CNN's Anderson Cooper speaks with former CDC director, Tom Frieden, about a recent focus group conducted by a Republican pollster consisting of vaccine-hesitant Trump voters, who spoke about why they are reluctant to receive the Covid-19 vaccine.
#CNN #News
What ever happened to critical thinking and plain old common sense?
@Just A Spectator no it didn’t”piss me off”.
@ItsAllGood good to know. if you ever see me again 99.9% of my comments are probably satire
@Just A Spectator well, as for me I’ve moved on w/the readings, I have to ignore the Damn algorithm that contacts me as if its important.. & of course the more I answer, the more it contacts me.
Have a good day & be well if you want to
Signing out of this 1
@ItsAllGood awesome
I almost threw my remote at the TV when she said I don’t want politics involved
New York Times , March 16, 2021 :
NY Governor Cuomo ( D) helped draft letter disparaging his first sexual harassment accuser: report
Soon after the first woman accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment last December, the governor and his close associates worked to draft a letter attacking the former aide’s credibility, a new report said Tuesday.
The letter, which was never released, disparaged Lindsey Boylan and accused her of coming forward for “political retribution,” according to a copy reviewed by The New York Times.
Boylan, one of seven women to accuse Cuomo of inappropriate conduct, first made her claims in a series of Twitter posts — before sparking the sexual harassment scandal against the governor with more details in a post to the website Medium.
In the days after Boylan’s tweets, at least one draft of the attack letter began circulating among allies to the governor’s current and former top aides, sources told the newspaper.
The initial intention was to get former top statehouse staffers — with a focus on women — to sign onto the letter, the report said.
One draft of the letter noted a campaign consultant to Boylan, who is now a Democratic candidate for Manhattan borough president, also worked for a Cuomo political enemy.
The letter went on to say that Boylan was “supported by lawyers and financial backers of Donald Trump: an active opponent of the governor,” according to the Times.
It concluded: “Weaponizing a claim of sexual harassment for personal political gain or to achieve notoriety cannot be tolerated. False claims demean the veracity of credible claims.”:://///:::::.:::////
New York Times , March 16, 2021 :
NY Governor Cuomo ( D) helped draft letter disparaging his first sexual harassment accuser: report
Soon after the first woman accused Gov. Andrew Cuomo of sexual harassment last December, the governor and his close associates worked to draft a letter attacking the former aide’s credibility, a new report said Tuesday.
The letter, which was never released, disparaged Lindsey Boylan and accused her of coming forward for “political retribution,” according to a copy reviewed by The New York Times.
Boylan, one of seven women to accuse Cuomo of inappropriate conduct, first made her claims in a series of Twitter posts — before sparking the sexual harassment scandal against the governor with more details in a post to the website Medium.
In the days after Boylan’s tweets, at least one draft of the attack letter began circulating among allies to the governor’s current and former top aides, sources told the newspaper.
The initial intention was to get former top statehouse staffers — with a focus on women — to sign onto the letter, the report said.
One draft of the letter noted a campaign consultant to Boylan, who is now a Democratic candidate for Manhattan borough president, also worked for a Cuomo political enemy.
The letter went on to say that Boylan was “supported by lawyers and financial backers of Donald Trump: an active opponent of the governor,” according to the Times.
It concluded: “Weaponizing a claim of sexual harassment for personal political gain or to achieve notoriety cannot be tolerated. False claims demean the veracity of credible claims.”::.::::::.::::///////
Hello my beautiful great fans , thanks for your support, how are you doing, I hope everything is fine, you can speak with me or write me in the hangout app with my email… Thanks
Im tired of the Communist News Network trying to lump a people who didnt vote for Xiden as a Trump supporter! When the cancel culture eats your socialist side within, i wonder what the Communist News Network will say then? But since dissent is not allowed, i have been shadow banned so only one or 2 of you morons will see this post.
Your remote, my brush, my shoe, my fist, my etc.!! Yeah….. irritated!!!
