhan … [is] a smoke screen, and … this virus is not from nature,” Yan said.
She said she received the information backing up her lab theory “from the [Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention], from the local doctors.”
It is believed Yan is somewhere inside the U.S, where she relocated in April without her husband, who is also a scientist in China, after he became critical of her, AP reporting .
Lol its hilarious that people are too stupid to just look around them and realize the plandemic is a hoax and done on purpose by the left so they can blame trump …so they can force mail in ballots so they can cheat trump out of the election! If it were a real pandemic you would know..people would be dropping dead all around us! Hospital employees by the 100s are saying its all bs and the beds are empty! But media wont report on it!
@richmond morris COVID wasn’t created in the US SMH. If that’s the case how did the rest of the world catch it? You’re sooo worried about the left you should be more concerned with the right and how they’re the domestic terrorist of the united States.
@FEB 1985 woah what? Never said it was created in US! Its been around for a long time…was known as common cold… and it was altered in wuhan to better attach to human cells…the us sent 3.7 million to wuhan a few years back to test cv in bats! Its claimed to be worse un America becsuse americans will beleive any stupid lie the left..yes thats right! Left controlled media tells them! Which are known to lie! No cv was not created anywhere..just modified!
Now blm and antifa are democrat and controlled by the democrats and 2 george soros foundations. Blm is basically legal money laundering for democrats…go look for yourself where donations go. Blm and antifa are terrorist groups blocking traffic and attacking anyone that is on the other side of the isle. They are burning buildings and attacked people coming out of the gop convention and no one did that at the dnc!
Blm has hurt more blacks than cops have in decades …a lot of businesses they burnt and smashed up were black owned.
Now tell me how the right are terrorists? You have to be the stupidest motherfucker of the day! you have 0 idea what you are talking about!
The greatest power in history, the wealthiest country in history. The army now has all the bullets it needs and still the population has insufficient funds to keep them safe.
dean mushtuk I see your one of the ones that still hold on to hope that these people listen to facts. I had to give up a long time ago. Good comment though
@Puddles 59 The authenticity of that report being true or not is debatable, however regardless that is no doubt the reality and will eventually be realized and acknowledged.
@Dude Lebowski
i respect your fear and misunderstanding.
Medical science made decisions based on expert knowledge. The virus was novel, meaning new to science. All decisions at scientific level were made with the utmost concern for validity, using the information gathered by front line workers…..the doctors and nurses that save our lives everyday.
The medical science experts have no desire to conspire, and the politicians who choose to listen to experts have no desire to ruin your life or any economy. It is not a conspiracy.
Sure, lets go for herd immunity, let it rip. Talk to you later.
I am sure if this disease killed your age group, then you would have a different outlook))))))
The first sentence is simply not true, America may have been the most powerful country since world war 2, it’s merely a hundred years and has been closely rivaled by many other powers in its existence. And it doesn’t look like us will remain top for very long.
1) As the 1918 Flu Emerged, Cover-Up and Denial Helped It Spread
2) When Mask-Wearing Rules in the 1918 Pandemic Faced Resistance…a chilling account of who, how and why countries tried to suppress talk about the ‘Spanish Flu”.
While all of these governments were guilty of suppression, denial and lying to the public, their main reasons appear to have been misguidedly trying to keeping up morale during the war.
Oddly, not one of them mention trying to help a corrupt geriatric tyrant to get re-elected!!!
Christiane Carson Where are you wanna listen to the CDC when I say that 94% of the people died of other underlying conditions it’s not like the Spanish flu this is all fake and the riots this all together until you see that we’re giving up our rights then you’re just a walking hive mind a zombie walking to the tune of the Pied Piper so carry-on I really don’t care about what you think
@Terry G Yes, in many cases there are underlying conditions…but you can live for many, many, many years with underlying conditions and not die. These people died now, not 10 or 20 or 30 years from now, because COVID did them in. They died as a direct result of this virus ravaging their system.
I am in an area that was hit very hard by the virus. Believe me, it is NOT fake. It enters cells through a mechanism that allows it to disrupt many downstream biochemical pathways, hence (unlike anything ever seen before it) the many varied symptoms and effects on the body.
If you would like to learn more REAL information about it, I highly recommend the MedCram YouTube channel, and also those of Drbeen Medical Lectures, Dr. Mike Hansen, and Dr. John Campbell. Since you are not a blindly following zombie, I’m sure you’ll enjoy these sources.
