According to a CNN poll, 75% of Democrat voters want someone other than President Joe Biden to run in 2024. CNN's Alisyn Camerota talks to six Biden voters to understand why.
Hear why Biden voters are ‘disappointed’ in him

According to a CNN poll, 75% of Democrat voters want someone other than President Joe Biden to run in 2024. CNN's Alisyn Camerota talks to six Biden voters to understand why.
@Lee Swailes but it’s not forced retirement. My Doctor is over 65 and is as sharp as a tack.
Last fight
Don’t forget. No stock trades for members of Congress and the Senate!
I want biden to be tough on Russia and China and our foreign diplomacy.
@Gymlandia Says who? They seem to be doing better than us.
@Evolution Is The Flying Spaghetti Monster he’s not even left but go off.
The only guy who said he was not disappointed just gave excuses as to why things are too tough for Biden. Strong advocacy right there

He is doing a great job congrats if y vote for him. And don’t. Worry. We getting 3 more amazing years of this
He can’t unite his own party much less the country.
he’s not responsible for Manchin’s coal$ interest or Sinema’s pharm $ conflicts.
*This is what actually happened. This video is not for kids, it’s shocking…* ALLTIME.ML
Mr. Dunn – respect to you.
Who needs Fox News when you have CNN to do the Biden-bashing for them?
They have no choice. They’ve lied for the potato for the last year and a half and there’s no more room for excuses. They just can’t cover for him anymore.
@dan ven this is an unarticulated comment. Pick up a book for goodness sakes!
@J R
It’s pretty damn well articulated..
Pick up your glasses and learn some reading comprehension..
“Nothing will fundamentally change”….Joe Biden.
1 VICTORY AND FREEDOM Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
“Ill get all your money from your donation”…Donald ConMan Trump.
Never underestimate Joe’s ability to Fk things up- Barack Huessin Obama
If you wanted progressive change then Democrats should have chosen a different candidate. You got exactly what you asked for.
@joels5150 I totally agree with you about that!
@Bryan saying his presidency was bad because if mean tweets is a huge understatement
I am not disappointed in Biden as I didn’t have any expectations. I’m a progressive that voted D to get rump out of the WH, Biden was just a more palatable choice. And I’ll keep voting D for lack of a better, viable option.
Yup, me too. Biden was better than Trump, but I had low expectations.
4:48 Daaaamn, could that host be ANY more obvious in trying to create a narrative to squash their opinions, even if she has to gaslight them to do it?
“Don’t you think you’re being too fickle and finding too much fault?!” She sounds like a narcissist playing victim because someone criticized her.
1 Roguefem76 Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
What do these people think the president has the power to do? I hear a level of ignorance about what the president can do as well as how government works. Desiring Biden to be more like Trump is ridiculous.
1 Robin Lunn Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Just regarding the forceful part. I had the same complaint about Obama.
I love reminiscing what Biden voters told me in 2020.
1 Person Person Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Age limits, term limits and outlaw gerrymandering.
Please stop Biden, I can’t take one more of his accomplishments
Because you’re evil? Yep, that’s it.
God I wish people realize how easy it is for a lobbyist to buy a senator… And with the makeup of the senate as it is now… It wouldn’t cost much.
We can live without politicians. Farmers we can’t
I think he’s doing just fine, give circumstances.
I think you are giving excuses for a president who failed his supporters
This is why you don’t vote for someone just because the other guy hurt your feelings or to simply due to the color and gender of their running mate.
Wow, how could this happen to the most popular, totally legit president of all time?
Jeremy Fryberger was the only informed and reasoned person on that panel.