I never listen to politics about my health I listen to my doctors
@Trashed just out of interest, how many people have died by having the jab compared to how many have died from not having it?
Im tired of the Communist News Network trying to lump a people who didnt vote for Xiden as a Trump supporter! When the cancel culture eats your socialist side within, i wonder what the Communist News Network will say then? But since dissent is not allowed, i have been shadow banned so only one or 2 of you morons will see this post.
Don’t worry. Soon they will have your doctors persuaded too. They will believe anything their puppet masters tell them
@* Tz’yion* There are no words for nut jobs like you living in a dystopian fantasyland. No, the whole world isn’t trying to trick you. Stop watching conspiracy theory shows and get help for your paranoia and delusions.
@Meghan Hello little sheeple. LOL you snowflakes like to label everything a conspiracy theory don’t you? Do you mind pulling all of the experimental data and evidence that you have at hand? I don’t mean news articles. I mean… I want you to list out the chemical breakdown of EVERY SINGLE ingredient inside of the vaccine. I also want you to explain the adverse factions to the chemicals and functionality of the human body reaction.
Awwww. Did I hurt your little feelings? Clap for your puppet masters lab rat
bend over and take your vaccine. Come back and call me a conspiracy theorist in an effort to hurt my feelings. I’m SO hurt. I’m crying! 

LOL I could care less that your lack of common sense through a YouTube comment.
Still questioning the vaccine even after their orange savior got his and they say they don’t want to be indoctrinated! Trump brainwashed these people against the vaccine while he and his family received their shots!
@fraudinchief biden Poison vaccines?
@fraudinchief biden My aunt got her 2 shots a month ago doing extremely well and she is 79.
Dear Comrade Bell: I think you are eaten up w/ TDS & deep, rabid hatred of God’s people (those with human spirits). And “Yes, God DOES exist, Margaret”, just as you atheists believe that Santa exists). Your illogical propaganda also reveals your total lack of understanding for the Constitution (it just dawned on me why your side is willing & now able to dismantle it). Allow me to ‘re-edumacate’ you…
All but leftsts (a/k/a ‘mentally ill liberals’, as opposed to the moderate kind), comprehend that “inalienable rights” of our citizenry encompass our RIGHT to refuse medical care or treatment, after being given INFORMED CONSENT (not socialist-propaganda & state-enforced edicts that land us with hefty fines or time in the ‘ole communist gulags). If you need further clarification of these concepts, then may God help us all!
Intelligent life forms value their own lives, & will NOT automatically accept the ever-changing opinions of “experts” like the lying, double-minded, POS Fauci who have crack-adled brains.
Wise men & women will be extremely careful about being given vaccines from, or trusting the veracity of, incompetent, inept, hateful, manipulative propagandists whose ideologies & policies are ant-freedom, anti-American, anti-Judeo-Christian, anti-human rights, & anti-capitalist members of the American Communist Party, the Chinese Communist Party (you know, the evil Party who created & distributed the China virus, then who bought up as much PPE as they could & price-gouged it to make money off the families & friends of the people they murdered).
Marxists, socialists, communists, & anarchists throughout history have taught us to be skeptical of these people, so PUHLEASE excuse intelligent Trump-supporters for making our own, individual choices in life based on our own, individual, research & evaluation. YOU & OUR EVIL GOV’T ARE NOT OUR GOD OR OUR MOTHERS/FATHERS, & neither is Trump (who at least had the forethought to ban travel from China during a pandemic of that country’s own making, making a pathway for Operation Warp Speed, encouraging entrepreneurs to manufacture millions of units of PPE, take us out of WHO (a China-run globalist organization, but primarily U.S. funded), & develop a system whereby pharmacies & other non-governmental entities were in charge of distributing millions or more vaccines per day to the U.S. population, all BEFORE Biden/Harris were even inaugurated into office!
