CNN’s Michael Smerconish reacts to Democrat John Fetterman’s victory in Pennsylvania’s Senate race and says what he thinks the Biden administration should take away from it. #CNN #News
Hear what amazed Michael Smerconish about the Pennsylvania vote

CNN’s Michael Smerconish reacts to Democrat John Fetterman’s victory in Pennsylvania’s Senate race and says what he thinks the Biden administration should take away from it. #CNN #News
As a Pennsylvanian, I said it, I commented over and over on videos on this topic that Fetterman and Shapiro were going to WIN. Unquestionably. Too many of us here in PA are educated and decent and have morals and want to be represented by decendt people who actually come from here. This is PA. We don’t like fascism here. American liberty and freedom was born here. That’s what this vote says.
@maria Tomko you democrats whine about how high taxes are and how much gun violence there is but you vote for the politicians who are the cause of it. Look at California. You need to make over $200,000 a year just to be in the lower middle class but they keep voting for democrats even when they had the chance to get rid of the moron activist governor. People are leaving there in droves, moving to Texas, Arizona and Florida but voting for the same thing that made them move in the 1st place. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results.
You Pennsylvanians deserve what you vote for. Higher taxes and more crime. If you democrats are supposed to be so “educated” then why are you repeating the “fascism” bullsh*t that you know is bullsh*t? Apparently you don’t know the definition of fascism because the only fascists have been on the left wanting to silence people on FB and Twitter. And no, the definition of fascism on Wikipedia is not the real definition, look up the real definition in the dictionary. Fascism has no set political party, either side can use it. That’s just another example of radical leftists having control of tech.
@Sheila E. i love how democrats always assume people that don’t like a person is because they like trump you just sound dumb and uneducated I think fetterman can’t handle the high stress environment of the senate and I don’t think it will help his recovery in any way and I also don’t like the policy of letting murderers out of jail but you voted for it so deal with it
@Noel Voss Your projecting talking points are disingenuous. Inflation may be a 40 yr. high, but is it Biden’s fault? You know well it isn’t. Who really wants to let criminals out?
@maria Tomko He’s not fit for the job but now it’s time for him and Joe to take down all your coal and energy jobs. Biden’s going to shut it all down so you dug your own grave now lie in it. I hope that preserving your right to kill babies and suffer in the worst economy in 40 years is worth it all.
yes, we expect our representatives to ACTUALLY REPRESENT US AND BE LIVING WHERE WE LIVE. How is this a mystery to ‘analysts’? Sheesh.
@Jackie B. I’m not ‘stalking’ anybody, don’t be a Brick. This is YT, when you flood a channel with comments, they are visible. Welcome to the internet.
@Jackie B. Appeal to Authority Description: Insisting that a claim is true simply because a valid authority or expert on the issue said it was true, without any other supporting evidence …
@Alvan Whatever you say Alvan 😂
Bro I didn’t flood any channel with comments. Stop making excuses for yourself. Just admit you’re a creeper and move on with it.
@Alvan Dude I went to college I know what Appeal to authority means. Just pointing out it doesn’t apply here. Oh but I did provide evidence. My evidence for why I say Fetterman suffered a severe stroke and isn’t competent is from his television appearances since he’s stroke. Any person with a functional brain can tell he’s not right. He looks numb and doesn’t even act the same.
@Phillip Palana No, PA voted for more of the same failed Democrat policies. How’s that inflation and crime going? I hear it’s pretty bad in Philadelphia.
Oh, and the Eagles suck. Go Cowboys
Thank you Pennsylvania
Don’t let the thoughts of failure stop you from trying, even when you fail, it’s not enough to give up. The light bulb itself, finally found success after so many trials.
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I had to turn to Australia’s news to see what’s going on here in America this morning!
Well of course, Rupert Murdock controls world media…news papers and Tv
Sky News Australia…. I watch . American news is cherry-picking by the American National News Agencies.
@Borvo That doesn’t change the voting or the results. Do you think they have a crystal ball?
@Snowshowslow There isn’t a lot of coverage on most things the Dem. party doesn’t want you to know about. E.G. Fox is the ONLY network covering the border. Ask anyone who lives there. They have never seen another agency there covering it.
@Verla Harmston who said anything about changing the outcome or results?
It just means that the folks in Australia would have been able to be reporting all through their day on the US elections.
We’re pretty much going to see a divided congress in January, Democrats holding on to the senate and republicans in the majority in the House, it well be an interesting presidential
election in ’24. I don’t see trump or Biden in the running, with all the ‘headaches that are about to take place, expect the un-expected from both parties in the run for the presidency
in ’24. In my opinion it will be none of the above your thinking of. Mistakes were made big time, so look outside the norm. It’s inevitable we’ll be dragging our asses for the next two years, so be advised.
Can’t wait to see Trump vs Desantis. If republicans dare to support Desantis over Trump, I fully believe that Trump is capable to run as a 3rd party candidate, his ego is too big. This is going to be very interesting
@JoLee Rinehardt yes he would be wonderful. Everyone must get an electric car. The next day he says don’t plug in your electric vehicle because the power grid is going down.