All deaths from covid also had 2.3 other diseases on average. Aka a cNcer patient on dialysis died because of covid. This is like me saying a cancer patient died bexause he ate bread 6 days before. Corellation does not equal causation! You may check the CDC reports yourself, instead of letting cnn spoonfeed you FAKE NEWS
More lies CNN. New Revised CDC numbers said less than 10,000 deaths due to COVID that only 6% of all deaths only had COVID the rest had underlying health issues. How does it feel to be lied to and scammed by health officials.
Money will mean nothing if an asteroid hits earth and the people whether republican or democrat will come together with guns loaded and aimed to these that made us suffer-them knowing that their bunker is full of supplies-but there are more of us than them.They cannot stop all of us and we will also have armed forces they betrayed who know exactly where ALL of these high profile bunkers are-same with the truck drivers delivering the underground supplies…this is why they are pitting each of us against each other-they feel by doing so,we will turn on each other and some will,but they will be the ones dragged out of these many bunkers and be on public display before the suffer and die.
Oh, and CNN will be left behind as well.
Johnny Beacham That’s because no one dies of Covid19 they die of health issues caused by covid19. They die of acute respiratory syndrome or pneumonia caused by Covid19. They die of strokes or heart attacks caused by Covid19. You are misunderstanding the data.
@Robert Rhinehart Do you not know what anecdotal evidence is? Your ‘personal’ experience is irrelevant. ‘Starvation’ also disproportionately affects minority groups too. But stats are stats. It’s not a reason for turning off the planet and removing civil liberties. This year’s worldwide death toll is on par with every other year. You must be American where everything is about race.
@JoJo Or Else don’t kid yourself nothing you can say will affect me. last I checked your mentality and the racist pandemic is coming to an end. Never before have racists lost their jobs like they are now. Never before have so many racists been jailed. Even racists cops who had the protection of the police union are now being charged with murder. You want to be racists so be it but you better do a better job at hiding it because if you show your RACISUM in public be sure that you won’t walk away from the situation losing something.
CNN Did you see the latest CDC report dated today, 8-30-20, of people labeled as dying from Covid deaths? 94% of the deaths were caused by underlying illnesses, NOT covid. So is the CDC no longer a valid source?
A Morgan A couple things:
—Generally, the CDC is a valid source, but this administration is trying to corrupt this top-level organization. Their public statements are made by unqualified people under pressure to twist and hide numbers—but their website is loaded with great, very technical data and tutorials for citizens, doctors and health professionals.
—The 6% of deaths due directly to covid-19 doesn’t include the percentage of deaths due to covid-19 in which underlying conditions made them vulnerable.
In other words, if they hadn’t contracted covid-19, they’d be alive. The number of covid-19 deaths is closer to 156,000, which is more like 80%.
A much better number is the “excess deaths” over what is typical in a year. You’ll find it’s around 180,000 so far.
Where have you been! America does it too! Look at the censorship from Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook! People should be able to say what they want without some fact check BS! Individuals can research and think for themselves!
I’m absolutely convinced every government suppressed information which has been seen as harmful to the government and in their eyes because of that to the country.
The question is, if the information is really harmful. That depends if the government is doing their job well enough in the short and the long term. If it doesn’t the mistakes should be published.
But politic transparency of our governments and the freedom of speech is a beautiful dream which was never the hard reality…
@Jack Dahlstroma I hope our dimwit doesn’t get reelected cause there will be a crisis at the southern border… of Canada…. Americans fleeing a corrupt regime…. count on it if the insane man is reelected.
@Bryan B The most compelling metric is positivity rate. Although there has been a recent upward trend, most provinces in Canada have a rate <1%. This is down from a peak of ~6%. You can't help but wonder what makes Canadians, in general, different.
@Tixe 100 Imagine a pandemic where 94% of the fatalities were just made up to terrify people. Because it was profitable and politically expedient. That’s a crime against humanity. The democrats aren’t a political party, they are criminal enterprise posing as a political party.
@dean mushtuk Did you read what Oxford university theorized when this virus first came out? They thought it was likely in February that a third of Britain already had it. The Chinese were not honest about the release of this virus.
Jack Jones Now imagine a pandemic wherein some people don’t believe basic facts—because the facts are what scare them, so in order to reduce the fear, they ignore reality and bury their heads in the sand.