@fraudinchief biden im srry i mispronounced it, my bad
@Joshua Mackey Doesn’t it mean anything to you that more Americans have died from covid-19 than during the two world wars and in Vietnam? And just in one year … You are crazy, you live in the clouds.
So NOW they want to be educated… They weren’t interested in facts and reality a few weeks ago but when progress is actually being made, they want to be included. Even though they fight against progress.
Such a diverse group of people in that Zoom call… from pale-white to off-white…
@Sophie Robinson That is nonsense.
And they’ve been trying to artificially disenfranchise white men in recent years so what do white men do? We go start our own companies and that’s how we maintain ourselves. Anyone and everyone could start a company. It is just a matter of desire and drive.
@Sophie Robinson
Everyone has done bad things and even more so than the white man. As a matter of fact we were the ones who ended slavery. Yes we had it but some of us were the ones who took initiative to change it. You have to give England and the United States that credit. No Asian Nation no African nation no Arabic Nation or any other took the steps to outlaw slavery. Slavery still exists today in many countries around the world.
Everyone everywhere had slaves during the same time that we did. Historically though, Africans enslaved Africans and Chinese enslaved chinese. This was the way it was around the world with ethnically similar groups enslaving ethnically similar groups until people started building ships and the Arabic people went to Africa to get slaves while the Romans went to Gaul to get slaves. Gaul was the area which is now Germany and France and other neighboring Nations.
@Sophie Robinson Native Americans killed each other over land before whites ever got to what is now the North American continent.
Are you going to go around trying to find out which tribe first had each territory and try to put them back on the land? You have a hell of a task before you since it’s all changed hands many many times.
@John Smith Don’t think that is an accurate stat.
Yes! Everyone loves to clap for their puppet masters and believe what they say
So many want to be “listened to,’ but almost no one wants to *listen!*
@Dasha McCormick
Congrats, you just identified _another epidemic!_ 
Hello my beautiful great fans , thanks for your support, how are you doing, I hope everything is fine, you can speak with me or write me in the hangout app with my email… Thanks
Im tired of the Communist News Network trying to lump a people who didnt vote for Xiden as a Trump supporter! When the cancel culture eats your socialist side within, i wonder what the Communist News Network will say then? But since dissent is not allowed, i have been shadow banned so only one or 2 of you morons will see this post.
@Anderson Cooper Reported !
@Kick in the Bass TV wtf Are you talking about? If they Self Identified as Trump Voters who are you to contradict them?
“Listen to science”
Isn’t that what the Democrat has been saying anyway?
@Belly Dancer Em Do you mind providing evidence of all the studies they have done? I’m not talking about internet articles. I mean, I want results from test subjects. All the proof these ‘experts’ came up with! Pretty please?
@jones I hope you are working on other poems (not necessarily political.) You are quite good.
@Jack Docherty Why would you say such a thing? Are you trapped in a thought process that only allows you to condemn others? Are you trying to hurt a stranger’s feelings?
@jones You did it again! You are a proper word Mill. I hope you have other outlets for your work.
@American Artist
I appreciate the good word. This is a hostile environment, rife with immature rudeness and irrational thought, as I trust you can plainly see. One _”Max Headly”_ posting here, who appears to be reasonably intelligent in his comments, inexplicably has repeatedly attacked me and accused me of being pro-Trump; despite the clarity of my position. I only mention this as an example of the abject stupidity, immaturity, lack of decorum and arrogance that prevails on these comment pages, which renders me a bit reluctant to try and attract any attention to my wordsmithery in and of itself. Also, I prefer to stay on topic as much as possible.
I am not _”working”_ on anything these days, but I appreciate your comment. What you have seen here on this page has merely been generated impulsively and not as the result of any concerted focused effort, beyond the indignation that many of us have experienced at the attempted destruction of our moral fibre and our democracy by racists and immature criminal treasonous troglodytes.
