MSNBC political analyst John Heilemann joins Nicolle Wallace to break down Joe Biden’s Democratic National Convention speech and what to expect for next week’s Republican National Convention. Aired on 8/21/2020.
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Heilemann: Trump Is ‘The Broken Atomic Clock Of Politics’ | Deadline | MSNBC
Woman, Man, Camera, Pickle, Cucumber

@Patricia Ward easy,Stormy $130,000 is a one shot deal….get it?
Hahahahaha love it
Biden recites Yeats poetry to overcome stuttering.
45*: “Person, woman, man, camera, TV.” Take note of the exponential dip during Trump’s presidency due to COVID-19, and the current upward shift that we’re experiencing despite being in the middle of a pandemic. Prior to COVID, the best economic growth seen since the Clinton era. But I’m sure you look at that dip and think “Orange Man caused COVID.”
@John DiGiacomo wait … a … moment … plummies profile pic is Jordan Peterson.
Game. Set. Match.
incel confirmed.
Plummies, the BLS, has 8.1 !million jobs created under Obama, 6.8 under Trump, I fact checked that with Snopes.
Biden: the disabled are people to have compassion towards, help lift up, and treat with the basic dignity everyone deserves.
45*: mocks disabled reporter (failing to realize that he himself is intellectually, psychologically, emotionally, and morally disabled…broken actually)
here is no time to waste here. We’ve got a must-hit fundraising goal and I still haven’t seen your donation. Right now, we’re falling dangerously short and Mitch McConnell is outspending us BIG TIME. I need you to make a donation right now and because this is so urgent — we’ll triple-match it until our deadline at 11:59 p.m.
Thank you,
Chuck Schumer
@Val Villanueva We are Democrats…and this is what we’re fighting for –
@Val Villanueva oh the global survey ?? LOL
Pickle cucumber That was so funny I choked.
@Phinneas Bluster , Can you say, person/woman/man/camera/tv
@Phinneas Bluster , Can you say person/woman/man/camera/tv
@Phinneas Bluster …..Say it, Donald J Trump wears a bra. And again, relax, take a deep breath, imagine it……..Donald J Trump wears a bra.
Nicolle comes out with great one liners so often!!!
Donald Trump killing this country
@#j G Odd how you define killing the country. Democrats have led over all the good times, Republicans have always destroyed the economy and made Americans lives worse.
And his supporters are cheering it on, they wave that Confederate flag for a reason.
Only term Trump deserves is a jail term
@Keith Johnson – Shelby GT500 Just like the economic policies of the creator of Trump University?
Since he did jokingly act like a Pres. Let’s send him somewhere nice to do time….
Marion, Il. is a lovely one, and they’d just ” love ” him there.
@Bob Bingham how about “the road to nowhere, or the pet cemetery?”
Country over party.. Always!!!
@Ms Linda Your loss.
@Ms Linda Too late! Leftist/Marxists are waaay too far gone to enlighten. And, you’re right…I AM a Patriot troll just having fun with your kind before your drop-kick..coming this November. (I’ll then be basking in your delusional fits of screams and tears…once again.)
Mainely, Republicans put their hate and prejudice before all, their self interests lie with the Democrats, unless they’re in the top 1% economically.
The T R U M P D U M P Approaches. How will you celebrate?
But first roll up your sleeves and vote, get your friends and family to the polls, mail in those ballots early. The fate of humanity and Our Democracy are in Our Hands. Vote
@WildHeart So you have no problem then if all the statues that were torn down over the last few months get put back up?
@one lucky guy where did that come from?? How balanced are you? I have not said squat about statues!! Idiocy reigns!
@John DiGiacomo I second that!! Thank you for commenting to lucky guy ( off course)!
@one lucky guy her dad is black, how was he a slave owner?
@Leonie Romanes Kamala Harris’ great-great-great Grandfather owned plantations all over Jamaica. At one point he owned over 200 slaves. Google it and read all about it.
Do not dig at Trump with the word “atomic” during hurricane season, please.
@Gee Mcgraff
Is that Yalti, the Babalonian bimbo bambino?
Oh, wait my bad, do you lap keyster for Satan?
@Adrenalin Edge
I think you’re one of Satan’s demoralized portopottie puppets
@Wigg Picker you want to know what I think you should really work on your brain mouth thing
The difference between a clock and trump is à broken clock is right twice a day and Donnie is just broke
Donald reminds me of a timex clock. Every time I look at it I say ” oops, gotta go”!
Inna Shnyr your mistaken Uncle Joe as demented. Seriously when do you idiots get your facts straight. Your viewership is worst than watching a rerun of dancing cat; wait theirs is completely much higher. No wonder our country is broken because of you idiots
Trumpf sounds like a broken record, for sure.
@Ba Paoi Which side are you on? I’m not going to click on your link, because you might be a sneaky little trump cult member.
@oldrockhead very wise, some of the trumpbots have malware on their links.
“Person, Woman, Man, Golden, Showers”
Fraud, embezzlement, treason, Kamala, prison.
We are Democrats…and this is what we’re fighting for –
Trump won’t change. Steven Miller will give him a Nazi mode speech to deliver to his cultists who refuse to let go.
tRump’s more like Chernobyl.
A complete disaster who’s effect will last a long time.
Robert Lavelle don’t speak ill if Obama. His presidency is based on racism and dividing our country
@AO Yes. We all remember the protests and civil unrest for those eight years. His terrible response to a pending pandemic. All the people indicted and imprisoned related to that ” terrible ” administration. All the jobs lost. The terrible economy. The people losing their homes. The terrible safety measures to save the environment. The utter audacity to try to provide some type of health care for everyone. Yes , such terribly horrid times.
Sanders and Warren were my initial picks however Mr. Biden is quickly gaining my respect.
Bernie is the best from all of them.
Obama scroud up Bernie polling him out and add Hillary,…and trump become the winner. This time same Obama politic, pulling out Bernie and adding Joe.
It’s well sad, and patetic.
Something als, wery wery important,
Looking like it’s all over with trump, and hope it’s bigger than ever, ewrything is simply and we can vin, it’s just going to happen. Guess what …nothing even close to the possibility,…trump good to scroud up all of them….mark may words Jen ….
@Rod go drink your Lysol…
Would people choose someone without knowing the truth?
Rod, go play with your staff. 

@Rod Doswidanje Towarischtsch
i wish don will just disapear like a miricle
Now that would be a true miracle.
Biden / Harris 20-20 please Don’t Forget To Vote Early
I’m organizing a group in my town to help get our seniors to the poles safely. Our working classes families are adopting seniors to help get him voted out. We’re all just so weary of the current state of our country.
“When you have exhausted all possibilities, remember this – you haven’t.” – Thomas Edison.
You elect a failed reality star as president, and now we’re all stuck on survivor
2:01 Donald Trump will try to “turn it up to eleven” …as soon as he learns how to count that high.