And when their president is just as fearful, and is incapable of overcoming it, and HE also ignores reality—you get what we see today.
200,000 dead Americans. As predicted by the people you should listen to.
@Tixe 100 Imagine I actually believed that the Chinese, and their Democrat allies have murdered 200,000 Americans by releasing a biological agent on the United States to get rid of Donald Trump. Imagine what I would do about that.
Also start smoking. Because if you are a smoker, your chances of catching COVID-19 go down from 18% to about 5%… See what I did there? Quite a common mistake… Mistaking correlation with causality. Different things.
@734gman the virus is not purified nor verified and the test is not gold standard. They say follow the science. The data is absolutely worthless. The CDCsays only 6% of deaths were solely cv19. If the testing is flawed, is that number correct either?
The infection rate numbers are high but only because of mass testing and not because of people refusing to wear masks or because the virus is getting worse and that should be the end of statement. However the hyper hysteria of the internet era and politicians and the political scientists forcing their narrative for power relevancy are fueling irrational fear and ignorance among the mass population at a rate never before seen in the history of the world. The most obvious concept and correlational that really should need no explanation is, if there is an exponential Increase in testing of course they will find corona virus everywhere, dig a little deeper and they would also find flu virus and other viral infections far more common and rampant than anyone could ever imagine. Corona viruses are among the most common virus on the planet. There are currently 7 corona virus infections circulating the world that are hiding dormant inside a huge portion of the global population right now as everyone is panicking about this one. These types of viruses are extremely contagious and ubiquitous, in other words absolutely everywhere and impossible to contain. However the good news is, Corona/flu type viruses have a very low level virulence rate for the vast, vast majority of the population with normal functioning immune systems. In fact it is so low our front line defender White Blood Cells snuff the virus at the onset of the infection before any symptoms are even detectable, aprox 80-90% of the time. Acquired antibody T-Cell immunity (or heard immunity) is the only way these types of viral infections ever end (by virulence dilution causing what is known as an endemic) and not by masks, hand sanitizer and vaccination. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FU3OibcindQ&t=20s
We are the most powerful undisciplined country in the world. If this was WWII we would be losing the war. We have an arrogant Administration that does not care about lives, only dollars.
Nevermind WW2, if Gremlins were real they would have taken the country over in a week.
@look it up I always laugh at those who watch Corrupt News Network and MSNBC propaganda call real facts fake news. Its absolutely hilarious!
@Ceon Global Trust Because Donald the liar called Hilary Crooked, you believed him. Who gives a rats behind about her e-mails? Trump uses an unsecure phone, his daughter and son-in-law use their private phones for government business. Don’t tell me about Hilary. She has not been indicted or convicted of any crime. Wait til after the election and Donald is indicted, and convicted for his crimes. He is the crooked one! Check your facts on the Uranium deal. That has been disproven over and over again. Trump is a serial liar. You can’t see that? WTF!
Joe Biden’s China: AP / Breaking News- Virologist Claims She Can Prove COVID Virus Was Made in Wuhan Lab
A virologist from China said in a recent interview that the novel coronavirus which has swept the globe is man-made and originated in a Chinese lab.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan has reportedly been in hiding since shortly after she began researching the origins of COVID-19 at the end of 2019, when the first outbreak was reported in Wuhan, China.
In an interview published Friday on the British talk show “Loose Women,” Yan — speaking from an undisclosed location — discussed her theory about the origin of the pandemic.
She also described a campaign to blame a Wuhan wet market for the viral outbreak as a “smoke screen.”
“The seafood market in Wuhan … [is] a smoke screen, and … this virus is not from nature,” Yan said.
She said she received the information backing up her lab theory “from the [Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention], from the local doctors.”
It is believed Yan is somewhere inside the U.S, where she relocated in April without her husband, who is also a scientist in China, after he became critical of her, AP reporting .
CDC is following Trump’s orders instead of protecting the Americans is why!
@Harlina Indra https://fox8.com/news/coronavirus/new-cdc-report-shows-94-of-covid-19-deaths-in-us-had-underlying-medical-conditions/
Yeah, all of sweden died.. South dakota is all dead too…
The moment facts come out against your narrative, you immediately try to blame the opposition of being the one behind everything. It’s already been proven the CDC are controlled by the democrats, not Trump.
