1. Everyone needs to know he wanted this. He could have testified for the Grand Jury and he could have proven his Innocence. He would rather promote his new business Professional Panhandler for the American People.

  2. “If I am indicted, there will be violence, the likes of which we’ve never seen.” — Mango Assolini.
    Hey magahats, the NYPD is waiting for you.

  3. He calls her “horse-face” which is ridiculous. Because its the only way Trump knows he to behave. The people who stay loyal and never turn on him are always the greatest, best people in existence. Then, anyone who steps out of line, suddenly bad people who get derided based on appearance or “ratings” if in entertainment.
    So childish he is.

    1. Written in the 1700s, but 100% describes Donald Trump.

      “Self-love by nature regards self only and others as cheap or of no account. If it regards any [other person] it does so as long as [those other persons] honor and do it homage. Inmostly in that [self-]love, like the endeavor in seed to fructify and propagate, there lies hidden the desire to become great and if possible a king and then possibly a god. A devil is such, for he is self-love itself; he adores himself and favors no one unless he [or she] also adores him; another devil like himself he hates, because he in turn wants alone to be adored.” ~ Divine Providence (written by Emanuel Swedenborg)

    1. That’s true…he was a married man with a new baby…he stuck it in…he knew better…no excuse…

    2. @Morgan Stevens Glad that you are also pro life but don’t give a damn if a pregnant woman’s life might be in danger for variety of complicated health issues!!!

  4. Stormy’s Twitter stuff touches the same giggle nerves as James Blunt’s. Being able to shamelessly roast yourself while making haters look absolutely idiotic is a rare talent.

    1. @Dr. Яock I’m not going to lump all woman in the same category, if you want to that’s your opinion not mine.

    2. Personally I think she “blew” the interview. No telling what happened after they turned off the cameras.

  5. “blame the DA” just doesnt work… he had to convince a Grand Jury that there was enough to charge him, that’s their job, and just like any Jury… THE GRAND JURY HAS THE FINAL WORD ON INDICTMENT, NOT THE DA

    1. @Mark And especially when evidence can be concealed from the jury and absolutely no defense is allowed

    2. @Herbert Brown That was a different case (in Georgia, not New York), and a different grand jury. Don’t feel bad though, Trump has so many legal problems, it’s hard to keep them straight.

  6. Fun fact: Trump wasn’t indicted by the DA, he was indicted by a grand jury of 23 Americans. We the people. ✊

  7. I’ve learned lessons as a young man in my 20s and 30s..seems like 70 year olds never grew up

  8. I hope she and her daughter remain safe.. I truly do. The minions do not realize that he was the one who was committing the crime in hiding this information from the public. She’s not the enemy. I feel for her as she’s trying to protect her daughter. If it wasn’t this, it would’ve been all the other criminal acts he committed. If only they would realize, they couldn’t get away with this lawlessness. Why should he?

    1. @Pete Pierre And he is expecting an additional $ 130,000 refund from the IRS with accrued interest for the last 6 years!!!

  9. Once Stormy home town was hit with very BAD weather storm if I’m correct. She got up and went to work giving food clothing and all she could to help people. This is speaking Volumes about her , just my Opinion Thanks.

  10. Outrage by republicans that an ex president has been indicted is misplaced. What they are actually angry about is that an Ex Republican President has acted in such a way that he has been indicted.

    Take the anger where it belongs.

    1. @George Ellis ” who is suffering” Whats that got to do with the judgmental “wholesome” comment?

  11. Dangerous times. People who used to be civil or even plain are unhinged and committing crimes when riled up over what hardly pertains to their personal/business.

  12. His threats to this woman are insane I hope she sues the sht literally out of him sue him stormy !!!!!!!

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