NBC News Correspondent Heidi Przybyla breaks down the latest numbers coming out of Michigan and explains why people should focus on the voting surge pattern across the state. Aired on 11/04/2020.
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#Election2020 #Decision2020 #MSNBC
Heidi Przybyla Explains Why Early MI Numbers Are 'Skewed,' And Will Take Time To Come In | MSNBC
Omg I’m gonna have a heart attack
Don’t. Biden is going to win. So many votes need to be counted

@KC 82 I’m getting a headache. It should be over .
Biden will hold Michigan let them finnish counting
Me too
@Cecilia Lamson Not really, PA had announced they wouldn’t start counting the mail-in votes before Wednesday morning, Michigan/Wisconsin/PA being the most likely route to 270 electorial votes – not the only though, and yep, those other routes are gone. Bite your nails or relax, but this “delay” does not come unexpected.
Don’t worry everyone. If Republicans win they will get exactly what they deserve. Chaos and suffering. Good luck with covid!
Unfortunately we will all be in deep sh*t along with repubs.
@Evili Here are your facts: Stocks actually performed better under Obama/Biden https://www.axios.com/trump-stock-market-performance-eclipsed-obama-c41ce790-13a1-400a-afd2-84f903e56745.html. Less taxes are only benefiting Trump and the rich. 91 corporations pay zero tax under the Trump administration https://itep.org/corporate-tax-avoidance-in-the-first-year-of-the-trump-tax-law/. Trump himself said in the debate he is against higher minimum wages and there is no such thing as higher wages if unemployment is at an all time high.
@neygnow I don’t agree with everything but I was just stating what an average person would see. I do believe that less taxes for the middle class is the way to go and more taxes for 500k+.
@Evili Did you read what he said? He’s not even American. Why will he make the Democrats look bad, unless you Republicans just by default keep yelling dEmOcRaTs bAd!
@Lucky Barrel did I not say I was an independent? I would say I lean moderate Democrat but your reasons aren’t there. If you resort to name calling, you ain’t accomplishing anything, you’re apart of that problem.
The bookies have trump odds-on favorite. Relax all you like, I never met a poor bookie.
It’s going to be a long week.
Rigging happening in plain sight. There is no way Trump is getting more votes now than 2016
Whats up with that?
Why? You putting your trust in the same guys that got it wrong the last time?
I totally agree! It’s unfathomable. I been watching the results, and I said the same freaking thing.
@Sicklady Democratic* counties, no need to talk like a slackjawed republican
Tone Mack I found a map of tonight’s election results on Google, and then pulled up another one from 2016. The maps for both elections are almost identical.
I cannot believe that Michigan votes so much for Trump, especially after Trump’s language and behaviour encouraged the plan to kidnap the governor.
@Gregory Alfano you really are a true arsehole. No one wants communism you moron, what people want is a fair shot in life, being able to go to a doctor without having to worry about how to pay the doctor’s fees and their meds and have access to free education. If you deny people these basic human rights, then you’re not human. But then again, you’re a Trump supporter which means you’re a selfish, entitled, moronic, brainwashed, racist pos just like Yrump
Rust belt state. Blue-collar workers. Republicans always protect businesses and corporations which employ these workers. But they are torn on whom to choose because Dems fight for their rights.
@Carine Zitella
Here you go twitch. A little cut n paste about how affordable Obamacare is. By way,congratulations for supporting another 4 years of the best President ever. Donald J Trump.
Simply put, there are too many people without subsidies who cannot afford coverage under Obamacare. For example, when a 60-year old couple in Grand Island, Nebraska making $70,000 a year—which is just slightly too much to qualify for Obamacare’s premium subsidy—is faced with paying $38,000, over half of their yearly income, to buy a silver plan with an $11,100 annual maximum out-of-pocket limit. We should not be surprised if they make the tough decision to drop their coverage. With a similar cold reality facing millions of American families, it was
Get outta here.. I’m retired USWA Local 307 and the scumsucking Democrats sold out the working men and women of America right about the time and rise of one serial sexual predator aka Slick Willy Jefferson Clinton and NAFTA. Trust me.
