Hear what happened during Idaho murder suspect’s extradition hearing

CNN's Jean Casarez reports on what happened inside a Pennsylvania courtroom where Brian Kohberger, the suspect in the November slaying of four University of Idaho students, waived extradition from his home state of Pennsylvania to face murder charges in the state of Idaho. #CNN #News

Hear what happened during Idaho murder suspect’s extradition hearing


  1. Life in jail eating crap food and being raped, beaten and tortured is infinitely worse than a quick death and recontinued nonexistence.

    1. Wonder if he’s able to get his special vegan diet now that he’s in jail. Wonder if he’ll insist they buy new pots and pans just for him.

  2. I hope the DNA match was from a victim’s body so that it can’t be contested, like under finger nails or otherwise

    1. @ExitScreaming / I think so too. Genealogical DNA is the latest crime solving technology, and this latest science has captured a lot of murders going back 50 years. It was used to discover who the parents were for the ‘ Boy in the box ‘ in Philadelphia.

    2. @Dee Men it will be more than that because they know his only defense will be he was inside the house for a party.

    1. evil people just love doing evil things to innocents, that’s why death penalty is available in many states, Idaho included

  3. It’s interesting that he was pulled over for driving too close to a truck. That shows aggressive driving behavior, which is really not at all surprising.

    1. Aggressive driving behavior? Are you kidding. You do know law enforcement uses that as an excuse to pull people over especially people with out of state tags. Come on man.

    2. What’s interesting is he was pulled over and he’s not even black. Pulled over twice! A white guy! Wow.

  4. Feeling for all of the families involved in this due to Bryan’s selfish acts. Even his. At the end of the day, they are losing a son, too. And they get the blow. They’ll forever be known as the parents / sibling of the Idaho murderer. He not only stole innocent lives — but ruined his very own family.

    I think it’s important to remember that they went from thinking they had a highly accomplished son perusing a PhD, to watching him stand in a courtroom facing quadruple murder charges practically overnight. Nobody wins here — loss is felt all around.

    1. @Brian Jordan Is a “preponderance of the evidence” (more likely than not) enough for a murder conviction in this case? I thought the standard for such a criminal conviction is “beyond a reasonable doubt.”

    2. @Truth Seeker
      Well, if the Idaho investigators want his DNA, that would suggest they have someone’s DNA. If so, both the preponderance of the evidence will remove most doubt. So, in this case, and because of modern technology, both standards will be satisfied.

    3. @L 
      None of the questions asked mean diddly. There have been multiple cases of people going nutbar over a woman and doing things no one would think that individual would do.
      And if he displayed stalking behavior, that indicates an unbalanced thought process, so…..
      He is innocent until proven guilty. But we’ll see if he is found not guilty.

    4. He hasn’t even been on trial yet. I’ll hold my judgement a little bit longer. I believe in innocent until proven guilty.

  5. It’s insane! If this guy did it what a sicko man. What he did to cause pain to victims parents and his parents is unbearable and unthinkable. Prayers for the victims and all hurt involved. Very sad.

    1. @Bamboo Princess  the suspect is still innocent until proven guilty and don’t want to jump to conclusion so quick. But if he is the suspect. What a sick mf. Omg.

  6. Law enforcement needs to get everything air tight. His studies around criminals makes him knowledgeable about evidence and how to get away with crimes.

    1. A lot of parents, family etc. are just in total denial because it’s easier to deny it than accept what their family member did.

    1. I am sure his family knew that something is wrong with him, that he’s a narcissist and maybe sadistic or a psychopath. Near family members know if they have a evil person in their family.

    2. @David Crandall You’re right to point that out and anybody who really loves justice should see that.

  7. I don’t know why everyone is sealing this guys fate when there’s no confession and all they are going on is that his dna showed up as a candidate in a pool of dna. This guy could have shown up to one of the house parties, or had a one night stand, who knows. But the way the media is plastering his face all over the internet as if he’s already guilty seems medieval. If there were video or he had suspicious injuries, I’d be more inclined to follow along but all we have is people coming out of woodworks saying he was quite and tired.. umm you think? Studying for phd and finals which were around the time of the murders and just not having an outgoing personality could easily be miss identified, but that doesn’t make someone a murder responsible for killing 4 people. If the cops don’t have a solid case and he’s found innocent, I hope he sues some of these people for deformation of character.

  8. I love how every one is so understanding toward the family … then again I never hear the same understanding when the family isn’t white… but hey … no white privilege, nope.
    A little word of advise to the geniuses out there … psychopathy is a genetic neurological disease, that manifests as personality trait … nobody murders four people because parents did educate you the wrong way, it’s on him and on him only. The parents didn’t however lose him yesterday … this has been coming for a long long long time. From the scene in the court, it’s quite clear the father knew something.

    1. His parents didn’t teach him right from wrong or to have morals.
      His parents have acted crooked as well.
      They didn’t report his car and they wouldn’t let the cops come in when they came knocking.
      The cops had to break in.
      If the parents didn’t know why the cops were there they would have answered the door.
      But since they obviously did know they refused to cooperate.

      And of course this on him. He is the one that has to face the legal consequences for his actions.
      But since his parents are trash that raised trash they will have different kinds of consequences to face.
      They’ve already started facing them.
      And it’s only going to get worse.

    2. So, you…”never hear the same understanding when the family isn’t white”????
      Do you you hear EVERYTHING that EVERYONE says EVERYWHERE????
      Grow up and stop your pathetic whining.

  9. Being a criminology student, he should of known it’s almost impossible to get away with a crime with technology now a days, that’s what one learns in criminology.

    1. Actually easier than you think. Only around half of murders are solved in America. So half are unresolved and the criminal faces no consequences…

    2. @RBS i think that’s it. Obsession with murder and the idea that he can beat it. Arrogant. Even told by his professor at school to be nicer to the undergrad students.

      I bet he is a repressed homosexual. this is his great opportunity to intimately know the taste of ejaculate. He’s going to be passed around and tossed around like a rag doll.

      I wonder if he has ever had the cawkmeat sandwich?

      My bet is he will get to jail and think to himself…” i love the cawk so much i wish i had never murdered anyone and just given into my gay side.

  10. Look at the look on his face in that car. He must of been in freak out mode thinking he was going to get arrested for those murders instead of just a traffic stop….

  11. My heart breaks for his mother. Murderer or not, that is her son and I’m sure she feels like dying right now.

    1. If she didn’t abused him (which is very common in theses cases) yeah that poor lady didn’t deserve this nightmare

    2. I wonder if she cried when she saw that Elantra in her garage knowing the police was on the look out for one?

    3. If she was a Human being, she’d disown him, if she’s a monster herself, she will support him.

      She cries not for the victims of her monster, but for herself, & her monster.

      Why sympathize with such a person? I’d immediately disown any family member who did this without question, but I’m a Human Being & not a Monster.

  12. If he wasn’t the murderer he would look much concerned and have at least some anguish expression on his face, but he hasn’t,on the contrary he looked so confident and defiant when he appeared in court,that tells something ☠️🧟🔪

  13. What a thorough report, she covered just about everything!
    As a mother myself, I truly feel sorry for his mom but more so for the mothers, fathers, siblings and friends of the students who got killed, may their souls RIP !!!

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