Hear why legal analyst thinks Fox News is facing ‘very serious’ legal exposure

Rupert Murdoch, the chairman of Fox Corporation, acknowledged in a deposition taken by Dominion Voting Systems that some Fox News hosts endorsed false claims that the 2020 election was stolen. CNN senior media reporter Oliver Darcy, legal analyst Norm Eisen, and media analyst Sara Fischer join Wolf Blitzer to discuss. #CNN #News


    1. @Don Newton It’s not the First Amendment that is the problem – it’s the length to which companies like Fox and individuals like MTG take it – to places that the First Amendment doesn’t actually cover.

    1. I have an idea for you. Why don’t you sue CNN on behalf of that criminally-minded crackpot, Trump, alleging that CNN knew that the election was stolen from him, yet continued pushing the “legitimate-election” lie. 😂

      On a more serious note, am I responding to a bot with no name, or to a person who is just too camera shy to even make one up?

  1. I know FOX isn’t telling on themselves regarding this case, but if their followers hear this, they have to feel stupid.

    1. Murdoch in the nineteen eighties wrecked the newspaper industry here in U.K. With his deep pockets he steam-rolled well known respected names and replaced them with tabloid sensationalist, populist rags. Often with plenty of pictures of young women with big tits. Eventually he was kicked out of the U.K. Then he discovered America and a system of laws which makes no distinction between free speech = truth, and hate speech = lies. He discovered that in America it is possible to have your cake and eat it. What could possibly go wrong?

  2. After Dominion gets finished with fox, the families of the Capitol Police should file as well.
    Maybe even a class-action suit on behalf of all registered voters.

    1. drumpf going down, the MAGAT leadership going down, FOX NEWS going down…gangster movies ALWAYS end the same way

    2. I was typing your thoughts and luckily scrolled down before hitting “comment” 😅 This broke apart a lot of families. A lot of arguments.

    3. Yea because fox “news” as a mainstream network pushed these known, blatant lies and literally brainwashed a cult into causing an insurrection at our capitol…fox needs to be dismantled over this…they are traitors to democracy, fox mimicks putins kgb Kremlin state run news its sickening…fox hosts like Carlson are routinely treated as allies by russia

    1. Rupert knew that to say anything else is perjury and would lead to the rest of his short remaining life incarcerated

    2. Murdoch in the nineteen eighties wrecked the newspaper industry here in U.K. With his deep pockets he steam-rolled well known respected names and replaced them with tabloid sensationalist, populist rags. Often with plenty of pictures of young women with big tits. Eventually he was kicked out of the U.K. Then he discovered America and a system of laws which makes no distinction between free speech = truth, and hate speech = lies. He discovered that in America it is possible to have your cake and eat it. What could possibly go wrong?

  3. Throwing each other “Under the Bus” maneuvers, lol. “And the wheels on the bus go round n round!” With Tucker,Hannity,Dobbs, Bartirommo, Ingraham, etc. Under those Big Wheels of Rupert. 🤣🤣

    1. peddling = re-telling or reporting

      Simply a host reporting to its viewers of the claims made by the man they voted for is normal and done everyday

      Its not for the hosts to decide what is true or false, its for them to report to the word of the claims made by a person

      An example when Biden said on CNN if you take the covid vaccine you wont get covid
      Just coz they aired, and repeated what biden claimed, its not CNN that are at fault, as they simply reported on bidens words

    1. Why do you think Fox had no right to inform its viewers of election news claims from the person that Foxs viewers had just voted for?
      Its Foxs duty to its viewers to inform them of news they tune in for! a media network dosent have to like or agree or even believe a news report… but only to report it as honestly as it happened… and reporting Trumps claims isnt illegal!
      Its reporting !
      Fox never claimed the claims factual or proven… but simply reported new-worthy news

    1. Murdoch in the nineteen eighties wrecked the newspaper industry here in U.K. With his deep pockets he steam-rolled well known respected names and replaced them with tabloid sensationalist, populist rags. Often with plenty of pictures of young women with big tits. Eventually he was kicked out of the U.K. Then he discovered America and a system of laws which makes no distinction between free speech = truth, and hate speech = lies. He discovered that in America it is possible to have your cake and eat it. What could possibly go wrong?

    1. For the same reason, the other channels are allowed on the air after they told you, Donald Trump would never be president, how he was gonna be removed from office. Once he was president, how he’s going to go to jail for his many crimes but it’s still free eight years later..

  4. First we have Fox bragging about the Kevin gift bag he gave Tucker. Now we have Rupert, Tucker’s boss throwing him and others under the bus. Drink up everybody.

    1. funny isnt it
      Fox hosts reported the election fraud claims made by Trump- that horrid
      CNN reported the false election fraud claims of Stacy Abrams that fine

      reality is… reporting on claims made by others..isnt illegal..its simply reporting

      call it informing/re-telling/peddling/reporting/passing on info

      but whats its not is illegal

    2. @Nigget-tv-videos funny how Stacey Abrams conceded that race (it’s here on YouTube) and then went through the Judicial system to air her grievance and did nothing illegal.

  5. Fox “News” and their lies have torn families apart. Those families should file a class action lawsuit.

    1. Class action lawsuits?
      Oh Rupert Murdoch just gave proof for
      A Full Rico case of Treason and Sedition against the 🇺🇸 by Fox news staff and personal…..
      For the Sedition 20+ years .
      For the Treason the Death sentence.
      Any good D.O.J. Official could have them
      Shipped to Gitmo 🇺🇸 under National Defense Authorization Act 1032 and 1031 for the execution of those sentences.
      Fact .


    3. CNN lies

      Russia Collusion for years – debunked

      China covid leaks CNN called Trump racist and said not true. China did leak it. CNN debunked.

      Jan6 democrat hoax – soon to be debunked.

      Nicholas Sandmann fake news and lies. – Sandmann Is rich because of CNN lies.

      CNN needs shut down.

    1. It would also be vindicating for the honest and hard working Journalists and Reporters who did what they were supposed to do and give honest and truthful news. What would this country be like now if all we had was FOX😢

  6. Gotta love how Rupee calls the bus: “FOX, no. But, well, Lou Dobbs, sure, and Maria, well, yeah. But not FOX, oh never”. Nice try, Rupe.

  7. Fox news should be forced as part of any Judgement or settlement to air a confession (written and approved by Dominion and Smartmatic) detailing that they lied knowingly and repeatedly to their audience. They should have to play that confession as the intro and outro to every show,they air, every day for the next four years. Make sure their viewers know!!!!

    1. I wonder if CNN will do the same for the million or so US people who died of COVID when their lies are exposed.

  8. its sad to think that we live in a world where blatant criminality is on display daily and the first thing we do is wonder whether or not anything is ever gonna get done about it. what kind of justice system is this…

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