1. Well :if NATO would move from the very start of this War -Ukraine would be more prepared and trained by now ,and still -no long distance systems 🙈

  2. I find it unimaginable that any one of your guest would negotiate with a man that has invaded their country and committed war crimes against their people! So, to think that Ukraine would is ridiculous! Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦

    1. @Loser Bar Putler and his fascist regime decided to invade Ukraine and started in 2014 breaking Budapest Memorandum where US and UK were guarantors. Was unprovoked attack. Ukrainians had a revolution , after 107 protesters were killed . Yanukovich muppet fled to Russia , he weakened the army , he stole hundreds of millions of dollars, despite promises to get the country in EU, as people wanted, he was selling it to Russia …
      Azov and many battalions, brigades..were born after the invasion and occupation from Russia, 2014, to support the army.
      The 2022 invasion is a coup attempt over Kyiv. ..and attempt to occupy the entire country .
      Russia is only a country which got independence in 1991 , is not the union or the empire . This is a war of occupation, since 2014 .

    2. @Elena yes, many people forget that we’ve seen this play out before, being nice didn’t work, it makes things worse.

    3. @Ditty Margoo do you know what a No fly zone means??? it means if nato detects russian airplane,they send jets to destroy it… sounds like direct Nato vs Russia war to me…

    4. Being nice is what landed us here in the first place. Allowing Russia to occupy Crimea meant the world learnt nothing from WW2. Then the world sat and watched as Russian troops accumulated next to the Eastern Ukrainian border. Well imagine the lives and resources that could have been saved had the West simply accumulated an equal number of troops and weapons on the Western Ukrainian border and said to Putin that if you enter Ukraine so will the West. Just like what’s stopping Russia from sending nukes into Ukraine right now? Its the ultimatum that if they do the West will decimate their army and navy. Not an appeasement!

  3. “Compromise”? Like what‽ Like letting him just take 15% of the country, the most critical 15% that contains all of Ukraine’s massive LNG deposits in the Black Sea as well choking off their import/export by land-locking them? 🤨 Did people say that Czechoslovakia should have “compromised” when the Sudetenland was stolen from them or Austria should’ve “compromised” after the Anschluß? 😒

    1. Natural liquefied gas? And the same amount of natural gasoline apparently. I have no words….

    2. @Дмитрий Свергин Totally different LNG from gas not frozen and freezing 100 billion cubic metres in America, and ship to Europe very expensive and all the gas pipes and burners are not geared for it and has a limited market for trucks and who will pay all the home heating conversions and tens of billions and what will the Forth Reich and the British do with all the underground gas pipes lines in Europe in every, village town and city?????????????Russian Gas s not fracked but American gas is. the big percentage of it .

    3. @Kieran Murphy No it’s not the same. The UK didn’t bomb and massacre Irish civilians, or displace millions of them abroad.
      You’re just another filthy Russian propagandist so desperate to interpret historical events so as to say the West is just as bad as Russia, so Russia can commit whatever imperialist aggression and atrocities that it likes. Whatabout, whatabout, whatabout. I really hope that Russia’s supporters and people are broken by the end of all this, because I’m sick of this constant equivalence used to justify fascism on my continent.

    4. @IronThreads What about this day 51 years ago in Derry city by British troops and armoured cars tanks and guns took away our sons , and the Americans forced the British into the Good Friday agreement 1998 only after 30 odd years and Russian minority deserve dual citizenship , dual language , Federal Government to similar to power sharing and Russian media and pro Russian parties and the British banned Sinn Fein for many years .I like Ukraine but the Ukraine nationalists will ensure their cities are destroyed because of absence of reforms , and our cities and towns were destroyed and England to the GFA 98 by a small army that had 50,000 police army in 15000 square kilometres not the third biggest in the world and no help from the South for much of that 30 years

  4. Just as Adolph’s troops were being routed he kept issuing orders that forbade organized retreats, armies should keep their positions at all costs. As the Allied troops were crossing the borders and the Nazis were desperately recruiting teenagers and older folk, he is on record saying that if the people failed at defending the Fatherland, he would not shed a tear for them.

    Authoritarians are not interested in compromises, they see it as an abhorrent weakness. It is a historical fact that dictators will fight to the last bullet. Unfortunately, this is where we are now.

    1. @S D There’s a Vice Documentary called Putin’s Secret Neo-Nazi Armies it’s 11:40 long. You should take a look at it before saying such ridiculous statements. Every country has white supremacists, the US, Canada, UK, Australia, every European country, many South American nations. The only countries would be in Africa and the Orient like the Koreas, Japan and China. Many of the Russian soldiers in Ukraine have been found to have white supremacist tattoos and paraphernalia.

