The Kremlin has called for a 36-hour ceasefire in Ukraine to let Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas. CNN correspondents Scott McLean and Nic Robertson have more details.
#CNN #News
Hear why Putin ordered a temporary truce in Ukraine

The Kremlin has called for a 36-hour ceasefire in Ukraine to let Orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas. CNN correspondents Scott McLean and Nic Robertson have more details.
#CNN #News
Ukraine has not agreed to the ceasefire.. Why should they ??
Putin doesn’t get to dictate terms on when and If there is a battlefield ceasefire. If he wants to tell his Russo-Nazi halfwit army to stop fighting for 36/48 hours then great. It’ll be so much easier for Ukraine to liquidate them.
Yes we do.
1. He’s regrouping assets and restocking the line of contact
2. He’s preparing something big and needs time to shift his units around
@mikef1570 Putin’s military has been reaching out to their US counterparts with a false claim warning that Ukraine is planning to detonate a dirty bomb. A strategy that they’ve used in the past to justify military actions.
Who authorizes military spending packages and introduces new bills in the US? The US House.
Now imagine a major escalation occurring as a result of Putin doing a false flag OP of detonating a dirty bomb on Russian Christmas. It will rally support for him at home for a full mobilization among other things. If none of this happens, great! But we (and in turn Ukraine) are in a very vulnerable state with 1/3 of our branches of government not functioning.
The timing is extremely sus.
@Alexander L Putin looks constipated
@theterminaldave oh. Thanks for elaborating
@Charlie Casas
.. Glory to Ukraine
@theterminaldave You’re right. I heard wrongly. 36 is too long. They should flat out reject that.
He just took several punches to the Face! Of course he wants a few days to recover! Keep the pressure on him, he’s hurt!!
if he calls for a truce, Ukraine should do the exact opposite and turn up the heat, make a few more attacks.
Lmao bet you get all your information from Ukraine and western countries
Punch to the face lol Ukraine is destroyed, their economy has collapsed, the military is almost gone, basically it’s Europe n the USA keeping dem alive, personally Russia is doing great considering they are fighting Ukraine, nato n the United States and still they can’t cripple Russia
@Frederick Phelan III Give him more St. Hymars for their Xmas.
I agree.
It’s worth noting that Ukraine offered a Christmas ceasefire for December 24-25th, but Russia turned it down because that was Western Christmas, not Orthodox Christmas.
@Sin3xtreme Wrong. The only reason some Orthodox churches (mainly russian), celebrate it on the 7th is because the calendar they use is flawed. The set for 1 year in that calendar is inaccurate, causing the date to move each year. It was originally celebrated on the 25th by them aswell, and since then it has drifted all the way to January 7th. In 2100 it will be moved to January 8th because of that inaccuracy.
So congratulations, you celebrate the birth of Christ because of mathematical error made in 325 A.D. In 1582 the error was fixed, but the Orthodox church were a bunch of stubborn fools who refused it. Thus their date kept moving forward because of that math error.
In short, russian Orthodox church celebrates christmas on a date that is completely meaningless. Slow clap…
Human life is the highest value. Only in the *Creative* *Society* will be peace and safety in the entire world. Search more about the *Creative* *Society.*
@K Michael try this “ukraine orthodox church celebrate december 25 christmas”
@Sin3xtreme WRONG! There is no such thing as Orthodox Christmas. You can not talk about Orthodoxy as if it were only one church and all the countries celebrate on the same day. Be specific when you talk about it. For example, if you talk about Romanian Orthodox Christmas, it’s not the same as talking about Russian Orthodox Christmas. The churches are separate. The same goes for the Armenian Orthodox church which is independent, or the Ethiopian one. You put them all under the term Orthodox as if there were no differences. Orthodoxy is much older than the newer Russian one and it started in Antioch 1,500 years ago.
@M. deWylde opinions are like A$$holes ,just yours is full of more shite
Good luck with that you never stop for their Christmas they’re New Year’s keep going Ukraine don’t give him an inch…
Hey beautiful, I was going through my Tube page and i saw this news.i was going through the comments and I saw your beautiful name. Is a very unique name. Do you mind if we be friends?.
Now is the time for Ukraine to push hard while the Russians are confused if there will be a truce or not
@Steve Buckley Why did the Russians not want to make an Easter truce?
Is it not a sin to kill people on Easter?
@ЭЮЯ I have not, have you?
I hope the Ukrainians have it all worked out.
@Erick Corkery it’s a sin to kill people at any time.
There was no request for a truce at Easter, Kiev requested a conditional ceasefire and withdrawal of all Russian forces.
True true, F Putin!! Russia is low on troops and ammunition or they wouldn’t pause the fighting.
When the enemy ask for ceasefire, attack harder.
In this case I definitely agree
@Soviet Winter If he wants a ceasefire he could start with putting out all his burning ships, bases and airfields, and the rest of the kleptocrat dumpsterfire …
@Soviet Winter Russia might have actually had a chance in 2014 now with todays battle hardened and modernized Ukranian military it will never ever happen Putler blew his chance
And invite them to keep bombing you when they say they’ll give your citizens a reprieve….
How STOOOOOOOPID are you..??
@ron Ukraine didnt kill 100,000 Russians. For most of the war it was mainly Ukraine taking the beating when it came to manpower because unlike Russia they could actually afford to and could replace their losses. Ukraine had to mobilize around 7-9 times to ensure they had enough men and lock everyone inside their borders so they could be mobilized in the future in the event that these set of mobilizations run out from things like encirclements to simply standing there and eating artillery shells like they are doing in Bakhmut.
Bakhmut went from 20,000 defenders to 60,000 defenders because the rate they were dying at just required so much reinforcements and their last counter attack failed to do anything but lose more men.
It is not a truce it is a special restocking operation
@Alice Johnson we all are aware of how the various governments around the world are creating inflation, taxes etc to lie to us that it’s required. But war is different and disgusting it benefits no one, it tears people appart and breaks society up.
@Lawrence Henshaw You are absolutely right. And it is very important to change such situation in the world by building the _Creative_ _Society._ More information is in the *article* *”Pillars* *and* *Stages* *for* *Building* *the* *Creative* *Society”* and in the international online forum *”Global* *crisis.* *Our* *survival* *is* *in* *unity”* (especially _from_ _time_ 8:13:43)
Of course, everyone understands that.
Praying for victory for Ukraine and the most severe punishment for Mr. Putin
Here’s why: Friday night will begin a hard freeze in northeast Ukraine; good tank fighting weather. Ukraine can better counterattack.
Falar com O Sr. António é como viajar no tempo, é sonhar acordado, é uma lição de
He can’t order a ceasefire. He can only request one. Well, he can order his own troops to cease fire
BS…trusting Putin????, I would rather trust Hitler
@Frederick I understand the sentiment, but deadly cancer is deadly cancer. In the end, it doesn’t matter which one killed you.
He can’t order his troops to do anything. Command structure is terrible.
And go home!
Seriously? He wants a time out for Xmas? He’s a MADMAN! WHO WOULD TRUST HIM?
Would any one buy a used car from Putin? Utterly treacherous psychopath!
Ya because Putin is such a religious person

