Astonishing new evidence of a desperate President Donald Trump caught on tape trying to steal the election exposes the depth of his corruption and makes his Republican Capitol Hill allies complicit in his bid to thwart the will of voters.
In a fresh abuse of power, Trump tried to bully a top Georgia GOP official into finding votes to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's win in the state. The staggering telephone call, audio of which was obtained by CNN and first reported by The Washington Post, amounted to the most serious threat yet posed by his authoritarian instincts to American democracy.
Even before the latest outrage, this week already marked a watershed moment for Biden's coming presidency, a ruptured Republican Party and the integrity of the US political system
A GOP attempt, for example, to block Congress' certification of Biden's win based on lies and false conspiracy theories about fraud on Wednesday has no chance of succeeding because of the Democratic majority in the House and the lack of a majority to overturn the results in the Senate. But it will further convince millions of Trump voters that the election was rigged. Scores of GOP lawmakers plan to choose the vanquished President and his voters over the cherished principles of free elections in a fracturing that will have lasting consequences for the GOP and the nation.
#Trump #CNN #News
Warning: “This call may be recorded for training and quality purpose…..”
Exactly what my son just said as he came into the room while this was playing
@Neil Again, they are hiding the proof in many cases. Can you prove it if they are hiding the data. And then there is video and testimony. That is evidence.
” Signature audits is not something they do currently for obvious reasons, it would take a long time to do.”
LOL…. Oh well, hell, if it takes a long time to do, I guess we can’t do it..
IT IS ABOUT the entegrity of the election. Your sluffing off of signature audits proves to me it is you who is only interesting in winning.
@David GERKEN Because everyone is more confident in the elections thanks to Donald Trump now, because everyone in 2016 was wondering how 2020 would go and now we’re all incredibly confident in the voting system. What the hell are you saying? So what do you propose exactly? Spend the next 2 years in limbo doing signature audits? You’d have every Republican claim the signatures don’t match and every Democrat claim the signatures do match.. Who is president in the meanwhile? You clearly haven’t thought this through. “Signature audits is not something they do currently for obvious reasons” I think I make a valid point, even if you don’t see the reasons why. Trump is asking to verify this and that, and the response is consistently “Yes, we have already done so and it isn’t as you say.” What more would you have them do? Nod their heads and smile like idiots? He’s insisting there is evidence and nothing matches with what he says. Maybe you’d be happy if we just gave him the win. Would that make you happy? Because I have to think that’s ultimately what you’re after. There have been three recounts.. three.. Time to call a spade a spade.. I would say this is beginning to get ridiculous, but we’ve long since pasted that point. We both know Trump would not be happy with any other result other than the one where he wins. Do you actually deny this?
Please take a long and deep introspective look at your feelings on this issue and tell me honestly, if you would legitimately be satisfied with Georgia saying that there was no voter fraud… I don’t believe you would be. You’d insist the wrong people were checking and it would continue *until* someone claims voter fraud and you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
@Emanuel Leitch Fear cripple your ability to see the truth. It also stop your ability to grow. That’s how human beings are manipulated at the highest level. The vaile will be revealed. Humanity consciousness is beginning to rise and vibrate at a higher frequency. The history of the Anunnaki and Mayans tells at all. Their in your history do your research. Ignorance is a choice Choose Wisely!
Guys am extremely happy as WAYNE_PURPLE on Instagram helped me track my stolen device back and his service so cheap
Imagine trying to close minority heavy precincts, appointing a new postmaster general to slow down vote counting, calling on your thugs to intimidate voters at the polls, installing fake ballot boxes, spreading unfounded conspiracy theories, just to lose by the largest margin in decades. *What a fat soggy l o s e r*
@Johnny Five I won’t tell you what to believe but I’ll tell you a fact: Trump keeps crying “fraud” while committing (or at least attempting to commit) fraud himself.
yes. And for everyone here: don’t feed the trolls guys, just keep fighting for a return to decency. This whole thing is so messed up, it’s all about grifting as much money as he can before he’s chucked out on the 20th. He is so delusional on top of that
More than 1,000 affidavits tells us about massive voter fraud (no signature check, ballots rescanned up to 10 times, votes shifted from Trump to Biden and ilegal adjudication). There are videos showing the staff committing fraud, statistical data and expert accounts including data analyst, information security experts and computer scientists. SCIENCE SAYS THERE WAS A FRAUD.
resisting the urge to reply to the troll that just arrived spouting utter nonsense. I so wish they would come over to the side of reality
@Armando Quil Ombos Seriously people of youtube, please it’s not funny, Armando Quil Ombos has left the geriatric facility we have put him in. He needs assistance and our family would be grateful. If you have any information for us. He was last seen in a black lifted pick-up truck with a 10×10 foot “Trump the b****” flag strapped to the back. He is wearing a red hat and “know truth” Qanon t-shirt with crusty white stains all over it (we hope is cake icing). He’s 5’2”, 420lbs, bald head, hairy everything else and usually the only guy in the building not wearing a mask.