Joe Biden’s China: AP / Breaking News- Virologist Claims She Can Prove COVID Virus Was Made in Wuhan Lab
A virologist from China said in a recent interview that the novel coronavirus which has swept the globe is man-made and originated in a Chinese lab.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan has reportedly been in hiding since shortly after she began researching the origins of COVID-19 at the end of 2019, when the first outbreak was reported in Wuhan, China.
In an interview published Friday on the British talk show “Loose Women,” Yan — speaking from an undisclosed location — discussed her theory about the origin of the pandemic.
She also described a campaign to blame a Wuhan wet market for the viral outbreak as a “smoke screen.”
“The seafood market in Wuhan … [is] a smoke screen, and … this virus is not from nature,” Yan said.
She said she received the information backing up her lab theory “from the [Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention], from the local doctors.”
It is believed Yan is somewhere inside the U.S, where she relocated in April without her husband, who is also a scientist in China, after he became critical of her, AP reporting .
Why is it “hard to understand” the new guidelines? They have been handed down from your thug-in-chief as yet another dirty trick in his armory of election cheating ploys.
According to the CDC 9,683 died in the United States with only having COVID-19 listed on their death certificate.
@Schuyler Ebbets https://fox8.com/news/coronavirus/new-cdc-report-shows-94-of-covid-19-deaths-in-us-had-underlying-medical-conditions/
Here we have delusional Lefty Boomers continuing to panic over a virus that’s killed about 10,000 Americans. Your generation is one of privilege, societal failure and selfishness. The Lefty Boomers have children who hate them. The Lefty Boomers depend on the television to do the thinking for them. The Lefty Boomers don’t mind that Joe Biden is a career Washington scumbag, or that he gropes children, or that he cares more about China than the United States.
There is no one more disgusting and disgraceful than the anti-American Leftists of the Baby Boomer generation. Enjoy another four years of President Trump, you worthless scumbags.
I don’t trust the official numbers anymore since the WH is in control.
@Biden For President
U don’t no me
Puddles 59 I KNOW you’re not at all educated…..
@Biden For President
Which of course makes u BETTER THAN ME!!!
@Biden For President
I do have a question tho…..
@Biden For President
A good LIBTARD story for you
” So I told MY people to slow the testing down please “
MK Ultra
If Trump had acted earlier and shut down early on, we wouldn’t be in this situation. The reason this is still ongoing is due to his complete lack of decisiveness.
@keir farnum – To now say that less than 10,000 people is the actual death toll from Covid-19 is not only “a highly disingenuous use of stats” it is friggin stupid. Completely gullible would be another way to describe it.
@keir farnum I’m not justifying anything. You realize we’ve spent 2X the cost of the war in Iraq on this virus? For the amount of money we spent we could have protected those with comorbidities. But I don’t believe these lockdowns are constitutional. You can’t deny people the right to work. The virus is bad, but these lockdowns are also causing suicides, financial ruin, increase in heart attack deaths and contributing to higher alcohol consumption. A large share of the deaths are also due to bad policies at nursing homes. The death rate of the virus is 3x higher in New York than most states. Why is that? It’s pushing 7.5% while other states are 2-3%.
@keir farnum Oh please. It’s a disgrace people blame Trump when in China, a country of 1.4 billion people, the virus pops up in the only city that has a level 4 bio lab. China destroyed most of the evidence and told a scientist who first reported Covid 19 to retract his statements.
Joe Biden’s China: AP / Breaking News- Virologist Claims She Can Prove COVID Virus Was Made in Wuhan Lab
A virologist from China said in a recent interview that the novel coronavirus which has swept the globe is man-made and originated in a Chinese lab.
Dr. Li-Meng Yan has reportedly been in hiding since shortly after she began researching the origins of COVID-19 at the end of 2019, when the first outbreak was reported in Wuhan, China.
In an interview published Friday on the British talk show “Loose Women,” Yan — speaking from an undisclosed location — discussed her theory about the origin of the pandemic.
She also described a campaign to blame a Wuhan wet market for the viral outbreak as a “smoke screen.”
“The seafood market in Wuhan … [is] a smoke screen, and … this virus is not from nature,” Yan said.
She said she received the information backing up her lab theory “from the [Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention], from the local doctors.”
It is believed Yan is somewhere inside the U.S, where she relocated in April without her husband, who is also a scientist in China, after he became critical of her, AP reporting .
Unfortunately your data is compromised by the WH as the CDC only gives their data to them and not the media.
