Hear why Haberman thinks Trump isn’t calling DeSantis out by name

CNN chief political correspondent and senior political correspondent for the New York Times discusses former President Donald Trump and what Haberman thinks is a strategy being employed in his bid for the presidency in the 2024 election. #CNN #News


    1. @Joboygbp Edwards you keep telling yourself that pal. Watch out for the sand dunes though. And maybe you can eat all those rotten tomatoes your throwing my way.

  1. If the GOP was a person, it would have the honesty of George Santos, the brains of Lauren Boebert, the compassion of Marjorie Traitor Greene, the morals of Matt Gaetz, the integrity of Lindsey Graham, the spine of Kevin McCarthy and the personality of tRump.

  2. Honestly, the fact that Trump was once the President of the United States baffles me. He was, and still is, the laughing stock of the world.

    1. ​@Ron Peer definitely. Biden’s done better than any President in my lifetime. Whether it’s him personally, or whether he knows how to surround himself with really smart people, he’s done great.

    2. It shouldn’t baffle you as much when you see those big trucks with lot of flags driving around.

  3. The reason why people in our government always fight each other over power and power has been one of the biggest problems in society.

  4. Desantis is mean, rude and spiteful. America will not like him once they learn more about him.

  5. So we’ve reached the point where political pundits ask ‘Why isn’t he calling him names yet?’
    That’s just a regular part of the discussion now.

    1. So, I’m in a completely different country, and I am a gardener, and even I understand that they are not using each other’s, CORRECT, names when they are vaguely referring to someone unknown.

  6. At first nobody realized how badly the Titanic was damaged and therefore doomed, and this is a perfect metaphor for America. The folly of the last several years is the tip of the iceberg, excuse the pun, because like Titanic, this country is doomed and it’s going to sink sooner than imaginable.

  7. Joe Biden is by far the best President of the last 50 years! A jobs President. An infrastructure investor and a ssecurity and ocare protector.

  8. Sadly DeSantis is wrong about Fl. I’ve lived in the most liberal place in Fl the last 4 decades always keeping my head down around anything political in conversations however the past 6 years have been unbearable and I worry my house may be burnt down if I open my trap.

  9. All Ron has to do to clinch the nomination is to be a media star for 50 years and have a popular TV show for 16…good luck buddy

    1. Not being into “wrasslin” can kill you with his base too. He needs to challenge Trump to a wrestling match. That could win him the swing vote.

  10. DeSantis reminds me of the rich kid football kicker stuffing nerds into their lockers — when 4 linebackers stand behind him

  11. Not calling someone by name or refusing to recognize them is a narsittic way of controlling the person on the receiving end

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