However, all that being said _(please pardon the pomposity of my verbosity),_ I submit the following pre-election silliness for your perusal, as well as the missing lynx at the very bottom that perhaps may address your original kind comment, as well as your subsequent comment that just came in. Thank you once again, my friend. United we stand, and united we shall prevail.
*_And now, for something completely different:_*
_(Frankenstein asked the werewolf why he wrote in Dracula as a candidate._
_Wolfie said because every count needs to be voted.)_
_Russia, Russia, Russia_
_China, China, China_
_Grab boys by their dirty necks,_
_And girls by the va-va-values instilled by their moral upbringing._
*_”Politicians are like diapers, they need to be changed often, and for the same reason.”_*
~~ Mark Twain
Looting, shooting, hoot owls hooting.
Adderall abusive tooting
Jackboot booting, Barr colluding.
Corporations all polluting.
*_”Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away and you have their shoes.”_*
~~ Jack Handey
We’re trying to boot out the POTUS
Whose wisdom was unmatched by Yoda’s.*
He’s sure to offend ya,
Or grab yer pudenda,
But we’re hoping that no one will notice.
*_”Orange Lives Matter”_*
Trump the Magic Wiener Dog
Trump shouted out the order
To cage kids at the border
Stormy raised a point of order
Because he had ignored her
Luckily he could afford her
When she said that it was shorter
Than a half a roll of quarters
But he’d rather poke his dorter.
*_”Abandon all hoax, ye who enter here.”_*
~~ Don T’s Inferno
_”Trump is a lie wearing a tie.”_
These words so sly, they make me cry.
We all must try to get by with this pie in the sky tsetse fly guy who lets us die.
_I wonder why?_
Perhaps he’s high.
*_”Get these mutts away from me ….. I don’t find this stuff amusing anymore.”_*
~~ Paul Simon
*Had a soda with Yoda in South Dakota.
He rode in on a chopped Kubota,
I thought he roda tricked out bobber,
But he sold it to a mail train robber
He said be sure to vote-a.
So I wrote myself a note-a
It’s stuck on the fridge so I’d remember.
_”Be sure to vote come this November”_
I said I will if I ain’t dead;
And then he said,
to use _The Force_
Vote Blue, of course
And he rode off on his robot horse.
_(And that, my friend, is how white people rap.)_
*_”Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”_*
~~ John F. Kennedy
_”When the wise man points at the moon, the fool stares at his finger.”_
~~ Mokele Mbèmbé
_Down Home Cookin’ (Coconut Tree)_
_How Long Can the Eagle Fly_
_Top 40 from the Back 40 (playlist)_
_(Trump is a Cloroxymoron)_
I believe it was the phone call to Georgia. Oh, wait, nevermind.
Hello my beautiful great fans , thanks for your support, how are you doing, I hope everything is fine, you can speak with me or write me in the hangout app with my email… Thanks
The virus doesn’t care what your political affiliation is. The virus kills indiscriminately.
I think it does, more republicans will die because they are too stupid to protect themselves and communities
Barry hayes But that’s not the virus Barry. That’s the way people choose to conduct themselves during these turbulent times of darkness and uncertainty. Everybody has the right to choose the way they combat the virus against themselves and their families. I made my choice. I didn’t go to spring break this year. LOL. I wouldn’t have went anyway, I’m old. I’m glad this didn’t happen when I was a teenager and in my early 20s, I use2 love 2 party. Good luck and stay safe Barry!
Im tired of the Communist News Network trying to lump a people who didnt vote for Xiden as a Trump supporter! When the cancel culture eats your socialist side within, i wonder what the Communist News Network will say then? But since dissent is not allowed, i have been shadow banned so only one or 2 of you morons will see this post.
@kick in the bass R U calling me John and Barry morons?
@Barry hayes Yes. Survival of the most mentally adaptable – the ones who use their heads instead of frothing at the mouth about “It’s a Democratic hoax!, The election was stolen! Wearing a mask destroys muh freedums!”