@JimBobBek where is your proof?
@FEB 1985 Didn’t you hear that this guy named Mueller spent 2 years to find squat?
Lol its hilarious that people are too stupid to just look around them and realize the plandemic is a hoax and done on purpose by the left so they can blame trump …so they can force mail in ballots so they can cheat trump out of the election! If it were a real pandemic you would know..people would be dropping dead all around us! Hospital employees by the 100s are saying its all bs and the beds are empty! But media wont report on it!
@richmond morris COVID wasn’t created in the US SMH. If that’s the case how did the rest of the world catch it? You’re sooo worried about the left you should be more concerned with the right and how they’re the domestic terrorist of the united States.
@FEB 1985 woah what? Never said it was created in US! Its been around for a long time…was known as common cold… and it was altered in wuhan to better attach to human cells…the us sent 3.7 million to wuhan a few years back to test cv in bats! Its claimed to be worse un America becsuse americans will beleive any stupid lie the left..yes thats right! Left controlled media tells them! Which are known to lie! No cv was not created anywhere..just modified!
Now blm and antifa are democrat and controlled by the democrats and 2 george soros foundations. Blm is basically legal money laundering for democrats…go look for yourself where donations go. Blm and antifa are terrorist groups blocking traffic and attacking anyone that is on the other side of the isle. They are burning buildings and attacked people coming out of the gop convention and no one did that at the dnc!
Blm has hurt more blacks than cops have in decades …a lot of businesses they burnt and smashed up were black owned.
Now tell me how the right are terrorists? You have to be the stupidest motherfucker of the day! you have 0 idea what you are talking about!
The greatest power in history, the wealthiest country in history. The army now has all the bullets it needs and still the population has insufficient funds to keep them safe.
dean mushtuk I see your one of the ones that still hold on to hope that these people listen to facts. I had to give up a long time ago. Good comment though
@Puddles 59 The authenticity of that report being true or not is debatable, however regardless that is no doubt the reality and will eventually be realized and acknowledged.
@Dude Lebowski
i respect your fear and misunderstanding.
Medical science made decisions based on expert knowledge. The virus was novel, meaning new to science. All decisions at scientific level were made with the utmost concern for validity, using the information gathered by front line workers…..the doctors and nurses that save our lives everyday.
The medical science experts have no desire to conspire, and the politicians who choose to listen to experts have no desire to ruin your life or any economy. It is not a conspiracy.
Sure, lets go for herd immunity, let it rip. Talk to you later.
I am sure if this disease killed your age group, then you would have a different outlook))))))
The first sentence is simply not true, America may have been the most powerful country since world war 2, it’s merely a hundred years and has been closely rivaled by many other powers in its existence. And it doesn’t look like us will remain top for very long.
@Wang Dashan
yes, nailed it, please tell your GPO
”Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it” George Santayana. 1905
1) As the 1918 Flu Emerged, Cover-Up and Denial Helped It Spread
2) When Mask-Wearing Rules in the 1918 Pandemic Faced Resistance…a chilling account of who, how and why countries tried to suppress talk about the ‘Spanish Flu”.
While all of these governments were guilty of suppression, denial and lying to the public, their main reasons appear to have been misguidedly trying to keeping up morale during the war.
Oddly, not one of them mention trying to help a corrupt geriatric tyrant to get re-elected!!!
Christiane Carson Where are you wanna listen to the CDC when I say that 94% of the people died of other underlying conditions it’s not like the Spanish flu this is all fake and the riots this all together until you see that we’re giving up our rights then you’re just a walking hive mind a zombie walking to the tune of the Pied Piper so carry-on I really don’t care about what you think
@Terry G Yes, in many cases there are underlying conditions…but you can live for many, many, many years with underlying conditions and not die. These people died now, not 10 or 20 or 30 years from now, because COVID did them in. They died as a direct result of this virus ravaging their system.
I am in an area that was hit very hard by the virus. Believe me, it is NOT fake. It enters cells through a mechanism that allows it to disrupt many downstream biochemical pathways, hence (unlike anything ever seen before it) the many varied symptoms and effects on the body.