  5. Give ukraine everything they want, long range missiles that can hit inside Russian, aircraft that can hit the Russian navy at sea , Give them nuclear weapons , Notting should be off the table .

  6. If Ukraine can prevent Russia from supplying their troops on the front lines, then they will win this war.

    1. @Adi B If Putin begins to consistently launch missiles from Russia surely Ukraine and it’s allies will consider a similar fight back in which Ukraine will be supplied missiles which can reach strategic targets on Russian soil (although that’s not how NATO wish to engage Russia with it’s lethal aid to Ukraine but if given little choice to retaliate in such a way I think they will surpass this red line). I don’t believe now that much is completely off the table as compared to when this war started. SLAVA UKRAINA!

    2. @MI6 If Ukraine starts attacking Russia with western weapons. It will give Putin the perfect opportunity to say west is attacking Russia and use his tactical nukes in Ukraine. If that happens then Ukraine will have no chance of winning. No one in the west will risk nuclear war at that point. Keep in mind it isn’t illegal against international law to use Nukes.

    3. @Moon Dog The US is providing satellite recon data to the Ukrainians, with GPS coordinates that are usually confirmed by ground units. HIMARS can then be used to destroy any Russian troop/supply concentrations. The Russian military has a huge problem in which if it spreads out too thin, it is completely ineffective due to command/control problems, but if it concentrates, then it becomes a target for HIMARS.

  7. The argument that “a majority of the world population” supports political compromise is meaningless, since a significant portion of that figure lives under totalitarian regimes like china, iran, north korea, where popular opinion is whatever the ruling regime says it is.

    1. Real people will never love this world anymore because of terrible living and must be temporary compare to the greatest afterlife our real home

    2. @Zaki Romeo
      This is the main show though. One will be Judged by what occurs _here and now._ Doing evil, trying to “cheat” and head to paradise early will damn one.
      Giving up or giving in I imagine won’t be taken well at the final Judgement either.

  8. It is easier to follow than to lead. We can thank the Brits for being first to supply Modern Western MBT’s. The Brits, alongside The US and Poland were also the first to provide training and arms (before Putin’s war started)

    1. Thank the brits for what , usless , 5leaders in 5 years , they all over the plc including themselves , complete island of uslessness 🤨

  9. It doesn’t matter what the so-called experts say. The decision is Ukraine’s alone. Our duty is to help them.

    1. @Chris Browne  dealing with the world’s problems on their terms. It should have been just Korea, and thats it. It’s costing soldiers, who don’t get that proper respect back home, and tax payers money.

    2. All these self righteous comments. Urging on Ukraine and committing our national treasure to fighting the Russians.
      Ukraine isn’t and never had been a vital strategic issue for the US. Maybe for the EU. They better under stand the consequences of pushing NATO to the border of Russia.
      Would the US want missiles or combat brigades in Mexico or Cuba?
      Ukraine is a proving ground for weapons and tactics.
      The real war is 10,000 miles to the east.
      Taiwan. China has 78 combat brigades. The US has 14. They have more soldiers than we have bullets.

  10. The claim that the “majority of the worlds population” supports a compromised political settlement is meaningless, since a significant part of that figure lives under totslitarian regimes like China, Iran, or North Korea, where popular opinion is whatever the ruling regime says it is regardless of what the people actually think.

  11. Any compromise is a reward for aggression. The end state MUST be removal of the invader’s forces from the victim’s territories and some compensatory consequences. Anything short of that is either rewarding aggression or at minimum non-consequence.

    1. @1ambrose100 America has shed the most blood in the history of the new world for its freedom. i dont think we have to keep fighting. is ukraines turn .

    2. Trade deals are quite appropriate and probably necessary. Russia should be a part of a world peace plan. TRADE DEAL.

    3. Ultimately it comes down to ending the actual war & the cost of human suffering itself, the only difference with Russia’s invasion is that it isn’t an invasion that America backs, if Russia is to be judged for this, then equally America’s allies should also be judged in their invasions without UN mandates

    4. @KootFloris People would be better served to take into the account the track record of mainstream legacy media over recent history. News coverage of domestic politics is rife with dishonesty, and strategy on the part of all players involved. Foreign policy coverage is no better. In fact, historically it is even more difficult to get to the truth during armed conflict. The general public on both sides don’t have a clue what’s really happening. Including me. The hubris of those that think they do is dangerous.

  12. The Singaporean diplomat is really a piece of work. That thing of a country is the most vulnerable territory in whole of Asia. He should be totally against Russia as a principle of the ensuring Singapore’s national sovereignty for what’s it worth to the Chinese or Malays.

