During his 2023 CPAC speech, former Trump adviser Steve Bannon slammed Rupert Murdoch and Fox News for ‘disrespecting’ former President Donald Trump. #CNN #News
You are not comprehending the full idiocy. He’s criticizing Fox for a *different reason*…pretty much the opposite of what others are doing. He’s NOT criticizing them for promoting Trump’s BS while knowing it was a lie. No, he’s doing it because he doesn’t like the fact that they don’t believe Trump’s lies.
So good of Bannon to encourage Trump supporters to read the Dominion filing.
A great chance for them to learn their favourite FOX presenters have been deceiving them for years.
@Petra Lyons The legislature is not prevented from using electronic voting machines in elections if the possibility of a reliable examination of correctness, which is constitutionally prescribed, is safeguarded. A complementary examination by the voter, by the electoral bodies or the general public is possible for example with electronic voting machines in which the votes are recorded in another way beside electronic storage.
This decision by the German Constitutional Court, stressing the need for transparency in the electoral process without specialist technical knowledge, effectively ended Germany’s recent use of electronic voting.
@Petra Lyons ‘Banned’ is incorrect: “Germany’s recent use of electronic voting. Although the Court decision does not rule out electronic voting machines entirely, no further moves to adopt machines that meet the transparency requirements have been made.” So the issue of transparency is still to be addressed, but it certainly could be.
He was convicted for 4mons & a fine for skipping the Jan 6 committee subpoena, but his sentence was postponed until his appeals are done.
He was pardoned for federal charges on wire fraud & money laundering. His co-conspirators pleaded guilty, but one had a mistrial because the jury couldn’t come to an unanimous decision.
The NY state money laundering charges that happened in Sept ’22, he plead not similar charges that were at the federal level. I think they are more focused on a “Go Fund Me” , for the wall? That trial is suppose to start in Nov 2023.
TuKKK, while vaccinated against CoVid-19, was urging his viewers to perceive the vaccine as an evil. Hypocrisy is a death sentence. Let’s hope TuKKK gets his adjudication soon.
Donald Trump hasn’t been disrespected nearly enough, and neither has Steve Bannon. If they were jeered at for the rest of their lives it wouldn’t be enough disrespect.
A real reporter simply reports the facts. An investigative reporter asks questions about what are the facts. A fox reporter asks questions, ignores the answers and asks the questions again to make a point.
Tucker: “Is it like this? We don’t know. Why won’t anyone say if it is or isn’t?”
Anyone else: “It isn’t like that.”
Tucker: “We still don’t know. No one will answer our questions.”
Why is this man still not in prison. He was found guilty, sentenced but then the judge allowed him to delay his sentence until after his appeal is completed. Who does that?
He was convicted for 4mons & a fine for skipping the Jan 6 committee subpoena, but his sentence was postponed until his appeals are done.
The NY state money laundering charges that happened in Sept ’22, he plead not guilty. That trial is suppose to start in Nov 2023.
Similar charges as the federal ones, stealing money from donor’s. His co-conspirators pleaded guilty, all but one that ended in a mistrial. The jury couldn’t come to a unanimous decision. The co-conspirators will probably cooperate with NY protectors, so it doesn’t look good for Steve. Even the fact that they plead guilty, looks bad for him.
He was convicted for 4mons & a fine for skipping the Jan 6 committee subpoena, but his sentence was postponed until his appeals are done.
Trump pardoned him on federal charges for wire fraud & money laundering for stealing from “build the wall” fund’s His co-conspirators pleaded guilty, but one had a mistrial because the jury couldn’t come to an unanimous decision.
The NY state money laundering charges that happened in Sept ’22, he plead not guilty. For similar crimes to the federal ones, stealing from donors. That trial is suppose to start in Nov 2023.
Why is this man not in prison!?
@the joe biden circlejerk What did Hunter do? Beyond hyperbole and wishful thinking, what vettable sources of evidence can you cite?
Because he is a true patriot
Bannon is rich with influential friends. Those sorts get extra consideration from the court.
How does Bannon criticize Fox without admitting that the election wasn’t rigged?
@Raymond Ward Trolling in the face of fakery is no vice.
You are not comprehending the full idiocy. He’s criticizing Fox for a *different reason*…pretty much the opposite of what others are doing. He’s NOT criticizing them for promoting Trump’s BS while knowing it was a lie. No, he’s doing it because he doesn’t like the fact that they don’t believe Trump’s lies.
Who gives a f*** what Steve Bannon thinks? The guy should be in jail.
Bannon is like Icarus. He keeps flying towards the sun.
I thought he went already. Didnt it take like 5 years to send him to prison for like a month or two?
J E – Precisely.
So good of Bannon to encourage Trump supporters to read the Dominion filing.
A great chance for them to learn their favourite FOX presenters have been deceiving them for years.
@Petra Lyons The legislature is not prevented from using electronic voting machines in elections if the possibility of a reliable examination of correctness, which is constitutionally prescribed, is safeguarded. A complementary examination by the voter, by the electoral bodies or the general public is possible for example with electronic voting machines in which the votes are recorded in another way beside electronic storage.
This decision by the German Constitutional Court, stressing the need for transparency in the electoral process without specialist technical knowledge, effectively ended Germany’s recent use of electronic voting.