If you would like to learn more REAL information about it, I highly recommend the MedCram YouTube channel, and also those of Drbeen Medical Lectures, Dr. Mike Hansen, and Dr. John Campbell. Since you are not a blindly following zombie, I’m sure you’ll enjoy these sources.
anyone for a little song outlining all the propaganda we’ve been being fed ??? https://youtu.be/Vfw9NjtdfPU
All deaths from covid also had 2.3 other diseases on average. Aka a cNcer patient on dialysis died because of covid. This is like me saying a cancer patient died bexause he ate bread 6 days before. Corellation does not equal causation! You may check the CDC reports yourself, instead of letting cnn spoonfeed you FAKE NEWS
Patricia Morgan no you can’t. The underlying conditions were severe. A flu would have done the same thing to everyone of those unfortunate people.
More lies CNN. New Revised CDC numbers said less than 10,000 deaths due to COVID that only 6% of all deaths only had COVID the rest had underlying health issues. How does it feel to be lied to and scammed by health officials.
Money will mean nothing if an asteroid hits earth and the people whether republican or democrat will come together with guns loaded and aimed to these that made us suffer-them knowing that their bunker is full of supplies-but there are more of us than them.They cannot stop all of us and we will also have armed forces they betrayed who know exactly where ALL of these high profile bunkers are-same with the truck drivers delivering the underground supplies…this is why they are pitting each of us against each other-they feel by doing so,we will turn on each other and some will,but they will be the ones dragged out of these many bunkers and be on public display before the suffer and die.
Oh, and CNN will be left behind as well.
Johnny Beacham That’s because no one dies of Covid19 they die of health issues caused by covid19. They die of acute respiratory syndrome or pneumonia caused by Covid19. They die of strokes or heart attacks caused by Covid19. You are misunderstanding the data.
@Jon Nelson 100% WRONG COVID is nothing but a bad cold.
Cases have miraculously gone down since the whitehouse has taken over control of the data. Who would have thought that would happen!
@Robert Rhinehart Do you not know what anecdotal evidence is? Your ‘personal’ experience is irrelevant. ‘Starvation’ also disproportionately affects minority groups too. But stats are stats. It’s not a reason for turning off the planet and removing civil liberties. This year’s worldwide death toll is on par with every other year. You must be American where everything is about race.
@JoJo Or Else You are obviously a troll. Good night. Smh lol
@Robert Rhinehart And you obviously spread talking points /hysteria from CNN.
@JoJo Or Else don’t kid yourself nothing you can say will affect me. last I checked your mentality and the racist pandemic is coming to an end. Never before have racists lost their jobs like they are now. Never before have so many racists been jailed. Even racists cops who had the protection of the police union are now being charged with murder. You want to be racists so be it but you better do a better job at hiding it because if you show your RACISUM in public be sure that you won’t walk away from the situation losing something.
I think jojo is a bit slowslow
CNN Did you see the latest CDC report dated today, 8-30-20, of people labeled as dying from Covid deaths? 94% of the deaths were caused by underlying illnesses, NOT covid. So is the CDC no longer a valid source?
I don’t think they can alter hospital data
A Morgan A couple things:
—Generally, the CDC is a valid source, but this administration is trying to corrupt this top-level organization. Their public statements are made by unqualified people under pressure to twist and hide numbers—but their website is loaded with great, very technical data and tutorials for citizens, doctors and health professionals.
—The 6% of deaths due directly to covid-19 doesn’t include the percentage of deaths due to covid-19 in which underlying conditions made them vulnerable.
In other words, if they hadn’t contracted covid-19, they’d be alive. The number of covid-19 deaths is closer to 156,000, which is more like 80%.
A much better number is the “excess deaths” over what is typical in a year. You’ll find it’s around 180,000 so far.
Things they do in Russia. Controlled information.
Where have you been! America does it too! Look at the censorship from Google, YouTube, Twitter, and Facebook! People should be able to say what they want without some fact check BS! Individuals can research and think for themselves!
@FEEdom Nation i’m not american but i dont think thats fair to compare. Russian media and education is very state controlled and manipulated
I’m absolutely convinced every government suppressed information which has been seen as harmful to the government and in their eyes because of that to the country.
The question is, if the information is really harmful. That depends if the government is doing their job well enough in the short and the long term. If it doesn’t the mistakes should be published.
But politic transparency of our governments and the freedom of speech is a beautiful dream which was never the hard reality…
DeSantis has decreased testing here in Florida. Our numbers are BS!
@Jack Dahlstroma Children are at far less risk from the kung flu than the regular flu, and it’s a good thing for young people to catch it and recover.