We needed a civil war 6 years ago. Our country would have long recovered by now its just the truth, were fighting an enemy that have brain washed zombies
@Bonnie Weidman not all of of America is in such a state, If we had started the fight against global warming a long time ago there might not be a drought in this area
@JoLee Rinehardt if you think man can stop what’s been happening to the earth for the last 4 1/2 billion years than you’re gullible. You think there were no droughts or hurricanes before fossil fuels? And no, hurricanes aren’t getting worse and we’re not getting more of them. They measure hurricane damage by monetary damage so with more people moving to the coast and more infrastructure on the coast of course it’s going to seem and sound worse. Look at the data but not from some biased news organization like CNN and MSDNC who has no idea what science is. Of course you won’t because you climate alarmists and activists love having people piss on you and call it rain. At least your drought will be over.
The big question is, how are we kept at near even levels of disagreement? It’s almost as if keeping America divided is in somebody’s best interest. Corporations, perhaps?
gerrymandering and voter suppression
There are about 160 oil wells that have been drilled but remain untapped at the moment. Now that the Oil Magnates chances of going tax free again are diminished, they will probably fire up the pumps.
@Ec Brown
Trump already sold America’s secrets to Putin. Why do you think Iranian drones avert America’s system to wreak havoc on Ukrainians?
George Soros contributes hundreds of millions to elect people who create division.
Corporations have owned the Republican Party for 100 yrs and the Democratic Party for roughly 30 yrs.
best for mehmet to return to the land of oz
When you have the fix for elections why would you care what people thought of your policies 🤷♂️.
I heard there’s a big party at Wegner’s tonight.
Will there be crudité?
I’m in Ga watched a Shapiro speech 1st time a week ago he was relatable & inspirational. He captivated me almost like Obama did so I can see him being the POTUS.
@PrimAndProper I was literally yelling “Fired up ready to go” at the TV 🙌🏾
It was an excellent speech
That’s great to hear! I agree. (PA voter and fellow swing-stater here! 🙂
@PrimAndProper look up Dems Grassroot Rally in Philly 2022. That the best rally i think
Dr Oz loses in Pennsylvania … Snake Oil Futures spiral down in flames on the Market !
Thank you Pennsylvania!!!
The general public have tired from a celebrity from TV. Trump backing Oz is like Trump imposing himself on the public again.
And Fetterman is?
@Uriah Dowell ….a down to earth politician who has faced hardship and is not aligned with a party who will destroy democracy. Just sayin.
I have never been so excited to support a candidate like Fetterman! Proud to be in Pittsburgh as he’s the real deal.
@Borivoje had Democrats are the ones that love to censor free speech, especially on social media. They also hate 2A rights, which are a staple of remaining free. Tell me again how they love freedom.
This sums it up–fNS4Y
Yeah Pennsylvania where they vote in a man who doesn’t understand English anymore and will and a dead guy! 😂 great state you got there! Fking anyone that would want to be a democrat truly shows the failure of your parents and grandparents! Just pure failures in all aspect of parenting truly is sad!
Hi good night everyone
My favorite to blue collar workers in PA is when Oz couldn’t recall how many houses he owns….
At least he paid for them by working. Fetterman hasn’t earned anything and he didn’t pay his taxes either. As far as Oz selling snake oil. No one forced those people to buy it. He was a heart surgeon. They have a lot of stress in their job. He would have made a good Senator who would have listened to what we say, but oh well PA knew better.
@Bonnie Weidman As a Biology Educator I watched him up to about 10-12 years ago till I saw what a fraud he was…
And pretended that some of those he owned didn’t count because ge rented them—but he is the landlord!
The people that matter are absolutely acknowledging the disgusting and deplorable Maga movement
Pennsylvania should be so proud!
As a native Pennsylvanian in my 60s, I have always thought of Pennsylvania as a middle of the road state. When Pennsylvania Republicans, especially in rural counties, started putting up semi-permanent outdoor displays of an AK-47 brandishing muscle bound Trump-as-Rambo, and abusive anti-Biden slogans, I began to doubt that, and doubted it more when the January 6th bus chartering, Capitol police barrier crossing Doug Mastriano won the gubernatorial primary. But today, it’s there for all to see: Pennsylvania is still the same old middle of the road state it always has been. Oath Keepers and Jersey carpet baggers beware: Pennsylvania doesn’t want you here.
Great post👍🏽👏👏👏
Ty from a lifelong Pittsburgher! Yes, this is a great day for Pennsylvania!
Love this!!
Felt exactly the same way!! Was so relieved to know Pennsylvania hasn’t gone crazy. Restored my faith given where I live …am surrounded by Trumpers!! AGH!!
Everyone get a prize,Fetterman
It just tickles me pink oz put up what like 25 28? Million into his campaign to lose. 🤣
Everybody is shocked that Oz lost and I’m like…dude lives in Jersey. He’s not gonna win.