CNN's Jason Carroll reports on Brian Walshe's previous legal battles and how they are providing insights into how people close to his family have characterized him before his wife's disappearance. #CNN #News
Hear what family friends say about missing Massachusetts woman’s husband

I don’t have a good feeling for this poor women’s well being….
Males adding women to victim stats like usual

Lack of self awareness is a sign of weird behavior.
@Virreal World I could be wrong 100% but I always thought that a psychopath was born and sociopaths were made. I dated a sociopath for 8 plus years. He wouldnt have hurt an animal but he did try to hurt me. Only because he had found someone else and I’m guessing he didnt understand how to tell me. So he tried to hurt me. I’ve forgiven him because in reality he didnt know how in his mind otherwise how to handle it differently.
@Virreal World so then you’re not sociopathic
Antisocial personality disorder, sometimes called sociopathy, is a mental disorder in which a person consistently shows no regard for right and wrong and ignores the rights and feelings of others.
ya think?
How more obvious can this situation be
See about Hunter. There are pictures.
@Ray Whitehead troll
@Ray Whiteheadomg shut up
Unfortunately, Ana Walshe is no longer alive. But Brian Walshe knows exactly where she is. He’s the only one who knows the truth about his wife’s “disappearance.”
the woman looks like a typical plastic surgery addicted gold digger…cant really feel too bad for her
Oh no, this is confirmed? Ugh. I mean evidence points in that direction, but thought maybe he’s keeping her somewhere- long shot I know. How the heck do humans do this to one another, I’ll never understand. Those boys, my heart breaks for them right now, I really hope her friends/family can get them out of DCF & into one of their homes. Sending strength & wellbeing to all impacted by this senseless tragedy.
@Strange Tapes he’s a subhuman, to be taken down.
@Reek obviously You subhuman who will perish in hell.
Another case where greed kills. Communism is only solution
12 days.. No mother of 3 small children will walk away from them, this is so very sad.
@Reek speak no english?
@Reek go take your medications , after you do that I will explain to you what the comment you are replying to is hinting at kid
Use a period, not a comma in that sentence.
@A lmao
@Reek You are a bad hooman. Will be the toy of yo daddy Satan in the firepit
Motive isn’t required for murder convictions!
If you want to dump your wife, divorce is the way to go.
Not if you don’t want to split the house and bank account 50/50
@Cyrus Chang and pay her out her half of all the rental properties he owned aswell as child and or spousal support ..
@Begodecrashtestdummy Now he’s going to be locked up and won’t have to pay anything for the rest of his life.
Usually the woman is the one that wants the divorce. And men get ruined by it
Your overlooking the fact he was a scab. I’m sure she had a life insurance policy, and a decent sized bank account. Not to mention they just sold a condo for 200000 dollars. And most states don’t give alimony to the man. So if he divorced her, he would lose his cash cow.
What a sick… That grin, this guy is a POS. Sending love to her family & friends. Holding out hope she’s still with us. Hope the boys can soon be reunited with family or friends they’re familiar with, so traumatic.
I know he’s always smiling like he at a photo shoot..Nut Job
Poor Lady & children!
Her poor kids
Police have a lot more evidence against him than is discussed in this clip.
My heart goes out to the missing Woman. I sure hope she’s not suffering in Pain
@Soul Flow you don’t have a right to take someone’s life!!!
@Soul Flow it sounds as if you think it would be acceptable for him to get rid of her if she was having an affair!
@Soul Flow People like you no longer have the power to manipulate us by accusing the woman of cheating.
The woman HAS THE RIGHT to cheat. The man does not have the right to harm her.
Most important of all, women around the world are the most mistreated and cheated upon, but do they harm males? No. Then fckin shtup.
He will be fcked by many now in jail and he will deserve it. He took someone’s life, in Islam, the family has the right to do the same to him.
@Soul Flow subhooman get over yourself and get read to join yo daddy Satan in hell. We believers have no tolerance for entitled satanic males.
@Captain Obvious , LOL at your comment saying that woman has a right to cheat. I feel sorry for your husband or boyfriend. I hope he knows that he has a right to cheat also? LOL.
Poor children lost their mother and father. Such a sad situation
Kids are lucky to have lost their dad it seems. They will surely miss their mom
And she had a new puppy too
this reminds me of the Jennifer Dulos case beautiful mom, F’d up husband
the generational trauma will be sad.
Can you imagine how his parents felt when he stole a million dollars from them? This guy is unbelievable. I feel so bad for the wife having to put up with this scab for the time she did. She is dead, and he set all of it up to get his hands on her assets
According to the friend he swindled, Ana knew and benefitted from his fraud. He alleges that right after depositing HIS check into Ana’s bank account, Ana went shopping at Prada.
You have to wonder why she did.
I think the wife knew and participated in his scams fully, he rid off a witnesses, THEY WERE SELLING ALL THEIR REAL ESTATE QUICKLY… WIRH HIS DADS STOLEN $$$$
The cops saw that he went online to find out how to dispose of a 115 pound body. He went to home depot and purchased $450.00 dollars worth of cleaning supplies that also included tarps!. He is guilty as sin.
Him smiling tells it all.
Loving the attention
@Stephers creepy
I would guess he likely had life insurance on her that may have been his motive. I don’t know how long a person has to be “missing” before they’re pronounced dead and life insurance can be collected on them. I’m sure they’ve looked into that but I haven’t heard anything about it. For an obvious money grubber like him that’s probably one of the first things they looked at as a motive.
How do people like him not think of consequences though?? I don’t get in now he’s most likely gonna rot in a cell it seems like nowadays people act super stupid without thinking especially in America
Thats what happens when people are brought up as narcissists with no sense of morals and responsibility
I pray to God that she is found so she can get the justice she and her children deserve….

I am praying they find her for the Family’s Sake. Lord, Bless those Children..