Any information you have call the silver alert hotline: 1 (800) 308-1299
He said “we lost the election”.
Biden said: “We have the largest voter fraud”!
Yes Juan I noticed that too!! He said it like 3 times all while trying to explain how he WON the election

He seriously is a half-wit.
We got cheated.

@UNITED NO MORE cheated by a man who said not to vote by mail, suppressing his own voter turn out. It could’ve been different but he shot himself in the foot and lost.
“It wasn’t me.”
“Damn dems trying to steal the election” xD
I wish he’d be held accountable for this.
@ManDudeYeah that is what the Media told you. now the hard part, show me the evidence. there was almost 4 years of investigations into Trump, what was found? where is the evidence? if what the Media said is true, Trump would of been gone in 2017. all you did was list the accusations, but no evidence. i have an accusation about you… you’ve been brainwashed and i can prove it. See Your Comments Above^^^
You mean Biden be accountable for all the stuff he has done but oh wait CNN is biased and only put down Republicans
@Eric Martin You don’t think an audio recording of trump soliciting a foreign country to intervene in our elections is evidence? And you call me brainwashed? You poor bastard.
@Luis Ortiz These people are spoon-fed non-stop propaganda all day. There is no way to talk sense to these brainless bots. They will remain such way until they do their own research outside of CNN.
By “this” do you mean the past 4 years?
He needs to be in Jail
*Jesus on Georgia election and Dominion machines that were rigged to change Trump votes to Biden votes by 26%* *and the judges are either too weak to make a decision, or they were paid off to rule in favor of Biden’s cheating…*
Message to John Leary
Friday, December 11, 2020: (St. Damascus I)
Jesus said: “My people, when you were in school, you took classes in civics and you learned about your bicameral legislative branches of government. It is difficult to have a true majority when you have more than two main parties. This is why you are having a runoff election in Georgia because the third party had enough votes so one candidate did not have 50% of the votes. Over the years your voters have put different parties in power, both in the Presidency and the Congress. You are seeing more divisions in your people as each party struggles to gain power. Campaigning is legal, but this 2020 election for President is strange and corrupted. Normally, when one party wins the Presidency, that party brings in more members to Congress. This year the votes for the Republicans gained members in the House of Representatives. This anomaly is explained with the cheating Dominion machines that were rigged to change Trump votes to Biden votes by 26%. The fake mail-in ballots were also rigged which is why many Democrat districts had more votes than there were people registered to vote. This election is a fraud, and you are praying for Trump to win in the Supreme Court. Trust in My protection at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is obvious to most observers that there was fraud with the Dominion machines that could be demonstrated in a court room with a 26% change of Trump votes to Biden votes. You also did not have a forensic validation of all of the mail-in ballots. If nothing is going to be settled in court, then America just turned into Venezuela where any amount of cheating is allowed. If there ever was an election that needed to be investigated, this is the one. All of the fraud evidence was brought forward, but the judges are either too weak to make a decision, or they were paid off to rule in favor of Biden’s cheating. This is not over, because I can still perform miracles that could change the outcome. Keep praying your double prayers for your President.”
*Jesus on Smartmatic software in the Dominion voting machines changed thousands of Trump votes into Biden votes and Germany and Spain counted the votes…*
Thursday, December 17, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, there is plenty of evidence that the Smartmatic software in the Dominion voting machines changed thousands of Trump votes into Biden votes. This was tested on an equal number of Trump and Biden votes, and it showed 26% in favor of Biden because of the cheating algorithms in the software. This was the largest vote change which is similar to how the dictators of Venezuela win every election with the same machines and software. Pray that this evidence gets investigated in a court that will take the case. Up to now no judge has allowed a court case to be heard.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am hearing all of your prayers to intervene into this fraudulent election. There is plenty of evidence to prove all the cheating by the treasonous Democrats. If your President cannot win in the courts, he may invoke his 2018 Executive Order to declare an insurrection by foreign countries for interfering in our election. China donated over $200 million into Biden’s campaign by surrogates. Germany and Spain counted the votes, and could have changed the number. This could allow a thorough examination of the Dominion machines and the mail-in ballots. Once the true legal ballots are counted, your President would win. Be prepared for a possible civil war when you will be called to My refuges.”
Is that the same software that Trump and Russian used 2016 to win?
Ok but check this out what did Trump and Russian do 2016?? I think he hung himself. That’s why mail in votes had to be done!
@Dan M Dan M is actually a Hugo Chavez, who faked his death in 2013 and is now posing as an angry Trump supporter who works at Jiffy Lube in Tuscaloosa. I have a sworn affidavit proving such and to argue it means your brainwashed. Nice try Chavez.
“So look, all I want to do is this: I just want to find person, woman, man, camera, TV….”
And 117,000 votes…LMAO!!!
*Jesus on Georgia election and Dominion machines that were rigged to change Trump votes to Biden votes by 26%* *and the judges are either too weak to make a decision, or they were paid off to rule in favor of Biden’s cheating…*
Message to John Leary
Friday, December 11, 2020: (St. Damascus I)
Jesus said: “My people, when you were in school, you took classes in civics and you learned about your bicameral legislative branches of government. It is difficult to have a true majority when you have more than two main parties. This is why you are having a runoff election in Georgia because the third party had enough votes so one candidate did not have 50% of the votes. Over the years your voters have put different parties in power, both in the Presidency and the Congress. You are seeing more divisions in your people as each party struggles to gain power. Campaigning is legal, but this 2020 election for President is strange and corrupted. Normally, when one party wins the Presidency, that party brings in more members to Congress. This year the votes for the Republicans gained members in the House of Representatives. This anomaly is explained with the cheating Dominion machines that were rigged to change Trump votes to Biden votes by 26%. The fake mail-in ballots were also rigged which is why many Democrat districts had more votes than there were people registered to vote. This election is a fraud, and you are praying for Trump to win in the Supreme Court. Trust in My protection at My refuges.”
Jesus said: “My people, it is obvious to most observers that there was fraud with the Dominion machines that could be demonstrated in a court room with a 26% change of Trump votes to Biden votes. You also did not have a forensic validation of all of the mail-in ballots. If nothing is going to be settled in court, then America just turned into Venezuela where any amount of cheating is allowed. If there ever was an election that needed to be investigated, this is the one. All of the fraud evidence was brought forward, but the judges are either too weak to make a decision, or they were paid off to rule in favor of Biden’s cheating. This is not over, because I can still perform miracles that could change the outcome. Keep praying your double prayers for your President.”
*Jesus on Smartmatic software in the Dominion voting machines changed thousands of Trump votes into Biden votes and Germany and Spain counted the votes…*
Thursday, December 17, 2020:
Jesus said: “My people, there is plenty of evidence that the Smartmatic software in the Dominion voting machines changed thousands of Trump votes into Biden votes. This was tested on an equal number of Trump and Biden votes, and it showed 26% in favor of Biden because of the cheating algorithms in the software. This was the largest vote change which is similar to how the dictators of Venezuela win every election with the same machines and software. Pray that this evidence gets investigated in a court that will take the case. Up to now no judge has allowed a court case to be heard.”
Jesus said: “My people, I am hearing all of your prayers to intervene into this fraudulent election. There is plenty of evidence to prove all the cheating by the treasonous Democrats. If your President cannot win in the courts, he may invoke his 2018 Executive Order to declare an insurrection by foreign countries for interfering in our election. China donated over $200 million into Biden’s campaign by surrogates. Germany and Spain counted the votes, and could have changed the number. This could allow a thorough examination of the Dominion machines and the mail-in ballots. Once the true legal ballots are counted, your President would win. Be prepared for a possible civil war when you will be called to My refuges.”
@Dan M Dan M is actually a Hugo Chavez, who faked his death in 2013 and is now posing as an angry Trump supporter who works at Jiffy Lube in Tuscaloosa. I have a sworn affidavit proving such and to argue it means your brainwashed. Nice try Chavez.
Susan Collins: “I’m very concerned.”
@Dan M Dan M is actually a Hugo Chavez, who faked his death in 2013 and is now posing as an angry Trump supporter who works at Jiffy Lube in Tuscaloosa. I have a sworn affidavit proving such and to argue it means your brainwashed. Nice try Chavez.
Guys am extremely happy as WAYNE_PURPLE on Instagram helped me track my stolen device back and his service so cheap
@Adam Norton people are going to choke all right.
@None Given Oh I’ve heard about all the treason your buddies have planned. Everyone’s heard
What’s worse a sore loser or a coward? Trump supporters don’t have to choose! He is both of those things
He really told the Nixon tapes “hold my beer”
@MSMliestothe Puppets right now you want a room full of people

just let that sink in……
@MSMliestothe Puppets better yet at any time this past year only a idiot would do something so wreckless
@maurice davis it was an analogy, and also- sure whatever a room full of people that’s fine with me. There are no more deaths this year then last year –
You think covid is everywhere out to get you at all times , you have made it your king
@maurice davis are you calling BLM protesters idiots?
@MSMliestothe Puppets no I am calling you a idiot Puppets.
*Imagine all the other phone calls that weren’t recorded.*
yes and when the truth comes out a lot of people here are going to be shocked their dream world Will come crashing down.
That will be trump
@Sharon Azevedo which state doing the worst? Republican states. You have a president an then you have a governor that governors his state. So stop all these Trump killed 350 thousand people. The whole world is suffering. I lost friends an family members. God help your lost minds. You sound 110% brainwashed.
No i just have my opinion im sorry u lost family members but it could have been different im not brainwashed and i have the right to say how i feel juzt like u
@Sharon Azevedo you do have the right to Express yourself, but when you say Trump killed 350 thousand, 100% dont make sense. The virus is all over the world. Its human made an who released it killed the 350 thousand Americans an every person that has died from it around the world.
Trump: we only lost the state by 11,779 votes
Also trump: we didn’t lose the state
Jakob Exactly, does the man realise what he is actually saying?.
Foh yes
oh wow
This is a man who’s bull shite and persistence have always served him well. He’s down to using the last tool in his toolbox and that’s his mouth.
“Brad, what are we gonna do?”
PERSON in Georgia, WOMAN in America, tell that MAN in the white house to get behind the CAMERA and resign on TV
@David GERKEN Accusations with no merit. All courts agree. Even the judges directly appointed by trump agree with this. At this point its coming across as a delirium.
@James Griggs Most cases are thrown out on technical grounds… not the merits. Actually the courts really don’t want to be involved. It’s not delirium. The videos are right there. At TCF center they said they were done counting, they weren’t. Period. Against the law.
@David GERKEN you have no proof for people to believe your narrative all you have are rumors that were debunked by Republican state officials again today they aren’t mainstream…let me guess they are Rinos…dude where does it stop
@M K Genius response. Love it.
@Dan M Dan M is actually a Hugo Chavez, who faked his death in 2013 and is now posing as an angry Trump supporter who works at Jiffy Lube in Tuscaloosa. I have a sworn affidavit proving such and to argue it means your brainwashed. Nice try Chavez.
This is the only one we have recorded. I can only imagine how many of these have been made.
@Em Vandermeulen And not the ones that have been re-recorded but original recordings of him committing crimes.
you remember when he invited the election-officials of Georgia to the white house, and they claimed he did not ask them to cheat? LOL. 100 per cent he asked them to cheat, he is the worst loser ever!
No fraud no proof
@Dan M Dan M is actually a Hugo Chavez, who faked his death in 2013 and is now posing as an angry Trump supporter who works at Jiffy Lube in Tuscaloosa. I have a sworn affidavit proving such and to argue it means your brainwashed. Nice try Chavez.
oh yes
oh wow
@bruce maxwell I’m sorry but you did not put a “seriously” upfront. And i never questioned your ability to do percentages. Ì really was confused by your throw out numbers because they sadly didn’t make any sense.
@Dan M Dan M is actually a Hugo Chavez, who faked his death in 2013 and is now posing as an angry Trump supporter who works at Jiffy Lube in Tuscaloosa. I have a sworn affidavit proving such and to argue it means your brainwashed. Nice try Chavez.
Guys am extremely happy as WAYNE_PURPLE on Instagram helped me track my stolen device back and his service so cheap
@hawlitakerful They weren’t supposed to…..I was f__king with you,DAMN….
@hawlitakerful good luck on Wednesday man, DANg…..
“ I “ want to find 11,780 votes that man is a dog , he has no character, no shame , it’s always i i i i i i i that matter to him ,not the country or the constitution.
Nooo, don’t put a dog as an example again. They are amazing animals with a heart of gold… not like this disgusting individual called Trump!
(Please don’t take me too seriously. I am just a huge dog lover and Trump hater ;))
Hoh yes
oh wow
The following is an excerpt from “A Beautiful Phone Call: the sequel”…
AKA The sloppiest deal maker PERIOD.
@Dan M Dan M is actually a Hugo Chavez, who faked his death in 2013 and is now posing as an angry Trump supporter who works at Jiffy Lube in Tuscaloosa. I have a sworn affidavit proving such and to argue it means your brainwashed. Nice try Chavez.
Your a trumpee and all of u will be so sad on jan20th and we wont have to see or hear trump again dont cry to much
No Biden scandsl wheres your proof all talk no proof
“It’s very Costly,” Everything is in Busines terms; it’s Democracy, it’s invaluable. Who in the right mind would Vote this Cult Monster.
74 million racists
Thanks for being the definition of the “ useful idiot”
Anyone not brainwashed by the lying liberal media like you.
@The Truth Doctor The Truth Doctor is actually a Kim Jong-il, who faked his death in 2011 and is now posing as an angry Trump supporter who works at Publix in Tampa. I have a sworn affidavit proving such and to argue it means your brainwashed. Nice try Kim.
Goh yes
oh wow
Delusional, he will be in a padded room with a straight jacked still saying he won the election 10 years from now
“Trump can’t possibly go lower than that”
Trump: “Hold my spray tan bottle”
yes he can
Goh yes
oh wow