Putin the chimera delusional psychopath needs time out with his sky pilot Kiril to launch another attack after repositioning.
No One Trust him
@Brian Keenan he’d probably bet struck by a bolt of lightning
if he set foot near a real church
Ignore their truce, they do not get to dictate terms of engagement.
just like Taliban persistently fought invaders until they were gone
Human life is the highest value. Only in the *Creative* *Society* will be peace and safety in the entire world. Search more about the *Creative* *Society.*
“Do not pay attention to what I say. Pay very close attention to what I do.” Didn’t the missiles that Russia unleashed on Ukraine on December 24th and 25th have “Christmas wishes” hand written on them? Well, Ukraine should return the seasonal courtesy.
@Kerryn Offord your views are jarring, info is all over the place and your profile has been created a year ago. Also lots of dots and puzzling use of English language. Are you Prigozhin’s bot?
Human life is the highest value. Only in the *Creative* *Society* will be peace and safety in the entire world. Search more about the *Creative* *Society.*
I will gladly make a donation for my congratulations to the Russians written on the rocket for Himars!
Just a ruse to give Putin’s storm troopers a time to rest, resupply and get more ammo for another vicious attack. Only the naive or pro Vlad crowd would fall for this.
I agree, Ukraine should return the favor.
Imagine launching a massive missile offensive and then the next day going “okay timeout”
@Leo_Gamer 94 Putin ignored the Budapest memorandum when he invaded Crimea and held his sham referendum there. Now he’s firing missiles at Ukraine that Ukraine gave him after Russia promised in that memorandum not to invade. If Nazis are running Ukraine, why did the far right party only get 1.6% of the vote last election?
@Dan Rook 10s of thousands of Ukrainians have fled the country with no choice but to leave their dads and sons behind after President Volodymyr Zelenskyy banned men between ages 18 and 60 from leaving Ukraine.
Vlad needs time to change the serial numbers of his Chinese and NK cruise missiles before launching them as his own.
Agreed, BS
when the next day is Christmas, then it’s timeout for turkey and presents.
I am an ordinary Ukrainian, but on behalf of all my people I want to thank the US government and all Americans for helping my country!
Thank you guys for the weapons, financial and humanitarian assistance! We really appreciate your support and will never forget.

