ChatGPT, an AI-powered chatbot that interacts with users and can provide lengthy and thorough responses to questions and prompts, is stunning users. Professor Scott Galloway from NYU Stern School of Business joins CNN's Anderson Cooper to discuss. #CNN #News
Hear professor’s prediction on the future of AI tools

Do away with homework. Learning happens in the classroom where students can get help directly from the teacher. Plus teachers know how their kids write, at least in classrooms under 30. It’s too bad they don’t use it to be a real search engine because Google doesn’t give you results they give you ads.
learning is impossible without self-study, especially for STEM subjects. Ideally, the teacher would assign problems for students to work on and be there for answering questions whenever needed, but that is practically impossible.
That would be incredibly expensive. It’s already been suggested but doing all the learning inside the classroom will lead to a complete collapse of academia.
It is just a tool. Teachers will not be replaced, they have numerous ways to actively assess a student for demonstration of knowledge. Simply use classrooms for any formative or summative assessment. Universities are overdue for assessment accountability. It is an innovation tool use it for progress not fear it.
@Lori Diamond
You know nothing about ai. You’re in for a ruuuuude awakening.
You are missing the point. It is not the teachers who’ll loose their jobs, it is the hhildren who won’t learn or cheat to get higher grades. That is in the long run a societal problem.
if kids even can use a.i. for every answer it means kids are essentially dumber and worth less than the a.i. in terms of work and society. that signals the endpoint of education and workforce system. well we can still have schools to better understand which are pushing agendas and fake information
@Glastiger tests are still tests.
Interesting. But just to make a point, any decent writer can do the same thing, but better and more accurately.
You can prompt the model over and over until you get something useful. It can also continue writing as long as you want it to.
To evade spam filters, you might want to have many different texts which convey the same message. That is easy to when the computer produces the text.
but can they do it instantly
All the people that will continue to loose their jobs because of robots and chat box. And this was not written by me either.
Teachers should be able to ask it if it had written the following text, and it should come back with, “yeah I did that for Johnny yesterday”
Depends if the Teacher is a Teslabot running ChatGPT …
I put in a few opening lines of a scientific paper on biodiversity into one of those tools, and it ended up writing an abstract of what COULD have been writen in this paper. It pretty much provided a study system, a population, claimed that we collected genetic data of 113 individuals, and claimed we found statistically significant SPECIFIC results.
It was really strange to read. It just made up a study that sounded valid.
So, when the guest here says it can be used to come up with credible sounding propaganda and fake studies… you better believe it!
ChatGPT3 can Produce some Remarkable Results, but it is a machine … I asked to Describe how a Aircraft Wing Works, Gave a Good Well Rounded Answer, Concerning Lift & Drag etc, So I asked it, to help design a Car Body that generated enough Lift to Fly, like a Glider, it long-windedly told me I was Nuts & Why, citing Scientific Principals that would wreck havoc on my Dream, but after Nit-Picking for a while, I gave up, and then I asked it to complete a 2 line rhyme, and it crashed .. A.I Doesn’t need to Understand Quantum Physics & Mozart, it just has to do the Dishes & Vacuuming ..
What he says about the incentives being more influential is dead on. Private prisons have incentivized lower society crime. Too big to fail bailouts and small fines have incentivized corporate malfeasance. Lack of regulation on corporate residential house purchases has incentivized housing shortages. As a society we’ve incentivized lack of accountability overall. We are not a moral society. AI will learn from us and take immorality to a whole new level of destruction.
Spot fucking on. Yours is the single best comment on this subject I’ve ever read. Bravo.
I love what you say here Karl. It really is about the greedy incentive motivations, and a lack of oversight to protect the vulnerable to those who would exploit them for their own gain. We don’t live in a moral society because our leadership (corporate, political, organizational) incentivizes personal gain over greater good.
Back in the 2000’s they did a survey which revealed that approx. 50% of university graduates cheated in one form or another, rising up to 80% for business graduates. Considering the new technologies now in play, “University Graduates” are now just people who were born rich.
The end of anything genuine
Or the beginning of anything genuine being truly a treasure.
Student: chatgpt, write an essay for me. Teacher: chatgpt, grade this essay for me.
Imagine Anderson doing his gig with chatGPT generated scripts and eventually replacing himself with a talking AI bot replica of himself – check Synthesia Studio.
You can tell that guy is a damn good professor
Retraining and reallocation to new jobs is important. The corporations who advance technologically have a responsibility to reposition employees to new modes of work. It will be very interesting to see how we adapt & integrate.
lol, professor feels threatened. This interview will be gold to watch let’s say 10 years from now or whatever.
I’ve observed that individuals who have completed PhDs and MBAs may have concerns about the potential for their expertise to be replaced by technology such as ChatGPT. Similarly, there may be concerns about the impact of technology on the medical field and the potential for doctors’ work to be taken over by advanced systems like ChatGPT 4.
Time for professors to bring back pen and paper
Back in the day someone wrote an article on how his mall does more business in one day then the internet.
The mall is gone now.
It looks like, almost a century after Walter Benjamin’s «The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction», the same kind of moment has arrived for the writing arts.
Until now, I used to think that the mechanical reproduction of writing was already on the table since the popularisation of Gutenberg’s system, so there was no danger of suffering the same convulsions that visual arts experienced during the XX century, but it seems to me like this new technology creates a new paradigm, a new frame inside and around which we must think anew where does the art in writing reside.
What do you think?
*THIS Is How You Balance Your Emotions*
We can balance our emotions with the help of the environment.
What I mean by “environment” is our society and its influences, that we can surround ourselves with such influences that will guide us on how to direct the emotions that awaken in us.
For instance, we know the example of peer pressure, when our friends tell us to do or not to do something, and their influence makes us follow their recommendations. Using this force of our surrounding environment, we can choose our environment—the kinds of people, media and values we surround ourselves with—and accordingly change our attitude toward certain emotions.
We can then build our intellect with our social influences. Our desires constantly grow, and we correspondingly need to build a greater and greater intellect with which we can deal with our growing desires.
Adjusting our environmental influences in order to build the intellect so that we can best deal with our growing desires is the essence of education. It is what we need to teach the younger generation, that we can balance our emotions with our intellects, and by doing so, come to see our perfect state in life.
We should thus try to find an environment that would be able to supplement our constantly-surfacing emotions in a certain direction. Our environment should act as a damper, helping us mediate our inner excitements and eruptions, bringing them to a state where we would be able to realize them—but to realize them in ways that benefit both ourselves and others.
In other words, we need to examine ourselves in relation to our environment, whether the environment accepts what we want to do. If we find that our desires match those of the environment, then we can continue realizing our desires. We can then determine that we can carry out what we want to do, that it will benefit both us and those around us, and that everything will turn out just fine if we go ahead and realize our desires.
This is how we can balance our emotions—by learning how to balance between our intellect and our emotions via our surrounding environment.
AI can write like a pro. But hard as hell to get it to say what you need it to.