@Petra Lyons ‘Banned’ is incorrect: “Germany’s recent use of electronic voting. Although the Court decision does not rule out electronic voting machines entirely, no further moves to adopt machines that meet the transparency requirements have been made.” So the issue of transparency is still to be addressed, but it certainly could be.
most of them can’t read over an 8th grade level
@D Fox is not informing their audience about the Dominion case. Keeping them ignorant.
Bannon is like the El Chapo of Qanon.
Hey look out, you’re gonna hurt Putins feelings lol
That’s gold, Smurx! It combines his MAGA-level insanity with the pure gangsterism of El Chapo.
Bannon: where Çrazy and Eviĺ come to play!
@Tom Costello how many paint chips did you eat as a child?
@oldslowcoach Rudy Giuliani/Mike Pillow 2024
If you’re a good boy Steve, they might let you watch OAN in prison.😘
But first we get to live stream his first week for all to see him cry like a baby in jail.
Why the hell is bannon not locked up.
He was convicted for 4mons & a fine for skipping the Jan 6 committee subpoena, but his sentence was postponed until his appeals are done.
He was pardoned for federal charges on wire fraud & money laundering. His co-conspirators pleaded guilty, but one had a mistrial because the jury couldn’t come to an unanimous decision.
The NY state money laundering charges that happened in Sept ’22, he plead not similar charges that were at the federal level. I think they are more focused on a “Go Fund Me” , for the wall? That trial is suppose to start in Nov 2023.
Because the law would rather let a guilty man go free than let an innocent man go to prison. The law takes time to work.
@Andrew Alderman Many innocent men have gone to prison.
TuKKK, while vaccinated against CoVid-19, was urging his viewers to perceive the vaccine as an evil. Hypocrisy is a death sentence. Let’s hope TuKKK gets his adjudication soon.
Just asking questions is only half the job as a reporter. REPORTING on your findings is the other half!
Why is Fox still on everyone’s basic cable package?
Adverts make money !
faux signed contract with cable providers
Their advertisers need to man up & move on! This ridiculous network needs to die. It’s been so bad for this country 😢
because there are a lot of gullible people in this country
I’m sure Murdoch is quaking in his boots when Steve barks
Bannon is close with Peter Thiel and a number of billionaire Chinese disssedents
The fact that Steve Bannon is still walking around as a free man is a downright travesty of justice.
So true !!!
True, but hey we’ve got insurrectionist being allowed to drill the Attorney General. What a mess.
@Albert Marsh So you really don’t mind being duped, lied to? Tribalism isn’t healthy for America.
Donald Trump hasn’t been disrespected nearly enough, and neither has Steve Bannon. If they were jeered at for the rest of their lives it wouldn’t be enough disrespect.
Don Jr’s 1st wife, Don Sr’s 3rd wife 2024
@Tom Costello At the very least!
Should start with tar and top it with something a Mamma duck has. Then let the punishment begin.
@Rennrogue LOL! Now you leave my feathers alone! Get ’em from a chicken if you want to put them on a chicken!
Tucker does more harm than our enemies.
He is one of their main operatives.
@bwanna23 – He’s quite popular in Russian State Media.
Of course Fox news was asking questions! The problem is they answered their own questions!
Steve Bannon takes crazy to the next level times a billion. What a tool. 🤓
Bannon would happily incite another coup…
Donald Trump is Steve Bannon’s entire identity.
A real reporter simply reports the facts. An investigative reporter asks questions about what are the facts. A fox reporter asks questions, ignores the answers and asks the questions again to make a point.
Tucker: “Is it like this? We don’t know. Why won’t anyone say if it is or isn’t?”
Anyone else: “It isn’t like that.”
Tucker: “We still don’t know. No one will answer our questions.”
Anyone else: “We just did.”
Tucker: “What are they hiding?”
You do the same but as a dem 🤣
But you forget, poor tuck tuck doesn’t have a whole department that could find the answered for him – or ask google.
Spot on!
Perfect 🥰
Why is this man still not in prison. He was found guilty, sentenced but then the judge allowed him to delay his sentence until after his appeal is completed. Who does that?
A corrupt judge
He was convicted for 4mons & a fine for skipping the Jan 6 committee subpoena, but his sentence was postponed until his appeals are done.
The NY state money laundering charges that happened in Sept ’22, he plead not guilty. That trial is suppose to start in Nov 2023.
Similar charges as the federal ones, stealing money from donor’s. His co-conspirators pleaded guilty, all but one that ended in a mistrial. The jury couldn’t come to a unanimous decision. The co-conspirators will probably cooperate with NY protectors, so it doesn’t look good for Steve. Even the fact that they plead guilty, looks bad for him.
Nothing shows up the depravity of a group quite like an examination of it’s gods.
J DeMartini – Who does that? A judge that suddenly found a large cash “gift” in his bank, that’s who.
It is a failure of the US justice system that this criminal is not serving a long, long, long term in prison.
He was convicted for 4mons & a fine for skipping the Jan 6 committee subpoena, but his sentence was postponed until his appeals are done.
Trump pardoned him on federal charges for wire fraud & money laundering for stealing from “build the wall” fund’s His co-conspirators pleaded guilty, but one had a mistrial because the jury couldn’t come to an unanimous decision.
The NY state money laundering charges that happened in Sept ’22, he plead not guilty. For similar crimes to the federal ones, stealing from donors. That trial is suppose to start in Nov 2023.