1. Is it fear mongering when there is a realistic chance of you or one of your loved ones being turned into bloody chunks by some jackass with a twitchy trigger finger and a machine designed to hurl _a lot_ of lead?

      Or are we playing that blind man’s nothing going on here game again?

      Better adjust the bullseye on your chest! Don’t forget the kids!

    2. @Angus MacFrankenstein no, I’m talking about the reason for your enquiry. Republicans rhetoric about immigrants and Democrats taking away your guns.

  1. After the Obama years the GOP tried rebuilding their party but made the mistake of letting in a non-Republican to do it and then re-built the party around him. I remember asking at the time… “What will the GOP do when Trump is gone.” It’s quite obvious they had no plan for that… and so they’re left defending him even when it’s bad for them and the country. DeSantis sure isn’t it. As an independent voter I feel we need at LEAST two healthy parties (more ideally)… However currently I cannot vote for any Republican that doesn’t denounce Trump… Which means I don’t have any Republicans to support. DeSantis may say that HE is a better choice but he STILL defends Trump and his crimes. Trump basically left Pence and his family at the mercy of the mob rioters… and even Pence still defends Trump. I do NOT vote by party…. I vote for the best candidate. I know supporting their party is important for candidates but this Trump thing would be ridiculous if it weren’t so dangerous for our country. Putting party above country is wrong.

    1. Joe Biden stated “I don’t view abortion as a choice and a right I think it’s always a tragedy” and voted in favor of HR 1122 Partial Birth Abortion Ban Act of 1997, which criminalized partial-birth abortions except where necessary to save the life of the mother. The legislation passed, but President Clinton vetoed it in October 1997.
      Again in 2007 Joe Biden stated he still opposed funding and policy in support of abortion

    2. Yes.. I’m sad for the Republican Party and at the same time I’m glad that the Democratic Party by many seem like the party of sanity.
      You say you’re independent but what happens when you’re at The Ballot Box?

  2. No – republicans are not ”out of touch” on gun laws. They are very much ”in touch” with their back pocket!!! Follow the money!

    1. @not likely The total number of firearms in every country is miniscule compared to the number in the US.

    2. @chewitt

      Oh…I’ll disagree…

      Many…many people in many many countries own “firearms”

      But only in the USA do so many citizens own so many “weapons”

      And I would suggest that is the crux of the problem

    3. You can relocate or educate yourself on what happens when you disarm a population…. or just remain ignorant, so many choices!

  3. Hope DeSantis understands that trump never “saved anything for the swim back”(Gattaca)….
    trump has nothing to save at this point!
    He’s at the bottom of his barrel, with his grift!😂

    1. @mightybruno If Biden needed over 25,000 ARMY troops to guard him from the people on Inauguration Day,than it’s clear that he wasn’t elected by the people🤣🤣🤣💀.

  4. BOTH DeSantis and Trump need to be put in jail for their crimes. DeSantis needs to be indicted for 48 felony accounts of kidnapping by inveiglement. Nobody should be above the law.

    1. @Raymond Flores Oh, we still are treating Long Haulers from Covid-19 in Florida. We are still living the poor Covid-19 policies of DeSantis.

  5. It’s not about gun rights, it is about a particular type of gun that has no right in society, it’s about people having easy access to them, it’s about the carnage and destruction it can create, in such a short time, it’s about people with no respect for the rights or safety of others.

    1. @HumanSlaveryHasNeverLeft that sounded brilliant when it came to light in the deep dark cavern of your mind, I would bet? Now read it again, see how silly and senseless it really is!

    1. @Randy Watson ” for god’s sake, how much more carnage are we willing to accept ?” speaking on gun violence after Buffalo, Uvalde, Tulsa.
      And to be clear, even at 80 he makes ten times more sense than tre45on.

    2. @HumanSlaveryHasNeverLeft on the contrary, merely a fortnight after an insurrection attempt, he was wise to see that the Will of the People was actually carried out.

