Heat waves hit parts of Canada on first day of summer: Environment Canada climatologist weighs in

Environment Canada's senior climatologist Dave Phillips discuses heat warnings and how parts of Canada are feeling the first day of summer.

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Heat waves hit parts of Canada on first day of summer: Environment Canada climatologist weighs in


  1. I’m in BC, still wearing my winter jacket, still waiting to transplant my seedings to plant in the garden.

    1. @GEN 913 I live in Ottawa. I work outside, all day, every day. Im very sure about exactly what the weather is like.

    2. @LucVNO so we agree then, the weather differs depending where you are and there’s really nothing unusual about the temps we’ve been having. 👍🏻

    3. @GEN 913 Its not unusual to have a hot or cold spring, a hot or cold summer. Seasons are like that. Its been a cold spring. I dont really care if this bothers you or not. Cheers.

  2. “Canadians will be complaining about the heat & humidity”.. ya.. and also dying from it like all over the rest of the world…
    Why do weather reporters act like this weather is normal? This one is definitely as old as I am and should know from Experience that this weather is not normal…
    We didn’t used to get heat waves until late July… and then as we went back to school there was frost on the ground in the mornings midway through September..
    There are 2 climate conditions that we are experiencing and neither of them are being talked about by “climatologists OR meteorologists”, both having an “impact” on our climate for the past 13000 years…

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  4. lololol theres nothing I enjoy more than the weighing in of an Environment Canada ClimatologistTM during a heat wave in summer

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