Video shows the moment a vehicle nearly collided with a deer herd on a Michigan road.
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Can’t believe in 2021 cars are still not equipped with deer deterrent tech. It’s been out for decades.
Why would they want you not to buy another car???
What if all deers are secretly depressed and suicidal?
It’s like the beginning of a horror film where all the forest creatures are running from the evil Cedric Sneer
Or the ring 2
Real-life Jumanji.
You relate to real life through a g*d damned *_movie_*_ !!!!!!?_
I feel sorry for the car.
Hahaa jump jump
Did the deer that jumped on the trunk injure his foot? Looks like it’s limping.
This has actually happened to me. But there were a lot more than this! They pushed my brothers brand new Chrysler almost off a cliff and two lanes over a whole herd of about 25. I told my Brother I live in the country I have dear whistles on my explorer. I would rather not take your brand new car. He said no worries
then this happened! 
believing in Jesuchrist you have salvatión and eternal life . read in the holy bible Romans 10 : 9 and 10 , st Jhon 3 : 16 .
believe in the place where you are the salvation is a gift by grace .
blessing for yours

Initially I thought Mission Impossible tune was going to play
This is the only type of news you are capable of reporting on.. stay away from politics and covid.. let the real reports do their jobs
Been there! Lmao
The last one would have made it over if the guy hadn’t stopped completely (not that he could have done anything else). Too bad, looked like the deer was hurt.
This is why you should always honk your horn while going threw dense forests, I have never hit a deer in my life, its very simple logic honk horn and animals will know your there and hide in the forest or at least avoid your location, also always be on the look out for small glints of eyes, you see that honk horn and slow down… ( you can store this with all your other bits of useless information)
This is in Poland not Michigan