  6. DeSantis PAC: “Attack Democrats, not DeSantis, Donald Trump.”
    Me: Democrats are not in the GOP primary, GOP donors.

  7. DeSatan hasn’t officially announced, how can he be running ads? My understanding is the Governor of Florida can’t run for another office and still be Governor. He has to resign first. Seems he’s breaking the law again.

    1. @Jason Gay and trans kids get kicked out of their family home all the time. Many times, they fear physical abuse or threats of harm. This disgusting behavior on the part of ignorant parents has been going on for years. So where do these kids end up? Usually on the street or staying at a different places night after night. Host homes offer a safe environment for these unwanted kids. Screw the parents that threaten to “disown” them. Kids need care and understanding. And suicide prevention. If they can’t get it from their own families, then all the better they have a friendly and welcoming place that offers support.

    2. @E. M. Tanner17 These “host homes” often are places where these kids get abused. Foster homes aren’t as welcoming and supportive as you think. I had two cousins that were being abused after they were placed in a “host home” my Mom and Grandmother had to take them in to live with us and we loved them with all our hearts.

  8. “Trump is being attacked by a Democrat governor…”. The proper term in that context is “Democratic governor.” I know Repubs (my new name) cannot fathom the thought of using the word “Democratic” when discussing the other party. I think more Democrats (yes, proper term) should start referring to the other party as Repubs.

  9. Desantis abortion Bill:
    When reached for comment, the governor’s mom said, “I should’ve acted sooner. Look at the damage I’ve done.”

  10. Right Scott, let republicans keep not allowing their voters to be safe from gun violence so that they can be right about the second amendment

  11. It’s amazing how both Gov. DeSantis and President Trump’s governance styles are in many ways so alike that they end up chasing and biting each other’s tails all over the room if you will especially when DeSantis winds up benefiting from Trump’s voter base and that’s how he got elected Governor of Florida.

    1. I submit Obama and sleepy being exactly what you claim about Trump/DeSantis. But you only hate the repub side. Classy

    2. @Hugh Janus it’s amusing that you think you’re being insulting😊. Democrats are proud of the values both these presidents advocate

    1. @Angus MacFrankenstein  for you to speak clearly. What gun nuts are you talking about? I own more than one gun. And one of them is a scary AR15. Am I a gun nut?

  12. There it is. “ they should be focused on fighting the Dems”. NO!!!! They should be focused on working together to actually help the people!!

    1. @arizjones Which specific policies do you oppose, how do they hurt Americans, and what alternate policies do you support instead?

    2. Neither party is concerned about helping”the people”; both parties are far more concerned with helping their biggest donors. Both corrupt parties need to die and be replaced ASAP, Citizen’s United rescinded and a major overhaul of our campaign finance laws is in order.

    1. ​@Paula Itix You have to assault pets before you can’t make a comeback. Assaulting kids and women is forgotten quickly these days.

  13. To Scott Jennings, who listed all the differences in these recent gun assaults, saying there is no common denominator among them: the common denominator is the gun.

    1. In many Indigenous societies, there were specific puberty rites to recognize young men coming of age. In America, that ritual IS the gun and its uses. Too often, that becomes a lethal bargain.

    2. @WD Curry III–But this “psycho” aspect is part of a larger community that is morally sick. It’s worship of the gun is everything that Jesus would NOT do.

    3. ​@WD Curry III


      Fyi mental health was removed from background checks.

      You for mandatory mental checks then?
      How often?
      Anytime you are fired by enployer or cheated on by partner ot bullied at school?
      So we going to mandate some sort of “flag” law that would allow friends and family to warn the sellers?

      Then what about private sellers?

      Gee wish there were laws that could do things… oh well.

  14. They ignore the part of the second amendment that says “well regulated”. They want no regulations.

    1. You have no idea what that “well regulated” means in that context. It pertains to a regimented and strong, something that can withstand an overreaching “state” aka government.

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