Here is a good show discussing COVID situation I’m Africa have a look
Lmfao Florida numbers have been bs from day one over stated
@Jack Dahlstroma I hope our dimwit doesn’t get reelected cause there will be a crisis at the southern border… of Canada…. Americans fleeing a corrupt regime…. count on it if the insane man is reelected.
@Bryan B The most compelling metric is positivity rate. Although there has been a recent upward trend, most provinces in Canada have a rate <1%. This is down from a peak of ~6%. You can't help but wonder what makes Canadians, in general, different.
Evidently we aren’t to listen to the experts anymore. Since the CDC just released numbers that CNN doesn’t like.
@Tixe 100 Imagine a pandemic where 94% of the fatalities were just made up to terrify people. Because it was profitable and politically expedient. That’s a crime against humanity. The democrats aren’t a political party, they are criminal enterprise posing as a political party.
@Jack Jones Regardless, any Cor/Flu virus will have circled the globe 10 maybe 20 times before anyone even knew it existed.
@dean mushtuk Did you read what Oxford university theorized when this virus first came out? They thought it was likely in February that a third of Britain already had it. The Chinese were not honest about the release of this virus.
Jack Jones Now imagine a pandemic wherein some people don’t believe basic facts—because the facts are what scare them, so in order to reduce the fear, they ignore reality and bury their heads in the sand.
And when their president is just as fearful, and is incapable of overcoming it, and HE also ignores reality—you get what we see today.
200,000 dead Americans. As predicted by the people you should listen to.
@Tixe 100 Imagine I actually believed that the Chinese, and their Democrat allies have murdered 200,000 Americans by releasing a biological agent on the United States to get rid of Donald Trump. Imagine what I would do about that.
Go less to Burger King. Take medicine, that lowers your BLOOD PRESSURE. Then you are good to go during COVID19. EAT LESS FAST FOOD.
Also start smoking. Because if you are a smoker, your chances of catching COVID-19 go down from 18% to about 5%… See what I did there? Quite a common mistake… Mistaking correlation with causality. Different things.
If you do less testing you get less cases. Science in The Bizarro World.
Actually it makes perfect sense
Science relies on the data it gathers. Thats not a good reason to slow testing but it sure as hell makes sense
Bryan B If you don’t look at your bank account you won’t know I withdrew your savings.
Exactly. President Bizzaro is living in an altered reality. In other words; he’s insane!
@734gman the virus is not purified nor verified and the test is not gold standard. They say follow the science. The data is absolutely worthless. The CDCsays only 6% of deaths were solely cv19. If the testing is flawed, is that number correct either?
So, this administration tries to control the death toll (!)? Wtf, man…?!
Every disaster movie start with people ignoring the scientists.
And the US save the day as usual, yay
iman ishraf … not this time my friend. We have been a pathetic example on how to handle a pandemic under the worst president in American history.
The infection rate numbers are high but only because of mass testing and not because of people refusing to wear masks or because the virus is getting worse and that should be the end of statement. However the hyper hysteria of the internet era and politicians and the political scientists forcing their narrative for power relevancy are fueling irrational fear and ignorance among the mass population at a rate never before seen in the history of the world. The most obvious concept and correlational that really should need no explanation is, if there is an exponential Increase in testing of course they will find corona virus everywhere, dig a little deeper and they would also find flu virus and other viral infections far more common and rampant than anyone could ever imagine. Corona viruses are among the most common virus on the planet. There are currently 7 corona virus infections circulating the world that are hiding dormant inside a huge portion of the global population right now as everyone is panicking about this one. These types of viruses are extremely contagious and ubiquitous, in other words absolutely everywhere and impossible to contain. However the good news is, Corona/flu type viruses have a very low level virulence rate for the vast, vast majority of the population with normal functioning immune systems. In fact it is so low our front line defender White Blood Cells snuff the virus at the onset of the infection before any symptoms are even detectable, aprox 80-90% of the time. Acquired antibody T-Cell immunity (or heard immunity) is the only way these types of viral infections ever end (by virulence dilution causing what is known as an endemic) and not by masks, hand sanitizer and vaccination. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FU3OibcindQ&t=20s
@scott williams You have selective hearing. Also, you are an idiot. I big one. A really big idiot!
It wasn’t “a couple weeks” after Texas reopening that the spike started, it was more like six weeks.
A new study confirms that the leading cause of death is birth.