Heated hearing: Lindsey Graham’s move slammed as ‘unprecedented’

Watch the full Senate Judiciary Committee hearing where Chairman Lindsey Graham passed asylum legislation along party lines in a contentious meeting.

#CNN #News

Heated hearing: Lindsey Graham's move slammed as 'unprecedented'


    1. @PapaShuffler it’s none of your damn business,now pull that nose back in. You just worry about the crap that’s under your hat.

    2. @Sheik Yo Booty Breaking News new poll>>> blacks say by 75% they are in favor of reparations <<<<< WHAT A SHOCK.

    3. @HONK LIVES MATTER I’m more of a man than you’ll ever be, baby! Lemme know if you ever get over your homophobia. 😘

    1. Democrats are a pack of liars and only want to ruin the USA and turn it into a socialist state under the thumb of gnomes in Brussels.

    2. Nah, many pedophile democrats are way worse, look for example how Harris was nuked by Tulsi Gabbard on her hypocracy

  1. Knowing it won’t past the house, Lindsey Graham is just wasting everyone’s time. If you’re serious, get something bipartisan.

    1. LOL yeah it’s the bill that will stop child separation and the Democrats will have to vote no on it. Its fucking genius.

    2. Democrats such as you are gone completely LOCO! Trump is doing a great job forcing Guatemala and Mexico preventing flight of their empoverished population from their countries which are ridden with corruption and ruled by drug lords supporting politicians… Trump has cohones to actually DEAL with this recalcitrant problem of ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION through SOUTH border…

  2. we know for a fact Lt Col Amy McGrath (D) is going to unseat Moscow Mitch in coming
    Senate election in Kentucky, so who is going to unseat Lindsey Graham?? These two
    dinosaurs should be replaced in the Senate for the good of the nation.

    1. Dino Merino oh dear you haven’t been told have you ? The Russians colluded with the democrats to try and unseat a sitting American president. Wow stop watching CNN you look foolish with the Moscow comments . Go and do some research. Several democrats are being indicted for treason and colluding with the Russians.

    2. Well said, Dino. McConnell has actually been far worse than trump because he’s been working at destroying this country for far longer. McConnell is as bad as Hitler.

    3. @Lynette Agueda
      You constantly impose your complexes on us, it is for you the words of the U.S, the manual for operation. And this is the main difference between Russia as a great power, from all those who seek to be friends of the U.S.

  3. How depressing, this would be much more exciting if he was dipped in honey and covered in fire ants.

  4. Three years ago Lindsey Graham called Trump a “race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot.” I guess doing what’s right can go to hell, huh Lindsey? Trump hasn’t changed buddy but YOUR true colors sure became visible.

    1. @John Harrison You know I wouldn’t be taking up for a “racist” because that shows your true colors as well?Its not ok to be a racist because at this time it’s pulling our country apart and this needs to be addressed and stopped so that we Americans can go on with our everyday lives without being in fear of being hurt or killed?

    2. GT3X yup and 8 of the top 10 states with the highest percentage of those on food stamps are red states. Trump wants to get rid of it because he actually believes blacks are the leech when in reality, the majority of the food stamp people are white. He’s so racist that he’s blind to the numbers

    3. And Joe Biden said Obama was well dressed for a black guy LOL.

      And Bernie Sanders said Baltimore is a third world country.

      And Hillary called black people super predators.

      Should I go on?

    1. The Russian delusion has been debunked Dickhead. Wikileaks exposed Hillary’s emails not Russia or Trump
      Ha ha ha ha ha ha
      You fucken idiot get a new conspiracy theory.

  5. The bill moves past committee, but it won’t get the 60 votes in the senate and it sure as hell won’t make it past the House. Dead on arrival.

    1. More proof that democrats don’t want to help illegal immigrants, and use them as a political football.

    2. Jester Avrgjoe It won’t pass because this is strictly a Republican Bill, absolutely zero compromise or input from Democrats. Obama did the exact same thing with Obamacare and y’all had your pitchforks ready.

    1. @Blank YOur YouTube name fits you quite well – BLANK BRAIN. Crawl back to your daddy Liar-In-Chief, loser.

  6. It has to pass in the House. Good luck with that. Ignoring the minority party cuts both ways. When Leningrad Lindsay is in the minority, he’ll have to get use to pounding sand.
    Leningrad Lindsay, Trump’s rectal polyp, must be afraid he’s not going to win re-election to pull this stunt. He’s really gotten into displays of manly impotent rage or is it just the vapors.

  7. Send Graham, Pence, and Trump to Guatamala for a year. They’d never try to sabotage our asylum system again.

    1. Absolutely. Solving our “asylum problem” by denying safety to those seeking it is exactly the same as when the St. Louis was denied entry to the U.S. We solved the problem of accepting those refugees by sending them back to Nazi Germany to be murdered. Though, to be fair, we weren’t the only country that refused them.

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