I was sweating in 120* heat working night shift during the era. Ross Perot knew but he didn’t have the right stuff to be President. Obama tried to put the final nail in the working class with TPP. It was so bad the majority of Democrats voted it down and Trump killed it. Try working for a living before opinioning about the righteous ways of Democrat benevolence.
I mean of course thank you AND Michigan for supporting Trump another 4 years. I think it’s gonna be a little different this time. Instead of the criminals and the losers and BLM and Antifa and all their mega media outlets disrespecting us (Deplorables) and America 24/7, we are going to start putting them in the hurt Locker en masse.
Wouldn’t surprise me in the least if you and your kind are already planning for impeachment 2.0
So great to hear about same day voter reg.. as a former Rock The Vote tour coordinator, I was not able to register voters in South Carolina unless I was deputized by their sherrifs. What a joke
Americas iq is at stake right now..
Americas iq is 14, 3 points up from last year.
America’s IQ dropped into single digits a long time ago.
But you have to question the IQ of the people going on about the blue wave.
How many votes is DeJoy holding hostage
66.9 %, showing =666 , friday on 6 day elections declare ,

Trump is antichrist ?
“An order issued Tuesday by D.C. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan requires USPS to let employees know, in memos and stand-up meetings delivered October 28-29, that late and extra trips will be approved “to the maximum extent necessary to increase on-time mail deliveries, particularly for election mail.” Full story via Federal News Network:
Further to the comment by @Sher P This video has more detail on that ruling from about 02:20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WiymVWpds4&t=246s
At 03:40 you can see an enforcement clause in J. Sullivan’s ruling
@C&B Jones
This is sort of a relief. I just don’t believe that I can take another 4 years of lies.
No more news for me.
The world cannot take another 4 years of lies, chaos, and corruption.
Relax people. We had been told that this is what probably would happen. Wait until all the votes are counted.
Still too early to call. Biden will overtake Trump as mail in ballots are counted.
In many states the size of lead for Trump is so large that for Biden to win he has to get something like 75% of the yet uncounted votes. Now, were 3 out of 4 early voters Dems and not Reps? Possible, but I dont think it’s probable.
@Jeff Larick But in places like Pennsylvania, 1 more million mail-in ballots were given to registered Democrats vs. Republicans. So if the backlog is mostly mail in ballots, then it is possible. It is also why Trump wants to shut down counting asap.
@Jeff Larick See, that is a sane and realistic comment. That is why I posted my comment that Trump will win.
@Alison Friedman except Biden has flipped Arizona so there’s goes your theory.
@Vinuchakravarthy Shanmugam tool
Almost the entire mail in vote will be blue. That’s why Trump doesn’t want it counted.
I sure hope so
Trump saying you guys are stealing the election.
I was just wondering about that. The sizeable leads Trump has in several states are such that 75% of all remaining votes will have to be Democratic to flip the final results. Certainly possible, but I’m doubtful the % is that high. Even more concerned about Senate races. I don’t think they’re gonna ditch Mitch. The Senate is even more important than the President. It’s what gives him power. If the Dems don’t take the Senate it doesn’t matter who wins President, the country is catastrophically screwed.
“Givе mе tеn yеars, аnd you will not rеcоgnizе Gеrmany аnymоrе!”
― Adolf Schicklgruber @ last еlection slogan, 1933
I hope that Biden wins my former state of Michigan
The whole country is sick.
Take a deep breath everyone.
Jesus Christ I’m so scared to fall asleep
We know why. Democrats voted early. Now we wait.
1. Still leads
2. 1 electoral vote
3. Leads by .4% (ballots being counted)
4. Dead heat (ballots being counted)
5. Trailing (ballots being counted)
6. Slight lead (ballots to be counted)
Why are people calling this? We _knew_ this would be an election week, not a night. This is just the start.