Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon is now willing to testify before the January 6 committee. CNN senior legal analyst Elie Honig describes what questions the Select Committee may ask him if he testifies. #CNN #News
Here is what the January 6 committee could ask Steven Bannon if he testifies

Its all a game to bannon. And he thinks he is the smartest guy in the room. Maybe if trump or any of his kids are in the same room, that would be true. But that is a very low hanging bar
@Steve B No you didn’t and thank you for your support. Lets go Brandon!
Steve Bannon is incredibly smart.
Do bars hang? Which pubs do you hang out at? Lol. x
If the Committee wants the truth from Bannon, give him a free fifth — of whiskey.
@Harold Moore yeah, something tells me that’s not going to happen. You can keep holding your breath though.
@Harold Moore HAHAHAHAHA!!!! That don’t mean squat and you know it. Good try though. He’ll be your next President in 24′.
“Willingness” has nothing to do with it. his subpoena and his upcoming trial for breaking the law is. Poor bannon owns no big boy pants.
I doubt he owns pants, period.
Yeah …..every time they plead the fifth …..make them drink a fifth of truth serum.
Last fight
Wasn’t Bannon bragging how he told the Jan 6th Committee to “bugger off” ???? Wonder what’s changed ?? Or, is he going to use it as a stage to rant from ??????
Testifying doesn’t stop a lawsuit
Last fight
Here is what the January 6 committee could ask Steven Bannon: Have you taken a bath in the last six months?
Bannon: I plead the fifth
@Charles L Jones

, totally 
Weird that people are still eating this stuff up.. does it really feel important to you guys?

You can see from these comments that it’s a joke, move the committee to the laptops and let’s actually talk about America
Don’t let Rachel Maddow tell you what to think and say.. that’s sad
@Gloon Nug and yet here you are driving up the view count. Go read a book.
@Perry Walton sure it’s hard to look back at your decisions and say you made a mistake.. I get that but why be mean to someone pointing out the obvious.. come on now
Bannon will just make a spectacle out of any appearance.
Last fight
We can only pray and hope. Because the entire thing is just that. A spectacle.
Hopefully! I hope he makes this fake farce funnier lol he could really turn the entertainment value of this up! I’m so over this and gas prices lol
The graphic at the bottom of the screen probably should say “Bannon says he’s willing to plead the 5th hundreds of times, just days before trial”
@Gloon Nug And the cell phone.
Bannon thinks the committee will let him testify on TV live.
He is crazy
I think he can testify after his trial if he still wants to.
He’ll get representation in a court.
This committee couldn’t handle a child cross examining them.
That’s the smart play. Send him to jail and let him sit on it. See if it was worth playing the Trump game.
If a normal person was to disregard the subpoenas they would be facing contempt of court charges immediately. They should throw the book at him.
Last fight
There’s more charges coming and he’s trying to change the outcome. Dude you’re fucked. Hopefully they don’t give you more time than 30 days. This trial will open up all kinds of inquiries. The constituents and people involved with him are subject to interrogation. Do you think Bannon will not throw you under the bus? All these people need to think about themselves, because it seems to me that you’re going to be disgraced or sent to jail. Because they’re not trying to go there.
The committee would be fools to give Bannon the opportunity to make a mockery of the hearings. He has no regard or respect for the law and perjury is a nonissue for this Gotham City villain.
I’ve got money he knew directly what the oath keepers and proud boys planned on doing.
Along with Stone and Flynn
He knew
@Debby Klinglesmith they were all in a meeting together in a hotel planning the night before said Navarro. Not so hilarious unless you hate your country
Jeffrey Toobin explained very well, He can testify and J6 hearing and still can be charged with comtempt of Congress, that what i understood.
The Contemp charge still stands.. Bannon will be in Court next week.. Bannons Lawyer seems to think they will likely plead no contest…At the mercy of the Judge.. If convicted, Bannon, 68, could face up to a year behind bars and a fine of up to $100,000. A conviction would result in punishment, but it would not require him to comply with the subpoena…. In his defence,to be fair, he could question why he and likely Peter Navarro will be guilty of the same indictment issued to Meadows and Scavino…And the DOJ chose to not Charge Meadows and Scavino… Giving grounds for an appeal ?
Last fight
Lovely men like Toobin are HARD to find. Ewww.
Will the day EVER come when all these traitors will be locked up and we can move on?
What, traitor to the democrat party?
To Nancy?
What a joke.
@shane3214 < Punch Line
@Darren Danger pee-pee hoax.> normal funny
This entire kangaroo court clown show is a game. Let me know when Pelosi’s communications with the Sargent-at-Arms are subpoenaed
Annnnnnd heres the answers “I don’t recall” “5th” “Yeah but Antifa” “Yeah but BLM”
Don’t fall for this. Nut up
*God bless the man that appears at **8:42** of this video. He has taken the time on numerous occasions to be where Steve Bannon and the cameras are so to hoist a big sign (“FAILED COUP!”) reflecting his disgust over their horse crappery! We salute you good sir!*
@Andrea Madden … Wow! How many names do you have!?!? And such unusual names for a Vietnamese!
Last fight
“Here’s my promise to you: If I’m elected president, I will always choose to unite rather than divide.
I’ll take responsibility instead of blaming others. ” -Biden during campaign
Only promise he has kept, is that he would end fossil fuels. He has done just about everything to do so.
1 Jay Smith Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer