During a private meeting last summer, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy told two police officers who defended the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, and the mother of a third who died after the riot, that former President Donald Trump had no idea his supporters were carrying out the attack, according to newly obtained audio of the conversation. #CNN #News
Hear secret audio of McCarthy’s claim about Trump call on Jan. 6

McCarthy should resign and continue cleaning Trump’s toilets as his personal Mar-a-Lardo janitor. He is not qualified to be a legislator.
I email, call, post on IG to get rid of him. as a Californian I want him expelled.
My heart breaks for this man, who stood up to TRUMPS thugs, and then republicans want to call it a tour , the American people are NOT stupid and they know it was an insurrection!!! Nothing can tell us differently, I wish they would start sending out indictments and those who are in Congress need to be held accountable for their part in it!!
@Vicky P what about Bush?
Fanone is a hero and I’m so glad he’s calling out all the bullsh*t. I hope he’s not a “lifelong Republican” anymore. They’ve shown themselves to be utter garbage.
USA spot on, Staff Sergeant! I am a vet who served during Vietnam, but was never sent there. AB forgot her oath, or had her fingers crossed behind her back when she did.
@Jason Carney Hahahahahahahaha good one
Ashlii babbit, a good start
Fanone was let down by the people he once trusted. I’d be pissed off too.
@Michell Reed No one is trying to say it’s fake. No one has ever said it’s fake. What they’ve said is fake is that this was an insurrection attempt, it was a protest with a tiny, tiny minority of rioters.
What they’re saying is that just because a group of people started rioting doesn’t mean that the event was a riot. 99.9% of people there were peaceful protestors, the 0.1% who were rioting aren’t representative of what the crowd was there to do that day.
Everyone who didn’t peacefully protest went explicitly against what Trump said, which was to “march peacefully to the Capitol and make your voices heard”. The rioters were clearly not Trump supporters if they’d do the complete opposite of what he said.
When tens of thousands of people are peacefully protesting, and a couple hundred start rioting, is it a riot, or is it a protest where some bad actors started rioting during the commotion?
@Jag E it was an insurrection, not a peaceful protest.
We American agree Kevin McCarthy should resign immediately from congress he is a disgrace to our American constitution and our democracy
@Bertran Usher hahaha i never knew you can go and see someone’s vote and know who they are voting for; people say it with their mouth and then do otherwise so is better you speak for yourself. I know a politician whose wife didn’t vote for him

@Pam Jones I’m sure an intellectual like yourself believe you have it all figured out, until you realize you don’t, to late.
@Bertran Usher – Well then you’re NOT an American
@Greg Giles – Right! That’s exactly what I said
@john plemons Ha haha You NEVER listened to “leftist news” anyway. So what’s the difference?

Fanone is a man of integrity.
@S best assessment yet of Michael!
@bmon40 Fought for his life. Because of all the people that died? How many was that again.
There are literally photographs of the entire Drumph family watching the TV during the siege!! What the heck does McCarthy mean “he didn’t know”?!?
@Chris Coughlin Hehe….I know the Platters were the original singers of that song, but Freddy Mercury also belted it out.
@Tone Titan ‘Lying’ is still a perfectly serviceable word – no matter how much our Fourth Estate still cowers at the suggestion of its use at this calamitously late hour.
Yep he was watching like a 5-year-old kid with a big old lollipop in his tiny little mouth with his son’s girlfriend she was dancing
@Poppy Dillings And you believe him right?
I can only hope that enough truth has gotten to voters so that we can fix this crap that we are currently in.
@Darrel Crandall
@Darrel Crandall vote BLUE
@Darrel Crandall Don’t you know trolling is bad for your soul, Darrel?
Thank you so much for your service, done at great risk to yourself and your colleagues. It’s disgusting and disappointing that those Republican lawmakers would deny your Valor and sacrifice and refuse to award you all with the recognition and medal that is well deserved.
@theBigZ you’re worse then the trumpers.
I wonder if any of these (former) police buddies of his that are being a-holes to him were there on J6 and if they were also fighting off Trump’s mob? I wish she’d asked him that.
I agree and thank you! Truth is hard for Americans. It is always shocking when you hear people putting all your efforts, whatever they are, into a “box” you would never think of opening! It is painful as heck and I have been accused of everything that I stand against in my own life. Sometimes, our faith and hope gets chewed up in the process, please continue to be dedicated and don’t lose heart. Lies always pull people apart. Truth can re-engage us into fruitful humans!
Correction. Truth is hard for republicans.
@Mack Jr Bell Right, they still don’t believe men can get pregnant!!!
So much respect for Michael Fanone.
Fanone deserves no respect.
@David Eby
How would you know?
@David Eby no, he deserves complete respect.
@Guitar and More way before that , he has been on the radar ever since his kid said we don’t need banks we get all our money from Russia. That was a really smart thing to say, when there were other people around .
And also in the late 70s .
He’d had to pay fines for discrimination.. Scotland was looking into where he got the money to buy a golf course.
And the drumph university scam was going on well before 2016.
Many many
This man went through hell and almost lost his life defending your capitol. How could anyone accuse him of attention seeking?
@Francis Hurley He got 11 million more votes in 2020 dummy.
@L He was duped; it happens. He knows now voting for tRump was a mistake, & has admitted it – has outright announced it, even. Geez, give this brave man a break, & welcome him into the fold.
And they say the oppressed in America are always whining. McCarthy is just a small example of the hypocrisy and injustice that’s prevalent in this system. I appreciate you all’s service and efforts Mr. Fanone
The President of the United States, in McCathy’s own words, ‘didn’t know what was going on’ does he seriously expect anyone to believe him
They had a special invitation!
well Officer Fanone, not everybody doubts you. Those of us who believe our own eyes support you. Thank you for your service always, but especially on that life-altering day, Jan. 6th.
I hope this guy receives goodness tenfold of what he’s gone through and is still going through and will continue to go through for his whole life. I hope he makes two friends for every friend he’s lost. Dude I’ll be your friend and I’m the only person in my town who’s flying a pride flag.
I would be honoured to be Fanone’s friend, as well as your

How horrible! Glad he is brave enough to tell the truth. Thank you for your service to our country.

Heue https://youtu.be/HLqvhu8vj98
@olecrowey You donated to Trump, didn’t you
@N M you believe everything you hear on the news don’t you?
The people he defended, abandoned him. What a shameful act.
Not everyone, Michael. Many more people support you than do not. I’m SO glad you’ve recovered well and that you’re doing everything you’re doing. It’s of the utmost importance and, of course, it’s the right thing to do. Peace and love to you, good sir.