Hear what coroner said about determining Lisa Marie Presley’s cause of death

Lisa Marie Presley’s cause of death has not yet been determined after an initial autopsy examination, according to the Los Angeles County Coroner. CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains that there could be a multitude of reasons for the deferral. #CNN #News


  1. She looked badly shook at the golden globes 48 hrs before she died . Very sad, regardless of any autopsy result 😢

  2. As a retired nurse,I’ve seen my share of autopsies,all of these things the Dr. is mentioning are quite true ,toxicology reports normally take weeks to come back until ,can’t we just let this family grieve and have a little bit of peace .

  3. This woman had a sad life: 4 divorces + loosing her only male boy 2 years ago and through suicide. The grief over her loss was too much for her. She even said few days before her death that she doesn’t go out anymore outside home. This woman was depressed, and grieving on the loss of her boy. She even said that grief is going to stay with her all her life. So this woman practically was refusing to live a normal life. Finally as if she wanted to leave this life. Her poor physical condition was obvious on the Golden globe awards. She could hardly walk, as if she was 85 years old. Her mother looked better than her. May God have mercy on her soul.

    1. She had sorrows (like the rest of us) but she also had joy. She had privileges that most of us will never have. Please put it all in perspective.

    2. No matter how tough my life as a young man was, dealing with depression, bouts of unemployment, obesity, heartbreak from relationship failures. I knew suicide was never an option as it devastates loved ones.

    3. @Thomas Garman Where’ve you been? According to our woke Democrat friends there are 150 genders now.

  4. In some ways it was bad having to live her entire life almost in the shadows of her famous father and his death. Every year having to hold celebrations in his honor kept the grief real forever. Then losing her son…just too much on a person. I would not want to have lived her life.

  5. This is rather simple to solve. If she was still with heavy permanent sorrows and melancholy from 2 years ago of her son’s death then it’s broken heart. If you never learn to live with the what ifs and the loss, its broken heart and that will eventually kill people, also pets can get it from there owners being gone. My theory seems good since they didn’t conclude anything wrong was with her, a broken heart eventually manifest itself as a heart attack.

    1. Dying from a broken heart is very real!! I hope people will read your comment and pay attention to what you have said

  6. I don’t know if it was her make up or lack of make up but she sure did look pastey pale and wobbly. My armchair doctor degree thinks family history of heart issues with years of abuse with drugs, severe depression and stress equals heart attack. I was deeply sad to hear this as I was a fan of both her and her dad. May she find peace now.

    1. I thought maybe she was wobbly due to those crazy high heel boots she was wearing 🙂 But then her voice was very weak.. She did not sound well at all, I remembering thinking shouldn’t she be home in bed? Then I thought no more about it, ‘tll I read a few days later she had died. OMG

    2. You too? We got our degrees from the same place! I agree with your assessment wholeheartedly. She didn’t look or act healthy during those interviews. I never got into her music. And I wasn’t a big Elvis fan. I was probably Lisa Marie’s age when her Father died. But I’ve always felt sorry for her. She never looked happy to me. And that made me sad. Rest In Peace beautiful lady! ❤

  7. Rest In Peace …Lisa Marie Presley. The troubling factor was a cardiac arrest— which can be fatal in 54 year old person— who was never ever diagnosed with heart attacks. It’s why she was sent to the hospital— after having this type of painful situation. She was too young for this type of stuff. She had lost her only son and as a parent— you would grieve forever more. (Several years ago, I was searching for my son, who was in an avalanche and he answered the cellphone entering a Denver emergency room with 7 broken ribs and probably a mild concussion. He was dug out of the snow with a shovel by his ski partner. The lucky thing was locating where he had landed by then in tons heavy snow. Evan, the ski buddy. dug him out and saved his life and drove with an injured person to a Denver hospiisl where Kris was for 10 days. I had to wait overnight once he was admitted with a room due to the hospital settings after my first call to Kris. He is lucky and never goes back again to the country with all the Colorado avalanches. But —Ms. Presley was a mom of a deceased son and grief affected her deeply. ❄️🌠May she Rest In Peace.

  8. I swear, as a RN 4 38yrs, I think there may be some kind of genetic heart anomaly on Presley side of family. Gladys, Elvis, Lisa.

  9. Even in her darkest, last days she was still GIVING. She wrote about how it is losing a child trying to help others. She was also fostering hands on shelter dogs. I remember she once said she is not fulfilled unless she was helping others. She would serve food to the homeless. I have a lot of respect for her and her mom who speak up on animal causes especially equine issues.

  10. You can tell she never recovered from her young son’s death in 2020. If you look at her social media, she completely stopped posting and said something along the lines of she has ‘nothing good to share’ anymore. The last photo she put up is one of her 3 girls and she is referencing Ben. Then she posted about the Elvis film late last year. I can’t imagine that pain. I am just happy she was able to see the Elvis film and take in all that we adored her and her family before her passing..

  11. I don’t what it is but this death feels like I lost someone near and dear to me in real life. She was one of the last ‘connections’ to Michael Jackson for me. Losing her, is losing part of him and grieving him again. Rest in peace to Lisa Marie <3 May you be with Elvis, Benjamin and Michael up above..

  12. I saw how grief over the death of her mom caused early dementia in my cousin. She turned to alcohol to soothe the pain, which only made things worse. Her grief caused a tragic deadly accident at age 56. We may never know the whole story of LMP’s death, but for sure grief played a major role. 🙏

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