Hear what Fauci’s boss would do if asked by Trump to fire him

National Institute of Health Director Dr. Francis Collins tells CNN's Wolf Blitzer about his relationship with Dr. Anthony Fauci and the work the National Institute of Health is doing to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

#CNN #News


  1. The People needs to fire everyone in the administration come November. Government of the people, by the people, for the people.

    1. BK Forever – This is sadly true, but at this point my 4-year-old granddaughter could do a better job!!

    2. @Wednesday’s Child Their termination notice comes in November. After that they’re on the pay roll until January.


    2. Mo A Trumps problem with Fauci has nothing to do with his work, it has to do with when he was ask about SNL and who he’d like to play him, fauci said Brad Pitt and within days SNL made it happen. And trump lost his tiny little brain over it.🤔😂

  2. NIH Director, Francis Collings, another smart and educated person like Dr. Fauci. Refreshing information.

    1. So you dont want to know more about Fauci history and connection with the Wuhan, China labs?

      “Another smart and educated”
      atleast your aware that being “educated” and being “smart” are two TOTALLY different things.
      Moronic Leftist think just because they went in debt 50K+, got indoctrinated and brainwashed for 4 years+ that they are supposedly “smart” because they were “educated”

      funnest thing ever….watching a moronic leftist, who went to college, not be able to put two logical thoughts together and make a logically argument on…basically ANYTHING as far as i have personally witnessed.

    2. @Matthew Forslund it has been widely reported that American virologists study bats in Wuhan, and there are American researchers stationed all over the world, such as sierra Leone to study ebola, so I am not sure of what your point is
      Also, I have an advanced degree but I built ( almost entirely on my own) my vacation home, including electrical, plumbing and drywall, and have restored a number of vintage British cars, so you can be well educated and still have talents outside your field of specialty

    1. Exactly. It’s why he pulled him off tv and wouldn’t let him speak in briefings. He took away the tilted tangerines spotlight. So sad

    2. @walter padovani from the way he speaks I’m convinced trump thinks he’s running against Obama again too

  3. Remember when people in the London Blitz during WWII refused to pull down their shades and turn off their lights because of their “personal freedoms”? Yea – me neither.

    1. timber_beast If Donald Trump had been president then we would all be speaking German today, that is, if our country was still here.

    2. sure…I remember, that’s when churchill was imposing “socialism” by insisting on a unified fight against a common enemy..that time?

    3. “Well, you have Hitler here, and he’s been very strong in denying that he’s behind all this bombing, and some say it might be Japan or others bombing London and there are those who say it’s Germany but I don’t know why it would be…”

    4. @S Dubon I had this thought once or twice while watching Man in the High Castle. The Trump administration reminds me of the Greater American Reich.

    1. Neither this guy or Fauci has stood up to Trump as they should have to SAVE LIVES. Tip toe so gently to make sure Trump doesn’t “get mad”. *BS!*

    2. @Alexander Russell So how many Trump supporters was causing NY to achieve 25% of the death toll by itself.. hypocrites

    While stitching a cut on the hand of a 75-year-old farmer, the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man.
    Eventually the topic got around to Donald Trump and his role as President

    The old farmer said, “Well, as I see it, most politicians are Post Tortoises”
    Not being familiar with the term, the doctor asked him what a post tortoise was.

    The old farmer replied

    “When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with
    a tortoise balanced on top, that’s a post tortoise”

    The old farmer saw the puzzled look on the doctor’s face, so he continued to explain.

    “You know he didn’t get up there by himself, he doesn’t belong up there
    he doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there, he’s elevated beyond his ability to function
    And you just wonder what kind of dumb asses put him up there to begin with”

    1. Old country folks have a no nonsense way of telling it just the way it is in plain english and with a pinch of humor to boot. God bless the USA and it’s wise people… Yes, we got them by the truck load.

  5. Sounds much more convincing than someone saying “it’s going to dissappear” as if this is a bad dream

    1. Love how the Democrats are trying to say Russian bots are people supporting the president of the United States because they (the DNC) have been called out on their bots and… Russia’s involvement with them

    2. @JimBobBek projecting is the only defense libtards have . anti fa ,blm scum flying the communist flag .

  6. Over 50 years working in infectious diseases and 35 as director, yet all these politicians think they’re more knowledgeable than Fauci.

  7. 30-year-old dies after attending ‘COVID party’ thinking virus a ‘hoax’. “I think I made a mistake. I thought this was a hoax, but it’s not” dying man told nurse. THANKS FOX & BUNKER BOY TRUMP. Rally & Golf on 2020.


  8. It is music to my brain to hear an intelligent, knowledgeable man speak, use proper language and pronunciation.

    1. @Scott Senarosa Dunno. Joe has been doing ok. He wasn’t my first, second, or third choice this time around, but I can live with him as President.

    2. Dr. Collins seems like very nice man. He has smiled more than I have ever seen miserable grumpy bitter angry jealous Trump smile.

  9. Our Heros are being treated with disdain, smeared, transferred, retired, demoted and libeled, America wake up, react

    1. trump will know all about it when he finally catches it and can reflect while on his gold plated ventilator.

  10. Trump thought it was ok to inject bleach, or “put light into the body.” What more do you need to know?

  11. Churchill once said, “Americans will always do the right thing. After trying everything else first.” Kinda sad we have to have all these people die and become so sick before we all wear masks and distance from each other all the time and create a new normal.

  12. The question that was asked about why we are doing so badly when we have the best doctors, best scientists, etc. has a simple answer. We have the worst leadership.

  13. World: we need to prepare for the 2nd and 3rd wave

    US – still discussing if everyone should wear mask, and grappling with surging wave 1….

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