    1. Mahbubani has been out of sync since his retirement from our diplomatic corps. He has butted heads with a far more formidable and intellectual ex-colleague in the Foreign Ministry that has exposed his shallowness. I’m glad our government has made it clear that they condemn this conflict in its fullest, not least because of our small size.

    2. Sorry Kishore is a former Singapore diplomat that is always going around to air his proChina views. He don’t represent Singapore and neither was he ever voted by Singaporeans. So no… his views is only as good as coffeeshop talk

    3. @Kelvin Sim or just leave everyone alone, and let people let their countrys be, instead of starting wars all over the place, starting internal conflicts everywhere in the world, arming bad people just for the meaning of overthrowing governements and leave lands in ashes, just stop, this world is finally changing for the good. enough people are seeying trough this fake democracy bs

  13. “The exit of Russian troops from Ukraine was the only way for “peace to have a chance in the region”, Scholz said on Wednesday

    1. @Warpathy Oh yeah right. How? By throwing Ukraine under the bus like he did last time? Remember how he withheld military aid to Ukraine simply because he couldn’t twist President Zelenskyy’s arm and force him to investigate Biden’s son?

    2. Выведение окупационных войск us из Германии был бы хорошим шагом

    3. @Number One Вывод оккупационных русистских войск из Украины будет единственным шагом. pizda vatnyk!

  14. Mahbubani doesnt seem to understand the 15 % that has responded are the most powerful countries in the world. The other 85% can hardly hold up their own trousers.

    1. More Powerful Countries= More White People?

      Don’t you worry, these countries are soon to become more brownish.

  15. Man, I respect these diplomats and their experiences and education, but Putin has said many, many times that he does not recognize Ukraine as a sovereign country – they essentially don’t exist. If Putin sees Ukraine as a non-country, non-people, he is going to continue pushing ahead with his campaign until either he wins or he is defeated. That is it.

    1. Just means Putin is a slow learner, unable to adjust his thinking even back to the early 1990s. Everyone’s got a different learning style. Perhaps his involves massive defeat on the battlefield followed by a revolution that displaces him, followed by a non-consensual trip to the Hague so he can answer for his crimes.

    2. @surely you joke, mein failüre I don’t know what learning style Putin is, but his ONLY fear is losing power, which essentially means jail and/or death.

    1. nice thought, but little angry men with big egos and little penises don’t ever get to the realisation that they made a mistake stage, let alone admit it they made one, let alone retreat to lick their wounds and cut their losses. putler doesn’t understand right, only might. but he’s learning…the hard way.

    2. ​@xpact classic david and goliath, the little guy vs. the big bad ‘mighty’ mother russia. so, how’s that all that mighty stuff workin’ out for putler and your kind? to be beat back by such a tiny little country with no army, air force, or navy? gettin’ your butt kicked by a bunch of armed peasants? ouch, that must really hurt putler’s ego, enrage him, don’t ya think? oh snap, lemme guess, you don’t think, it’s not your strong suit, is it? you just like mouthin’ off with your little anti-west thing that you’re so proud of. fact is little darlin’, putler’s the one beggin’ his other axis of evil buddies n.korea and iran for toy drones and 45 year old rusty shells. which he then uses on civilians, cuz he can’t hit an military targets, cuz he ain’t got no people or ammo left, cuz he’s too afraid to send his good planes, tanks, and ships in cuz they’ll get destroyed (again and again and again). yep, the ruskies with half a brain have left the country, all that’s left are convicts and old men. so my little mental giant, what happens when they become compost for Ukraine’s farmland…gonna start conscripting 90 yr old babushkas?? eh? got an answer for that little lady? nah, ya don’t, cuz ya dumma than a box ‘o rocks. if you don’t know what ur talkin’ about, and you don’t, best to put your brain in gear before you put your mouth in motion. get it? good. i’m a usaf mil pilot, you picked a fight with the wrong guy. now go do some cooking and cleaning, things you know more about. pizda vatnyk.

  16. Anyone who favors a ‘compromise’ with an invader is just admitting that they, themselves, would give up a chunk of their country (including the enslavement of their countrymen that live there), to an aggressor who invaded their homeland.

  17. So I guess a compromise would be sort of like if a burglar enters your house and you settle for the burglar to only take a third of your stuff versus all of your stuff.

  18. The question on negotiaions is kind of strange – Putin has to get out of Ukraine and then pay for the destructions he is guilty of. Mahbubani´s take on this, shows a lack of democratic understanding. The freedom of the Ukrainian people is important to the democratic world. It is impossible for Europe to let Putin win anything by aggression.

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