Russian President Vladimir Putin said four occupied Ukrainian regions will become part of Russia “forever,” during his Kremlin speech that announced the illegal annexations. CNN’s Matthew Chance and Nick Paton Walsh react to Putin’s speech. #CNN #News
Hear what CNN reporter noticed about crowd watching Putin’s speech

All the guys applauding in front of Putin, should go and fight for him.
They don’t look like they’re applauding willingly, only out of fear, look at their worried expressions. Why the hell they don’t turn that fear into aggression against him is beyond me – it seems his people have been subjugated for so long they have lost the will to resist his regime, it’s really sad.
Not a strong argument, but no body is recognized if they do bad things.
I’m just saying, try harder next time.
@RocAez you all are delusional
@Pete Lind The difference between applause for Putin’s speeches and applause for the US President in Congress is that EVERYONE applauds Putin’s speeches, and only the members of the President’s party applaud the President’s speeches. Interesting, isn’t it?–Why do you suppose there’s a difference?
Laughable, but simultaneously infuriating, disgusting and frightening.
@Tim Tom…American critic BS. NATO moved east the last time in 2004 touching for the first time the russian border directly and it didn’t bother Putin. And this even tho the Baltics hate Russia much more than the Ukranians did before 2014. And why start a war now when Putin already set the condition where Ukraine cannot join the NATO? Furthermore the NATO was slowly falling asleep in the last decade, a few years ago Macron called it brain dead, which means it was absolutely no threat for Russia. No, the NATO thing is only a pretext to justify a mere recapture of Ukraine. The real thread was not the NATO but Ukraine becoming a successful democratic country with western help, showing the russian population how much Putin deceived them with his anti-west propaganda he made to isolate Russia to allow him and his friends to easily fleece the country. Btw, if he fears the NATO, why would he invade a country that is not in the NATO with the predictable result that now he has another 1300 km of NATO border with Finland? Especially cosidering that he thought that the Ukranians would be easy to beat while it’s known that the Finns know how to fight the Russians.
@Товарищ Иван dream on
Why would you be frightened by the 2nd best military in Ukraine lmao please.
it might be the sign to take your medication bro
I was going with , out right CRAZY BUNCH OF YOU KNOW WHAT’S .. out …
What a happy bunch of folks! The smiles on their faces express just how proud they are…
@Christopher Garwood Europe is west! Lol
@knowledge the difference is we care about Europe but not so much about Arabs, so….
@Jurgen Nolte otherwise they dead , yeah I remember those times in 1980s when you had to pay attention otherwise you gone
@Ryan lex lol , better zip up before you make fool out of yourself. Oh sorry too late lol
@DrJones20 Slave
History always proves that there is no such thing as forever
Bunny dear, do you know that what YOU think and say does nothing to discredit what l said in my post, because the truth of it towers above every man’s opinion, because it is not my opinion, but the truth e.i. reality.
I’ll gladly be called a lunatic and shunned by those who are lost in this broken, crazy, confused world, but knowing life which they never knew and having future they, being lost and undone, will never have. Time will tell all things….many who insult and mock now will wish they could recant their words, but it will be to late for them. So will you, dear soul, so will you…..
@xo xo Amen to that. I think that’s what he wants tho
@VoidWalker 92 yes, short. and now it is coming to an end.
What a sad little man…. puppets in the crowd. Is there really anyone on his side? Time to stand for your freedom and be counted people of Russia.
There was a scene in the movie “The Dark Knight” when character Alfred was explaining, regarding the Joker, that “some men can’t be reasoned with…they just want to see the world burn!” Yes those types of people do exist. Most are behind bars, and Putin is surely one of those. The audience in the conference room here in this video are all thinking, “So how do we deal with this mad man now?”
Wow I was just talking about that scene today. When I first heard it, it hit me hard, so true.
I think you need to lay off the movies/games and start studying.
I have the same personality type as the Joker, ENFP. I’m not only not behind bars, I’ve never been convicted of so much as speeding. Putin doesn’t have my personality type. Fidel Castro and Ernesto Guevara had my personality type.
Here is the final video
I’m shocked none of the crowd weren’t blushing

If you ever going to Russia. The never smiled even once
Here is the final video
@the wicaksono I was detained in Russia because the Shurenyenko airport didn’t open their transfer desk and had blocked access to other terminals. Stupid place i was laughing at those poor guards the entire time. They looked like heroin addicts. (They gave me papers and let me go because they screwed up badly and didn’t like it when I flashed them my friend’s business card, then Baltic Regional Security Chief for the US State Department. I also got 5 Turks on to the place with me who has been detained, as well. Incompetence due to lack of giving a poop under a system that treats their people like robots.
@Henry Seidel we know that, but scores of Americans protested and were not thrown into prison for showing their disapproval. There’s no way you can compare the systems other than engaging into a stupid war. And for very different reasons
When lies get told. It is the duty of everyone to keep repeating the truth so it doesnt get forgotten
This message brought to you by science and facts. Two components of news that Fox News omits on a daily basis.
@fun_fact CNN and FOX are no different. They just lean in opposite directions.
Look at the crowd. THEY’RE LOVING IT!!! Having the time of their lives!!!
@tnbrfller I think it was also a brilliant camera man job.
They are not very animated, compare it to state of the union address. It’s the same scale event.
Gorbachev and Eltzin were humanoids, Putin is some there between a fish and a moth. You have no idea how big creep he is.
It was not.its not crazy american congres
Here is the final video
The face of the audience says it all.
The man in the lower left at 4:24 looks fast asleep.
no it doesn’t. this is how Russian culture is and how they behave
Here is the final video
If everyone in that room just bum-rushed him this whole debacle could be over.
Its always interesting how us as people will go at each other because of what country we are from, but in peace time around around the world we show we are all human beings who have love for one another. You can see this through out youtube, from videos made from people around the world and love around the world.
tirell V / Yes, it is the same with the attitude of the people who live on your street.
Once in a while one of them goes crazy.
Human beings are incapable of unconditional love.
Here is the final video
If we only could go forward with care for one another, just show care towards eachother, we’d feel, and be a much better off person in our world….no matter where you are from!
He has become like AH in the later years of the war, living in a complete different political reality.
1 Albert Liu Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Putin: “We declare this region to now be Russia.”
Ukraine: “So why do you run away from us there? And by the way we’re joining NATO.”
1 Darrylx444 Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I advise you to listen to Putin’s speech without distortion and completely.
Alot of people focusing on all the people who were clapping( they had little choice ), i was looking at those brave souls who didn’t.
The crowd’s reaction is like hide the pain harold
Here is the final video
they just dont want to be the first person to stop clapping. good way to have an unexpected heart attack.
Wow the face of people in the crowd

1 Candice Khlebas Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Look at the ground and dont make eye contact….Fear not Respect!
slightly different then seeing Biden:)
Putin: “Everyone clap, or you may accidentally fall from a tall building…” It’s amazing, watching WW2- style dictatorial land grabs in action before our eyes.
1 Brock Sargeant Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Take care and stay safe. I have neighbors who came to Canada in June and are considering going back because the husband is having a hard time learning english therefore it’s difficult for him to work. I’ve been trying to talk Zoya ( the wife) into staying especially since they have 4 kids. She tells me that Ukraine is strong and will win. They have a strong fighting spirit. Keep yours Larissa.
It is the first time I see a funeral where the deceased himself is actually giving a speech. Very emotional
1 John Winkler Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer