President Joe Biden visited the US-Mexico border on Sunday for the first time as president, but he did not appear to see or meet with migrants. CNN correspondent Rosa Flores reports. #CNN #News
Hear why Biden’s border visit is receiving bipartisan criticism

What about the people that are homeless in California and other cities that they are not doing anything about it. We should help people at home too.
@EYES WIDE SHUT AWOKEN so I’m guessing you know all homeless people too right??where’s the source for your biased and outlandish claim you stated…?¿
@Adam Frost I don’t know what you are talking about,you probably don’t either.
We are helping them
@Maria Serra if you want to call lazy junkies “vulnerable” go ahead. Yes there are needy people in Cali , rent is just too damn high so blame the government but the vast majority are junkies. How do I know ? I was a touring musician for 25 years I met plenty of junkies and none of them were veterans or good religious family oriented people. They are called “junkies” for a reason
@Maria Serra many of the homeless choose that lifestyle. They don’t like rules and responsibilities. Not all but most. I’ve seen them invade my town. They’re not from here but they come do drugs, steal, cause trouble and live life on the wrong side of the law. There isn’t a town that hasn’t been impacted by homelessness. The government enables them. Free money (food stamps, disabilit, etc), health care, cell phone, meals, safe injection sites, allowing them to live and camp on sidewalks in town. This problem can be fixed. The first could be to gain control of the drugs coming over the boarder. Please don’t try to argue the point that they’re helpless because they’re not. And they’re ruining cities and towns across the state.
It takes a lot of effort to ‘not see’ any migrants in El Paso
Really. Perfect comment.
Why did they clean up the mess,leave the way it is,so they can see the reality of this mess .
photo op.
American Citizens are homeless and living on the streets in this country too. The two parties need to get together or it will never work with immigration. Laws need to be changed on amnesty perhaps too.
“I was sort of raised near the border, it’s where I learned about breakfast tacos” – joe biden
Hilarious: That area of the border was intentionally totally cleared out of all migrants for his visit…..such a joke of a photo op.
The amount of drugs coming across is staggering. I’m in southern Arizona. Our young people are being attacked with addiction. And don’t be fooled thinking bcuz your in a northern state your safe. The cartels aren’t new at this. They know distribution.. the loads going to other states keep getting bigger and bigger. Also, what’s the point of having strict TSA at airports and people on no fly lists, if they can just get in through the southern border EASY…
Big Drug bust usually are usually in shipping containers or planes and boats Latinos are fleeing because they don’t want to want there family to be killed drug cartel
There would be no illegal drug trade without demand. According to U.S. Customs and Border Protection statistics, 90 percent of heroin seized along the border, 88 percent of cocaine, 87 percent of methamphetamine, and 80 percent of fentanyl in the first 11 months of the 2018 fiscal year was caught trying to be smuggled in at legal crossing points.
The other HUGE elephant in the room that NOBODY is talking about is the illegals coming across the border that are not being apprehended bringing with them viruses and diseases of all sorts.
Just so everyone knows at least 1/3 of those kids are being trafficked and are not genetically related to the person they are with.
My heart goes out to these poor people, yet in the other hand, like in Europe, unfortunately there is a point where it needs to stop. I am from Switzerland, a small country, we experienced this with many countries, first Italy and Germany decades ago, now it is the Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia etc. we cant support all these people and we need to ask also “what will you bring to the table?”
I have immigrated in 1982 to the US, I waited THREE years, just to get a Trainee visa. Today I am a citizen,, but I spoke fluent english, I was educated, hard working, and I accepted all that was given to me or not in this country. Everybody coming here should speak English.
Not really. I live in a border state. There are many areas here where all the stores and businesses are owned by Mexicans. You don’t need English at all here. My sister has been in the US legally for 40 yrs and still doesn’t speak English because it’s not needed where she lives (Southern Texas ,New Mexico Arizona and California are the same way). Moreover some immigrants are fast learners. I spoke English within 1 year or so, went to high school and worked at the same time here in my state employers pay you more if you are bilingual …I make more than English-only speaking whites. I get what you are saying but times have changed …a new amnesty is needed like the one done by President Reagan in 1986 to solve this problem…or at least address it in a more humane way
@Casey Chavez let family from the Philippines and everywhere else fly all the family they can in to make it fair no questions asked just file I D papers for cheap processing and mail us the citizenship card and SS
@Casey Chavez yea let me go to another country and tell them I don’t have to speak your language but you have to accommodate me and speak English because I didn’t bother to learn before coming to your country…so get with the times.!!..said no country ever…
@Maria Serra I NEVER said you don’t “have to”. I said it’s not a MUST in border states. You can survive just fine. Look at my city, you need gas ? It’s owned by Mexicans , the employees are Mexicans …you need food ? The stores are called “El Herradero” , “El Paisa” …”el Mezquite” and on it goes. Most McDonalds here are ran by Spanish speaking employees. My wife is Mexican and a DO (director of operations) she makes SIX figures and her English isn’t that good I’m not gonna lie. Where do you live ? Because y’all like to talk philosophy I’m telling you facts. Immigrants do NOT need to speak English at all to get a job in border states. Sorry to break it to you
Stop your hate talk
Our country was founded on immigrants !!!
The boarder, the surface of the moon…..he’s lost either way.
Nothing more than a photo shoot. We all know he will do nothing to fix the numerous issues.
Maybe it’s because of the massive clean-up effort to make it seem like nothing’s really happening down there?
We have over 600,000 homeless American citizens … many with serious drug addictions ….. who need housing. There are millions of senior citizens who every month must chose between buying food or paying for their prescriptions. There are thousands of people in America on SS & SSDI who have become homeless because their income cannot accommodate the rent increases in subsidized housing ….
there are millions of families in America who cannot put enough food in the table for their children due to inflation ….. and the list of crisis
goes on …. to say nothing of a national debt that is reportedly over 30 trillion dollars.
The plight of migrants & refugees is heartbreaking but the management responsibilities of the U.S. government it seems must be for American citizens first & getting our country back on track …. we are letting crisis escalate to a level that exceeds our financial & other resources to resolve.
Biden doesn’t go to see Los Angeles and Oakland either.
“Gee, there’s a wall. I don’t see any illegals Bye!” Biden
Why is a border wall controversial? We live in a sovereign country with borders.
When Biden has CNN calling him out… dayum!
This is a bipartisan issue. They literally did a dog and pony show to say he went and didn’t see anything that the Republicans are saying. They cleaned up the parts he went to instead of the highly trafficked illegal entry areas, he didn’t talk to migrants, the land owners and didn’t hold any type of conference for the BP agents or National Guard.
It’s about time y’all reported what’s ACTUALLY happening on the border.
I live in Texas and that border camp, is only ONE if MANY. It’s not hundreds of people, it’s THOUSANDS. And it’s NOT just people from Mexico, they’re from EVERYWHERE.
It’s appalling and unimaginable!!