God bless America!
You are welcome from New Moscow a lot of Xmas foodship
@Figgy Figueroa I’m

not complaining either! Slava
@Ben We sure do! Slava
@Alan Day NO, thank you for not knowing what your talking about but making an attempt to be noticed. We need to thank not just America but but other countries as well who saw the danger and stepped up. Thank you Poland for being brave and helping. I know you are at the front lines too. Look at how Sweden and Finland have reacted to protect themselves. Get off your dog dish and stop trying to make yourself look bigger. Don’t put rich down, become rich. Or at least more educated. That goes for me too. Not trying to put you down. Pull yourself up , don’t bring others down.
@Coffeetalk I Agree!

Well Said.
This is like when you’re play fighting but need a time out to catch your breath, but more murderous
Human life is the highest value. Only in the *Creative* *Society* will be peace and safety in the entire world. Just search more about the *Creative* *Society.*
He’s like a bully who just copped a busted nose from the little guy, and now wants a time out.

Go Ukraine!!
Dead right, onya mate!
Human life is the highest value. Only in the *Creative* *Society* will be peace and safety in the entire world. Search more about the *Creative* *Society.*
Compliments of the season to everyone reading this…but the most important thing that should be on everyone’s mind should be to invest in different sources of income that doesn’t depend on the government expecially with the current economic crisis around the world…this is still a good time to invest in various stocks,gold,silver and other digital currencies…
Her availability is on telegram
Tell her that I referred you
Buncha bots zzzz
@zSt.C seriously lol
Absolutely support the post by Bunny below. We are common people of Ukraine are relying on international support and help in this trying time. And my country and people are grateful and appreciate all the help we can get. Big thanks to all democracies helping — the US for the pure amount of the support, but also Europe as a whole and every member-country of the European Union, however small it is (my heart is with you, Estonia!) and The United Kingdom. It’s the persistence and systematic approach to driving our victory coming as soon as it is possible that will help to overcome the last imperialistic monstrosity of this planet — Putin’s Russia.
Don’t worry, your new American friends love you.
“We’ll fight to the last Ukrainian” Zelensky.
“We’ll arm them until the last Ukrainian” USA.