1. @benjamin ollis Ukraine is not any more corrupt than the United States. As a matter of fact, the U.S. is far more corrupt.

  1. Well done Ukraine. Chase the war criminals out of your country. Stay strong be brave and proud of your achievements. Take back all your land.

    1. @club4ghz ​ just like you guys were laughing about the possibility of a Ukrainian counteroffensive, saying it will never happen. Not so funny now, right?

    2. @nik sandy How long they gonna hold ? Russia is absorbing 4 regions right now and is back to work and if Ukraine attack any of those Russia will response with full force of the military attacking infrastructure and decision making centers and it wont be military operation anymore but full on war.

    1. @Let’s Talk Are you afraid you’ll be tempted by other men to experiment with your sexuality 🤔 temptation must be hard for you to resist.

    2. Were you posting this BS of yours when America and NATO were committing GENOCIDE in Iraq Afghanistan Libya Serbia and Syria after illegally invading those countries?

    3. Lets Talk
      Let gay people get married.
      Straight people should not be the only ones to suffer from it…

  2. Military Veterans truly understand the significance of the honor of having been presented with that coin, and the manner in which it was presented (Palmed). It was admirable that Jim Acosta recognized that by showing her (and the rest of her fellow Hero’s) the respect they truly deserve. Slava Ukraine!

    1. Lynn. Ukraine is not blessed . It is being dissembled as we look on with fantastical analysis. Reports of Saudi Arabia attempting to assist in potential negotiations aren’t mentioned anywhere in msm ? Perhaps we wait till Russia is camped on the Dnieper to begin to talk. It’s as if the powers that be are working to annihilate Europe . As if this is covert plan. Refuse to support this narrative. It’s bad .

  3. What a strong wonderful woman and soldier, you can hear the determination in her voice, way to go Ukraine keep fighting for the freedome and what is yours

  4. Love and light to the people of Ukraine!I I hope the Russian soldiers being returned remember the kindness and humanity they got while they were prisoners.

  5. God bless everyone fighting in & for Ukraine stay strong everyone here in the uk are proud of you guys, such huge loss of life very sad in this day & age we live in.

  6. Watching this made tears fall down my face. Such a brave young woman! When she presented our news anchor with the coin at the very last moment and then replied with maybe in the future I will be the first woman operator of our branch so I will be the first hero of your show. Lord Jesus please protect her so she may achieve all her dreams. What a hero

    1. *Abrams, not “our branch” haha she wants to operate an M1 Abrams American tank into battle and be the first female to do so (at least according to her words).

  7. Such a brave woman! I hope you stay safe through these hard times and return to a normal life in your beloved Country.

  8. Brought tears to my eyes! What a wonderful display of gratitude and love from Ukraine to the US. Watching from Australia.

  9. Glory to Ukraine 🇺🇦! We love you incredible people! God bless and stay with you strong!😍🇺🇦🇺🇸
    My goodness how generous she is- without hesitation she gave him the coin.

  10. God Bless all the freedom fighters and defenders of Ukraine! Please stay strong, have high spirit and be safe. We love you all! Keep up the good work, dear Adriana Braveheart! Slava Ukraini!// Love and light from Sweden 🙏🏼🇸🇪❤️🇺🇦💪🏼🌻

    1. wow lol ❤that’s good and amazing to hear from you I really love your comment. How was your day going today? I hope all is going good and wonderful ❤ Can will be friend? If you don’t mind me asking you

    2. alright I love that comment you said how is everything going pretty lady nice meeting you here I will love to know more about you where do you live..?

    3. You’re right pretty lady how you doing nice meeting you here I will love to know more about you where do you live

  11. Wow! Amidst trying circumstances a lady soldier stands out. You made us proud. Keep that positivity and you will surely be victorious. Long live Ukraine! 💞💙💛💙💛🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦❣fr PH🇵🇭

    1. wow lol ❤that’s good and amazing to hear from you I really love your comment. How was your day going today? I hope all is going good and wonderful ❤ Can will be friend? If you don’t mind me asking you

    2. you’re right pretty lady how you doing today nice meeting you here I will love to know more about you where do you live…?

    3. Moharmed Trool: У Шекспірівському «Соні в літню ніч» ельф на ім’я «Пак» сказав про тих, хто підтримує російського Путіна за демократію та особисту свободу: «Які дурні ці смертні».

  12. There is no choice but for Ukraine to prevail and with soldiers such as this brave, well spoken young woman, I have every confidence in Ukraine to be victorious! Slava Ukraini! 🇺🇦

  13. What a well-spoken and intelligent representative of the Ukrainian people. A brave warrior and a hero! A hero not only of her people, but of all people who believe in freedom and the right self-determination. Much love from the United States. Slava Ukraine! 🇺🇦 Heroyam Slava!

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