Interesting conversation? These people live in an alternate reality!The right wing caused this just like voting fraud. This country is a mess
Hello my beautiful great fans , thanks for your support, how are you doing, I hope everything is fine, you can speak with me or write me in the hangout app with my email… Thanks,,
@Ben Masta onl;y 15 people have this
It’s like the flue
No masks
Wearing a gas mask on the Senate floor
If you need more “evidence” do your own research
@Vick There’s something seriously wrong with you.
edit: you are also proving my point perfectly you know
@jakemf1 My grandpa died of covid but yeah keep telling me how it doesnt exist. He was on a ventilator with insane amounts of oxygen just to keep him breathing.
Its so much easier to act like its not a problem when it doesnt affect you.
@Ben Masta
So.. there is something seriously wrong with people who apparently call attention to the truth.
When you only listen to trump for the virus to miraculously disappear. 1 year later still here and killin
Cogntive test:
Please repeat 10 th Question:
Person. Woman. Man. Camera. TV
Please repeat 17346 th Q:
Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV, House, Plane, Radio, Fruit, Elevator, BBQ, Police, Horse, Job, Tree, Chicken, Snake, Cup, Capitol, Truck, George Washington, Supercalfragilistexpialidocious….
Scamdemic weapon for liberals to get control of you. Congrats lemming. Youre in the club
Right! Then he said after the election COVID would be over. So the entire world is in on getting you out of office. Donnie is a pig
Im tired of the Communist News Network trying to lump a people who didnt vote for Xiden as a Trump supporter! When the cancel culture eats your socialist side within, i wonder what the Communist News Network will say then? But since dissent is not allowed, i have been shadow banned so only one or 2 of you morons will see this post.
Hello my beautiful great fans , thanks for your support, how are you doing, I hope everything is fine, you can speak with me or write me in the hangout app with my email… Thanks,,
Why was the vaccine issue the Democrat’s fault? That was very confusing. It was politicize by Trump DUH
Trump made his failure to deal with it ,into a false strength by castigating the scientists
Amazing they’re not embarrassed to show their mugs on tv so the world knows how ignorant they are.
i was saying the same thing
Hello my beautiful great fans , thanks for your support, how are you doing, I hope everything is fine, you can speak with me or write me in the hangout app with my email… Thanks,,
They want to hear from medical professionals????
*What the hell do they think we non-Cultists have been trying to tell them for months, now?*
@Joseph Parmer Nobody, son. I just observe them, and their behavior. The conclusion is hard to avoid.
@Joseph Parmer … Nobody tells us. We watch them bow to their cult master, wear his name, carry his flag, chant his name… If you don’t see it, you are probably one of them.
Im tired of the Communist News Network trying to lump a people who didnt vote for Xiden as a Trump supporter! When the cancel culture eats your socialist side within, i wonder what the Communist News Network will say then? But since dissent is not allowed, i have been shadow banned so only one or 2 of you morons will see this post.
@Kick in the Bass TV the only reason that you’re commenting on cnn is that you’re a Russian bot.
@Kick in the Bass TV then stop watching them. The solution is pretty simple. Or better yet, start your own YouTube channel and debunk what lies you think they’re spewing but make sure to back them up with facts.
I would be willing to bet that my lovely, young cousin would have said yes to the vaccine, who died horribly of Covid-19 in October 2020. We are decimated by the loss of her.
“We want to be educated, not indoctrinated”… but you’re already indoctrinated by Trump.
They just never cease to amaze me.
People will be kicking themselves in few weeks if they miss the opportunity to buy and invest in bitcoin
Trading crypto now will be very wise but trading without a professhional is not
Trading on your own is very risky l’ve lost alot trading for my self
I got William Ava info how good is he ?
Expert William Ava has been managing my trade for months and I keep making profits every week , made $9,130 last week
I’ve worked with 4 traders in the past but none of them is as efficient as he is , he trading strategies are awesome !